What we based Revaliir's cultures and languages on by area

**Revaliir's common language is Adeluna Trade Language, but each region has their own special culture.**


**Apoy Island** - Filipino/Polynesian

**Adeluna** – Northern European/Latinised

**Mamlak** – Swahili and other African languages

**Ancense Mountains** – Bengali

**Egjora** – Scandinavian and Germanic

**Bohar Plains** - Greek

**Harena Desert**- Middle-Eastern languages

**Mo'mey Steppes** – Belarusian

**Vilmapolan** – French and Latinised southern European languages

**Highlands** - Gaelic

**Itjivut** – Welsh for the ice elves. Humans: Icelandic

**Endapano** - Tolkien elvish

**Sularia/Arri** - Romanian/Turkish, Mash of all cultures in Revaliir as seen fit.

**Yovaesh Port** - Gaelic

**Horae Island** - Holly Black Fey, Tolkien Elves, Romanian/Turkish, and various others for each season.

**Sihajja** - Maltese

**Valley of Vada** -

**Umbral Depths** - Dark Elves, Drow fantasy lore (loosely)

**Eyota Etu** - Native American influences


**Iria**– Korean

**Ataiyo** – Japanese

**Komiteia** – Tolkien Hobbits/Gothic Architecture

**Haza Savanna**– Mongolian

**Karith** – Chinese and other SE Asian languages

**Koschei** – Russian

**Baltil** - Loosely based on Dwemer(Elder Scrolls)/Chinese Inspired Architecture/Tolkien Dwarf Architecture

**Abed** – Hindi/Sanskrit/India

**Gaharee** - Hindi/Sanskrit/India

**Jasumin Lake** - Thai/Japanese

**Feeorin Forest**- Slavic influences, Some Celtic Lore, Holly Black/Cassandra Claire Fey Inspired

**Kujishoku, The Spirit Realm** - Japanese

**Railoch** - Close ties to Japanese and Korean because of strong ties to both Iria and Ataiyo

**Varaz** - Hungarian

**Zets'Ki Cradle** - Georgian, Architecture is more Art Nouveau    

**Sidhiel** - Salvic influences + Tolkien Elves + Elder Scrolls High Elves

**Bakulaw** - Adelunian Common thanks to Alchemist Camp

**Hoja Mesto** - Multiple Asian influences

**Jayou, The River City** - Cambodia

This is more about general culture, ethnicity, and language. Obviously many words will be altered and changed from the original language basis, but the above list works as a rule of thumb.