Out-Of-Character Forums > O.O.C. Pub > General Discussions > Wish Upon a Star [Synth & Alchemy Lottery][Updated 10.05.17]

Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
The divine forces that align the stars have heard your call. Your wish has been noted.

1. Shiloh Kyrie ~ 2 Icicles
2. MENMAN ~ 5 Iron Ore
3. Fireheart ~ 5 Leather


Character Info
Name: Mirannda Sinopa
Age: 33
Alignment: CN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Retired Mercenary
Silver: 174
Repeat wish for 5 Silk please.

Death is only the beginning.

Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
The divine forces that align the stars have heard your call. Your wish has been noted. 

1. Shiloh Kyrie ~ 2 Icicles
2. MENMAN ~ 5 Iron Ore
3. Fireheart~ 5 Leather
4. Nix~ 5 Bolts of Silk


Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
Double Roll this Week!

Rolling Rolling Rolling!!

1d4====> 4!
1d4====> 2!

Congrats to Nix and MENMAN! Your items are on the way!


Character Info
Name: Mirannda Sinopa
Age: 33
Alignment: CN
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Retired Mercenary
Silver: 174
YAY! Ty.

First wish of the Week: 5 more silk pretty please <3 I'm saving up for stuffs.

Death is only the beginning.

Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
Well, I'll throw in a wish for my Fireheart account. 5 Leather for my wish.

The divine forces that align the stars have heard your call. Your wish has been noted.

1. Nix ~ 5 Silk
2. Fireheart ~ 5 Leather


Character Info
Alignment: TN
Gender: Male
Silver: 111
MENMAN is low on Timber! He needs to fix this wood deficiency!

Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
The divine forces that align the stars have heard your call. Your wish has been noted.

1. Nix ~ 5 Silk
2. Fireheart ~ 5 Leather
3. MENMAN ~ 5 Timber


Character Info
Name: Adraejen "Drae" Porthyrius
Age: 32- Immortal
Alignment: CN
Race: Half Elf Were Bear
Gender: Male
Class: Blade Pact Warlock of the Fiend
Silver: 49802
As you turn to go to sleep, the sound of sleigh bells catch your ears. You sit bolt upright as in a shower of shooting stars a familiar sleigh pulled by eight flying reindeer, laden down by a massive bag flies over head. As it passes, packages attached to parachutes float down and land gently at your feet!

All Wishes have been granted. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
2 sarut de noapte please! Alchemy ingredients are always in short supply.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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