Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Koschei Isle > Kurayo > Return [p][r]

Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
As he had already surmised, Lixue had no intention of letting his fellow vampire leave this confrontation alive, claiming that one had to dispatch their enemies lest they do the same to you, a sentiment that many would have shared with the undead, but her present company was an exception. Even if Fenriz could bring himself to view the frozen vampire in front of him as an enemy, he would never convince himself that he deserved what was about to happen to him. The boy wanted to protest, he wanted to plead a case for Lennix, but he knew that it was likely a lost cause. A part of him even wanted to conjure what little power he did possess and try and stop her by force, but history had already shown how that would go. Powerless to change the circumstances, he simply mouthed a silent apology to Lennix,

As instructed, Fenriz kept his eyes on Lennix as he met his demise, though not without flinching. Only moments ago, there were four vampires in this very room, but he was the now he was the sole one standing. It was an uncomfortably familiar feeling. Between the other vampires meeting their ends at the hands of one who was only here because of his actions, and Lennix insisting that his journey to find his parents was doomed from the beginning, it had given Fenriz far too many thoughts and emotions than his young sensibilities could ever hope to be ready for. But it was Lixue's callous transition into his next move that really seemed to be his breaking point.

"Why do you care?" Fenriz kept his eyes on the pile of ash that was Lennix as he spoke, addressing Lixue in a low, barely audible tone. Even now the shadows seemed antsy, once more coming back to life in a sort of anxious sway. "You believe him, don't you? When he said my parents are dead? You think he's telling the truth, don't you?"

As he spoke, Fenriz's voice grew louder, and the surrounding shadows became that much more agitated as the vampire slowly failed to keep his emotions in check. He turned to face Lixue, eyes filled with a frustration and anger that few ever got to see "I bet you don't just believe him, you're hoping for it! Two less terrible vampires in the world! Or maybe you're hoping he is lying so you can be the one to take them out yourself, huh? You've already taken out three. I bet two more would just make you so happy. It'd make your stupid clan so proud of you. Even if you're stronger than me though, you're absolutely nothing compared to them"

By now the shadows were growing increasingly restless, tearing themselves from the objects that cast them. The shadows formed into large tendrils, swinging themselves around the room, throwing Lennix's belongings every which way. One crashed through his long dining room table, breaking it in half before the other shadows shredded the remains and tossed them in various directions as well. Despite their unbridled destruction of the room, the shadows seemed to deliberately miss the two remaining undead, though whether this was their attempt to protect Fenriz, or the boy exercising his final bit of control over his abilities, it was hard to say. Fenriz seemed entirely obvious to the carnage around him, attention still locked on his friend.

"I wish you never gave me that dumb talisman. I wish I had never brought you here. I wish we never met!" he took an aggressive stomp forward toward Lixue as the shadows continued to thrash the room around them. "Mister Lennix was your enemy, not mine. And he was only your enemy because of what he was. He probably thought you were the dangerous one, and that's why he did what he did. He didn't want me to see what he was about to do to someone i thought was my friend. But I don't remember him ever trying to kill me. I don't remember him calling me useless when I offered to help him. I don't remember him doing any of that, unlike you. All he tried to do was help me find my parents. And once they were gone all he wanted to do was… was…"

Abruptly, his tantrum seemed to come to an end, and so did the shadows', returning slowly to their static positions, or what was left of their previous homes remained standing. Fenriz himself fell into a squatting position, gripping his head with both hands. It was only now that he realized that for the first time, vampire and boy were in alignment, in complete sync and agreement in their hatred for the one before them. And the only thing that had snapped him back to reality was his own subconscious admission that his parents had permanently passed away. For as different as they were, this did seem to be the one thing both Lennix and Lixue seemed in agreement on. And it was hard to deny how much it made sense. While he still wanted confirmation, while he didn't deny the possibility that Lennix was misinformed, he had to come to terms with the idea that this journey might not end the way he wanted to. This possibility had brought forth a lot of negative emotions, emotions that he had absolutely redirected at the wrong target.

"I'm sorry. I"m sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he repeated. He squeezed his eyes shut in a desperate attempt to prevent to prevent tears from escaping them, though this immediately ended in failure "W-what if they're really dead? What will I do? Where can I even go…? Maybe I should've taken Mister Lennix's offer…"

When the panic had subsided, Fenriz stood up and looked Lixue in the eyes again, this time almost drained entirely of their usual glow. The was no attempted smile on his part this time. "Whether or not my parents are alive, I have to know for sure. And if they are really….. dead, then I want to know how. And it sounds like this Aleister guy is the one who would know. Lennix said he wanted to invite me to his family, you said he wants me dead. Either way, it sounds like he wants to meet with me. I'm going to give him what he wants. I just have to find a way to get in contact with him first…"

He turned his attention toward the doorway Lennix tried to escape through, once more being reminded of the strong scent of blood coming from that direction "I'm not sure what Mister Lennix did for the clan, but he made it clear that I was not allowed to go passed this door. He said it was important to his work. If I'm going to pretend to be him, I have to find out what he did first. Or maybe he had a way of contacting Alesiter directly, or knows someone else who would. Either way, I think I have to through here. I… can smell a lot of blood this way. I'm not really sure why but if you… if you do want to stick around I figured I'd warn you"

"You and Aleister both should know, I don't plan on being the leader of the Hallowthornes. If my parents are still alive, I'll leave that to them. If not then…" Fenriz trailed off, not entirely sure what he would do in the alternative "I want to convince him of that, and if he still wants me to die then I guess that'll really be the end of the Hallowthornes"
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
With Lennix's last moments behind them, her companion had reached his limit. "I don't, but you do"? Responding flatly as the Undead were not in a time or place for compassion. However, flat honestly would not be enough to quell Fenriz's rage and sorrow though not unexpected by Lixue as she knew that he would be unable to hold his emotions back. Once again the shadows would grow agitated as the Young Vampire began his rant. "Since you were unconscious, you did not see him drop his mask. Though if you're asking whether I believe him or not, then the answer would be yes as he has no reason to lie to me when he had what he wanted". Knowing that her companion would not accept her response she prepared to weather the storm.

As the storm began to lash out the Priestess kept her calm as she knew that Fenriz's words came out of anger. Her empty grey eyes met with the Vampire's scarlet eyes as accusation after accusation was forced upon her from a child who knew nothing about her or her goals and aspirations. While it was still up in the air whether or not Fenriz's parents shared his outlook on life, two fewer vampires are more than likely a good thing. However, the Boy'd comment on her clan got a cold smoulder of a glance as the Undead cared nothing for what her parents thought as her parents shared none of the kindness that they bestowed onto him.

Standing off with the Vampire as his shadows begun to destroy the surrounding area similar to a beast showing up a test of strength to deter an attack. Splitting her attention between Fenriz and Lennix's remain as to make sure the clothing remains untouched by the tendrils. Fenriz continued his tirade growing bolder by the moment despite being fully aware that he posed little to no threat to the Undead before him. Perhaps it would seem impressive to others, but to Lixue she only saw waste and a lack of discipline as the Young Vampire would yet again require more blood after his outburst. With Fenriz's stumble in between his ranting, she took it as an opportunity to bring some sense into the Child's ravings. " All he wanted to do was forcibly take you even though you wanted to think of his offer. Is that what friends do ignoring a friend's wish? When you were unconscious your friend spoke of how the Blacklock viewed you and your family. While they were not directly responsible for killing your parents they do benefit from it. Lennix saw you as no threat, but Aleister and in turn the Blacklocks see you as a future threat that needs to be removed".

Lixue's words seemed to have reached the Boy as his anger lessened. As Fenriz squatted and panicked over his words and actions the Priestess merely waited as softening her hand now would ruin everything she had done before to temper Fenriz's will for what he will have to face if he chooses to seek the truth. As much as it pained her to see her friend in such a state she needed to stay the course as she knew that his heart was strong. His fear of the unknown and lack of self hit Lixue hard as she had the very same thoughts when she was younger. If she did not complete her mission or if she let the monster go what would her parents do? How would she live without her home and family? "No, while Lennix may have wanted to keep you alive to better his standing within his family by using you, Aleister wishes death upon you and a low ranking member's words would do nothing to sway his own beliefs".

Regaining control over himself did nothing to lessen Fenriz's stubborn belief that the Blacklocks and Aleister would speak to him instead of simply killing him and ending any threat that the boy may pose to him. Holding up the silver dagger, "This is the only thing Aleister would want to meet you with not everyone can be convinced by words". Dropping the knife as she picked up Lennix's clothing while beginning to search through it, "You have all you need most likely to contact Aleister here as Lennix's job was to gather information, no doubt he has a way to contact Aleister here somewhere".

Continuing to rummage through Lennix's belonging Fenriz pointed out a strong scent of blood coming from the area Lennix left to, to get the refreshments. Fortunately or unfortunately for Lixue her sense of smell and taste has left her, but Fenriz would be more than equipped to tell what was blood and what was not. As Fenriz still looped his wish to speak with Aleister at the cost of his life if need be, Lixue moved over to the door and blasted the door off of its hinges to reveal the contents to Fenriz.

"The reason you are not supposed to see this is because it would be harder to convince you that he was trustworthy". Stepping away from the doorframe and moving to another part of the home to look for more information would reveal the remains of two people. One was a young man hung upside down with his throat cut with a bucket underneath to collect the blood. The other looked to be a woman or what looked to be a woman as the body was butchered into pieces with the limbs bruised as if they had been rung for every last drop of blood. The room itself was permeated with the stench of blood as it was clear that many a life had ended within it, butchered like cattle.

Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
With the door removed from its hinges, Fenriz received an abrupt look behind the veil of not just Lennix, but the Blacklock clan, and Kurayo as a whole. The ghastly scene that lay before him immediately brought on painful flashbacks of the family that had been butchered by his own hands, mangled and robbed of every last drip of blood they had to offer. No matter how hard he tried to convince his head to do so, he couldn't seem to bring himself to look away, taking in the carnage with mouth agape.

"Mister Lennix always told me that he got his blood from willing sources, like me" Fenriz mumbled, defeated. Though he certainly didn't expect for this to be an easy trip, if ever any visit to Kurayo could be classified as easy, the emotional toll that this night had already taken upon him was more than the vampire could have ever possibly prepped for. Even more extinguishing was the knowledge that this was likely only the beginning of what his stay here had in store for him. At this point he was beginning to question just how much more he was going to be able to handle, and whether or not he should simply leave Kurayo now. But he could already sense the disappointment his father, whether he was still alive or not, in his son for even having such an idea.

With the door no longer there to provide barrier the stench of the room was nearly overwhelming to Fenriz's sensitive nose. Naturally instinct was telling him to flee, but Fen couldn't shake the feeling that some sort of clue as to his next move lied among the slaughter. Clenching his nose with his fist, he crossed the threshold into the late Lennix's forbidden room, which seemed impossibly bigger once inside, though whether this was the boy's mind merely playing tricks on him it was hard to say. Littered haphazardly about the room were rusted tools and blades, and a few more butchered bodies of various shapes and sizes, ages and genders. One in particularly was unmistakably fresh, no doubt the source of his beverage earlier. Adding the visual taxation of his senses onto the olfactory experience made the boy feel dizzy and nauseous, but somewhere deep in the back of his mind that inner vampire was coming alive with glee.

What exactly would happen to him if he continued to occupy this room wasn't exactly clear. All Fenriz did know is he didn't want to find out. He needed to find what he came in here for with haste, the difficulty lied in not knowing exactly what that was. So his eyes hurriedly scanned the room for anything that might be out of place in a room like this, which was anything that might be commonplace anywhere else. There was little in that regard, save for a small stack of paper and a crudely bound together book atop it. Fenriz snatched these otherwise unremarkable objects before darting from the room as quickly as he could.

With head down and nose in his palm, Fenriz brushed passed his companion as he quickly exited the room. Despite this light contact Fenriz didn't even seem to remember her existence until he had made as much distance from the stench as his nose could handle. Only once his head stopped spinning did he turn around to face the undead.

"Did… you find anything?" Fenriz asked Lixue, fidgeting with the book in his hands.  It was still… awkward speaking to her after his outburst. This unease was not helped by his return to the dining room where he only now realized the full extent of destruction that he had inadvertently caused. "I uh… found this. It was the only normal thing in there besides…"

Fenriz trailed off, figuring what he found otherwise was pretty obvious. Not to mention she had obliterated the door, so if morbid curiosity did get to her she was more than welcome to peek in herself. Fenriz knew that when all of this was said and done, he owed his friend both his gratitude and a massive apology. He just… didn't have it in him to offer either at the moment.

Given the state of the chairs in the dining room, Fenriz was left with no choice but the floor as a seating option. Once Lixue had answered his question he brushed away some of the debris before taking a seat in the clearing. Starting at the beginning of what seemed to be the late vampire's journal, Fenriz's skimmed through the the thoughts he had put to written word. The biggest challenge proved to be his own reading abilities. While they were capable for his age, there were several words and phrases jotted down that Fenriz couldn't quite understand. But despite his limitations, he was capable of extracting some information. Most of it wasn't relevant to his current situation, but he did note that several of what he could only guess were other members of the Blacklock clan were mentioned, and almost none of them positively, Aleister included. Also mentioned periodically was himself, and his parents. He was of course curious as to what Lennix had to say, but for now, he needed to focus.

"Lixue, look at this" Fenriz called out once he had reached the final page of the book. Fenriz would do his best to read aloud what Lennix had written, though naturally this wasn't without difficulty "Sinora's c-crusade way… waylaid our plans considerably, and Aleister, the i-imbecile seems to blame me for it. He's going to send his little lapdog here tomorrow, and I'm going to come up with yet another plan of attack. As always I'm going to do all of the work, with not even half the r-recognition  He can't even be bothered to come see me himself despite the fact that I know he doesn't have anything better to do. All the same, I will d-d-diligently play my part and in time Aleister will come to recognize how little he would amount to without me. Draven has proven that luck is an incredibly powerful tool, however I shall show that cunning is an even stronger one"

Glancing up from the book, Fenriz looked at his companion, trying to gauge her thoughts "I think… I remember Draven. Or at least a guy named Draven. Mom and dad didn't really let me meet most of the people they talked to, but sometimes I would try to sneak into their meetings. Dad always got really upset though when I did. He would shout at me for a really long time, but mom would-"

Fenriz caught himself, realizing that if he continued any further, he'd wind up going on another tangent about his home life. Though he would certainly welcome the nostalgic conversation right now, she probably didn't feel the same

"When do you think Mister Lennix wrote this anyway?" Something about speaking of the elder vampire and his exploits while he was still alive while possessing the knowledge that he wasn't put a strange, uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Fen's stomach. Just another one of the unpleasant sensation to add to the list "If I read this right Draven is pretty close to Aleister. Maybe we should wait for him? Or we can try and find him? If it is the guy I'm remembering he's pretty scary though. Not at all like Mister Lennix…"
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
With Fenriz dealing with not only the truth about Kuryao but the world, Lixue had left to explore the manor to find information on not only the Blacklocks but the other clans within Kurayo. While Lennix did not keep any information on his person he did keep two interesting items on hand. One was a signet ring with a bloodied jester's mask moulding into the ring's base. The other was a double sided coin with a dancing harpy on each side though one of the sides the harpy was unclothed. Although these hold no value currently it is plain to see that these items are for exclusive memberships to inner circles, however to what is the question.

Delving further into the manor seemed to bear no fruit till the Priestess came upon what she assumed to be Lennix's study. Making no attempts at subtlety now that the owner was no longer among the Undead, Lixue tore through the room ripping out the drawers of the desk and scanning through all of the books only to carelessly toss them aside. If Fenriz called out to her it would be doubtful that she would be able to hear over the destruction of the once tidy room. A large thud echoed through the entire manor as if to signify the climatic end of Lixue's thero search leaving the study in utter disrepair as the desk had been flipped over while angled on the piles of books that she had strewn about the floor. Perhaps she may have been too zealous in her search for information, but her actions did produce results as she had collected quite a treasure trove of documents on practically everything that went on in Kurayo. However, most of the information was surface level with only two markets within Kuryao explained in more depth as Lennix had closer ties with two of the major factions within Kurayo as his clan was merely a cog in the wheel of Clan Zephyr and more notably Onesimos Zephyr.

As I expected the Blacklocks were only a minor bit player among many others under this Onesimos Zephyr. Though it seems everything and everything is Onesimos' business as he takes the saying knowledge is power to the extreme. Though while brokering information seems to be the main focus, the Zephyr clan does appear to have claws as they have assassins or how Lennix likes to put it "the cleanup crew".

Though it seems like Lennix was tasked with infiltrating the Bloodsong's trafficking business under the Red Baroness Geneviève Du Toit. Even without the information it is fairly obvious what her business is. Blood and bodies are her trade, and it seems like her best customers our those among Saajid el-Mansoor and Petrus Sanguinius: Sanguinius and his ilk seem to be chief among Kurayo in all things magical no doubt the slaves are used as test subject or assistance. el-Mansoor, on the other hand, seems to run the entertainment side of the city through it seems to be mostly prostitution and all forms of death games and torture.

As far as information on the other big names it seems that there is a Werewolf presence among the council with Mikhail Silverfang at its head, though it does not seem like him and his clan are taken seriously as for the most part they act as muscle and a sort of law among the neutral parts of Kurayo. Other than that not really much else though it's clear to see Lennix's biased when speaking of the "mongrels". Though perhaps they could be a useful ally as no doubt they would like to see the other clans taken down a peg.

Surprisingly the Werewolves are not the most disliked as both Dragos Voinea the founder and what would be the closest to royalty among Kurayo hold almost as much ire as Nico Lipari whose clans seem to be just a mishmash of all kinds of undead and dark beings, unlike Voinea's family which is tiny compared to all the others. While the Voinea are disliked because of how they act better than the rest, Lipari certainly earns his hatred as his clans are large and are constantly trying to take over the other clan's operations or setting up their own more affordable alternatives. Putting Nico on the council seemed to be entirely done to hold him and his clan in check while appeasing the masses to show that all creatures of the dark can rise to any station.

Lastly are the Drow representatives, two siblings, in fact, Thalra Abbylan & Ildan Abbylan. Thalra heads diplomacy and the markets between Kurayo and the rest of the world while also appeasing the other kingdoms just enough to not outright ally against them. Iidan's role is to gain rare supplies from the Underhide of the world. Together they're not the largest or the strongest, but their real power is their wealth and sheer necessity to Kurayo making them impossible to go up against even if the others dislike the tariffs.

Returning back to where she assumed Fenriz would still be, the Vampire brushed past her as she made her way towards the pantry. Unsure as to whether or not Fenriz's reaction was out of anger or the effect that the room had on him, but he quickly turned around and timidly asked if her search had discovered anything. "Yes". Turning around the Undead would look down at the Fenriz as she clutched her collection of books and papers against her chest. "Though it seems you have found something as well besides the obvious contents". Continuing to be blunt with the boy as his timid natural would have to go as they were both dealing with something far beyond their capabilities.

Lixue stood in silence as Fenriz seated himself and read through what seemed to be Lennix's journal which seemed to be as equally positive about his follow clanmates as he was with the other clans. Most of the journal seemed to be filled with the late vampire's complaints, but she learned over Fenriz's shoulder as he asked her to look at the next pages. Looking over the pages greatly interested the Priestess as the next step on the ladder would come right to them saving them the time and effort.

Meeting Fenriz's eyes as he spoke about Draven and how he knew of him from the times he met with his parents link the Hallowthornes and the Blacklocks together which in turn meant that they would link up in all manner of underhanded activities by how they scolded Fenriz for eavesdropping. However, this was not the time and the place to bring it up as she had no proof that his parents did anything wrong, but she doubted that Fenriz's parents were the people he thought they were just like Lennix.

"I'm not sure, but it seems to be the most recent post. Though I found these papers among the others that seem to be torn from a journal mentioning an artifact and plans to acquire it". Handing off the papers to Fenriz her eyes narrowed as he asked about how to deal with Draven. "If he is Aleister's right hand it would make sense that he is more dangerous, but we have the upper hand as he is coming to us for the information we have. Either we can try and negotiate upfront or trap him with the very information he has come to acquire is up for debate. However, I would personally ambush him and remove Aleister's right hand while going to Onesimos Zephyr with the information on the artifact and Aleister's plans to acquire it as it seemed to be a personal matter not an overall benefit to Onesimos. While I do not know what the artifact does I assume that it is Aleister's attempt to get a leg up on his boss". While she hated to have to work with vampires like Onesimos it would be the smart choice instead of continuing hostilities against one of his clans without his approval. If they could gain Onesimos approval and work with him Fenriz and herself would not have to deal with a slighted ancient vampire with an information network that most likely spans the entire world.

Character Info
Name: Fenriz Tel'vanya Hallowthorne
Age: 10
Alignment: TG
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fledgling Necromancer
Silver: 3429
It seemed that both of their searches had yielded results, though Fenriz could only assume that her search had been significantly less traumatic, given her still unshaken demeanor. Doing his best to push the lingering mental image of what he found in that other room aside, he skimmed through the documents that she had passed on to him, while taking in her suggestions as to their next move.

"Remove… You mean we should kill him, don't you?" Setting the diary and papers down for a moment, the expression on the boy's face told the entire story. To say it wasn't his favorite suggestion was an understatement. He hadn't been in Kurayo long, but his time spent here had already been filled with more death than he was possibly prepared for. So desperately did he want to counter with a plan of his own, one that didn't involve snuffing out any more life, friend or foe, human or vampire. But he simply didn't have a better idea as to what they should do next. He didn't even have anything that might be classified as a worse idea.

Rising to his feet, the vampire locked eyes with his companion. He tried his best to look steeled and determined, but there was still a palpable hesitation in his expression. "Let's… let's do it. If you think it will work, then maybe we should set a trap for him"

A part of him would continue to hold on to some hope that Draven could be dealt with peacefully, but it was a small hope. After all Fenriz had considered Lennix a friend up until only moments previously, and even he had to be dealt with violently. If Draven was in fact the same vampire he remembered from before, it seemed incredibly unlikely that they would be able to reason with him.

Realizing that he would likely talk himself out of it if he chose to dwell on it for too long, he decided to focus on the less immediately morbid aspects. There was the immediate issue of waiting for Draven to show, and the less pressing issue of contacting these Zephyr themselves. Fenriz turned his attention back to the documents he held in his hands, namely the assortment of papers Lixue had recovered. Woven within the notes was a fair amount of information, a great deal of which went well over the young boy's head. Mentioned were several different factions, most of which the author held in the same regard as the people mentioned in the journal, though aside from the tone of contempt Fenriz took away little from what was written. Though what was clear to even him, was the fact that there were far larger elements at play than he could have expected. As far as he was concerned, however, the only important entity was Aleister. The fewer channels he had to go through to get to him, the better.

Stuffing the loose papers that Lixue had recovered into the journal, the boy tucked the book under his arm before turning his attention back to the entryway to the house. It stood to reason that whenever Draven arrived, it would be through the same way they had. Though he certainly wasn't experienced in the art of ambush, it seemed like a good place to start. Without a word, he made his way over to the doorway that led back to the front door, stopping just shy of crossing through it. The room looking no different than when they first entered minus the two vampires that used to guard the entrance. This modification to the room's aesthetic seemed to trigger a realization in the young vampire.

"Lixue… thanks" he said quietly While he still hadn't quite grasped the gravity of the situation they were in, it would seem that Lixue knew they were likely in over their heads from the moment they arrived. Though he still wished that Lennix hadn't had to meet the fate that he had, though a part of him still couldn't bring himself to view Lennix as an enemy, Fenriz was convinced that the alternative likely would have been far worse for him. Placing a hand on his cheek, he finished "When it comes to Draven, I promise I won't make the same mistake. I'm going to do what I can to be ready now"

It was a fairly hefty promise, but like all of the ones they shared, it was one Fenriz intended to keep. Slipping through the threshold back into the primary entryway, the young vampire surveyed the wide room, attempting to see past the departed Lennix's opulent belongings, and more paying attention to the layout, noting the two windows that led back outside to the city at large, as well as the several other doors that led to areas of the home he had yet to explore. Time permitting, Fenriz was curious as to what else was hiding among his fellow vampire's belongings, though a brief flashback to where Fenriz discovered the journal reminded him that Lennix may hold more secrets that he wished to keep that way. Either way, that was a task for once this one was completed.

Focusing most of his efforts on the door, Fenriz commanded most of the shadows he could find to relocate to either side of it. Though they didn't amount to much now, this would provide him with a source in which to utilize his abilities in a more immediate fashion. He also positioned much smaller sources at the base of the windows, in the unlikely event that Draven decided an unusual method of entry. The child's earlier outburst had left him feeling somewhat drained, but he shook the feeling off for now.

With little more that he felt he could do now, he turned to Lixue "Do you think that there's anything else we can do to prepare? I've… never really set a trap for someone before"

As the minutes passed, Fenriz found himself more and more on edge, and found himself questioning the validity of the plan. Given they still had no way of telling when Lennix had even written what would be his final entry in his journal, it was impossible to even tell when he was expecting his clan mate to show. In an attempt to take his mind off of this impending confrontation, he decided to peel back the pages of the journal once more, this time paying closer attention to the passages in which his family were mentioned. The tone surrounding the Hallowthorne's seemed rather mixed. The journal seemed to hint at several instances in which Lennix worked at their side, though Lennix seemed to hold a particular disdain for his Fenriz's father. His mother wasn't mentioned often, but when she was it was in a much more positive fashion than not just his father, but most of the people he had written about. Fenriz himself didn't receive too many mentions, though when he was it was mostly indifferent in its tone, though he did express a great deal of annoyance at the way their previous encounter ended. But the detail that caught Fenriz's attention the most was one that came after the apparent downfall of his clan. Though vague on the details, Lennix seemed to hint at another child, one that was in the company of his parents, but wasn't theirs.

"Mom and dad never mentioned a brother…" he mumbled to himself. Hoping to draw on her expertise, Fenriz turned to get Lixue's opinion on the matter, but he was interrupted by a very forceful knock on the door.

"Lennix tell your idiot servants to open the damn door before I open it for the lot of you" a voice protested impatiently as the knocking continued. "We both know that Aleister is not a patient guy, and neither am I for that matter"
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
"Yes, that is what I meant". Pausing momentarily as it was plain to see that her plan was not received well by Fenriz's expression. "I understand that you do not approve of killing, but you have to remember that Aleister and by proxy the Blacklock want you dead. Reading through the papers and what Lennix hid from you should be enough evidence to show that Kurayo is not a place for life or morals grand stances''. While neither of the two were prepared to take on Kurayo it was clear that Fenriz's kind nature had no place in a place where gluttony and pleasure ruled. The Undead contemplated simply knocking her friend out and taking him away from Kurayo, but she understood how important this was for him and how he cannot run away and be tied to another's apron strings forever. He won't always have others to depend on sooner or later he will come face to face with an event he cannot run away from just like how he lost himself to hunger. While he is still just a child he needs to learn and grow into a person who has the maturity and restraint to stand by his convictions.

Slipping out of her thoughts as Fenriz stood up and locked eyes with herself. As he tried his best to prepare himself fear was prevalent across his body and words. Nodding to Fenriz she moved over to where she had left Lennix's clothes as Fenriz seemed to get lost in his own thoughts. Returning back to the Young Vampire's side just as he had tucked the notes and journal under his arm. Fenriz's preemptive appreciation gave the Priestess some pause as she realized that the boy still did not fully grasp the situation they were in nor did he realize what she had planned for him. "That's good that you are ready to do what needs to be done… Here”. Holding out Lennix's clothing Lixue quickly passed them off to Fenriz as she made her way over to gather both of the twin's clothing before she went back upstairs.

While preparing her own disguise she felt the tug of magic more specifically from Fenriz. Placing her curiosity on hold the Undead dressed and polymorphed herself into one of the Twins. Thankfully the two were the silent type so I don't have to know any of their mannerisms or replicate their voice. However, unfortunately, their boss was not so stoic.

Before returning to the main floor she gathered two sets of Lennix's clothes as she made her back towards where she had last seen Fenriz. Upon her return, she looked around to see what her Young Companion was up to. Blocking out routes of escape that will come in useful if the guise does not fool Draven. Continuing to move about the area, the Undead dropped the clothing she had gathered from upstairs onto the uncovered dust piles of Lennix and the Twin. While grinding the clothing into the dust her attention shifted to Fenriz as he commented on their preparedness. "Don't worry it's a very simple trap as more complex traps require more time and have more chances for a single piece can shatter an entire plan". Pausing to gauge Fenriz's reaction before she continued as her form may have changed, but her voice remained the same. "You will be playing the role of Lennix and I will be playing the role of one of the Twins. Considering the state of the manor we will implement the destruction into our plan by simply stating that one of Nico Lipari's misfits tried to take information on the Bloodsong's operations that Lennix aka now you were looking into"

Even with her explanation, it was clear that the Young Vampire still held apprehensions about the plan as he dove back into the journal as if to find a solution to their situation. While it did not appear as if the second reading gave Fenriz the answers that he sought a new detailed arose with the Vampire's mention of another child. As he turned to her the Undead merely looked back as she knew nothing about Fenriz's family. Closing the distance and placing a hand on his shoulder, "One step at a time, perhaps are current endeavor will lead us to more information about your Brother". Though it seemed as if the Priestess' actions were an attempt to focus and calm her Friend, but Lixue's action held another goal as suddenly Fenriz began to grow in height as the Young Vampire turned into a perfect copy of the late Lennix voice and all.

Allow for a small moment for Fenriz to collect himself as she snatched the journal out from the no doubt shooked Vampire. Keeping her focus on Fenriz as she began to fill the journal with a paralytic curse. "Yes I know I should have prepared you a little more for the change, but unfortunately we do not have the time. Now look at the book and remember that under no circumstances should you ever touch the book until I tell you that it is safe to do so". Placing the book at her side as a symbol glowed over the book before intertwining itself with the leather covering. "Now the idea is that the book will be placed on the desk in Lennix's office located on the third door on the left hand side of the stairs. Your goal is to simply play the part of Lennix and tell him that the book is on your desk, though of course, we will be running through a few simple interactions to make your disguise far more convincing".

Moving to a more open area of the dining hall the Priestess cleared her throat before she fell into the role. "Well Draven isn't this a pleasant surprise I would offer you a seat, but unfortunately my last guests lacked civility". As she continued she did her best to recreate Lennix's backhanded way of speech that his interactions with her and his writing did so well to outline.

"Looks like your guests never left".

"What can I say I'm nothing but a hospitable host". Looking over to an area as if someone was there she would snap her fingers, "Please attend to our other guest and prepare a refreshment as no doubt his travels have left him quite parched". Moving over to one of the shelves that held the few remaining trinkets that survived Fenriz's wrath. Taking one of the bobbles she would toy with it while she continued. "I suppose you'd wish for the information Aleister is comping at the bit for, but why not stay for a moment as we rarely have moments such as these and you could use some social experience".

Ending her act and turning to Fenriz hoping that he took note of her performance. "Now that I've given an example I'll play the role of Draven and you do your best to portray Lennix".

With little time to prepare she did her best to prepare Fenriz for the trap as possible until the very end as the banging and Draven's impatient comments echoed through the door.

Looking at the polymorphed Fenriz, "Now it's time to put what we practice into action, do not worry I will be by your side if anything goes wrong". With her final words of encouragement Lixue felling silent into her role as she began to sweep and cleaning the mess around the dining hall.

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