Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Moors Peninsula > Eritea, Brimstone Incarnate > Forging the Damascus (Open, R?)

Character Info
Name: Icarus Valeon
Age: 23
Alignment: TG
Race: Resurrected Human
Gender: Male
Class: Saint of Hope
Silver: 471
Icarus paused for a moment, dwelling on how Hiro was discussing some forms of metallurgy Icarus didn't feel exactly comfortable with. "There's a minor issue with superheating iron with carbon and that is that the introduction of heat to steel only goes so far before it begins to separate the grain structure of the metal, creating weak spots that will shatter on impact. That's why a good rule of thumb is to ensure a yellow-orange temper throughout," he explained. The overall technique he was attempting was similar to tried and true methods, with only his spatial warping adjusting the density of the material by stacking it tighter than metal naturally would form in a forge, even with hammering. 

He was mildly familiar with the techniques Hiro was using to search for the materials they required, though he wasn't a fan of using it either for a similar reason. The use of multiple spells of a differing nature were often far too strenuous to maintain for an extended period of time and the manner by which Hiro was using astral projection left a bit to be desired. It was a good teaching point for him. "Ah, you're forcing yourself to make the jump out of your body. It might take a bit more time to relax, but a stable body leads to a stable mind and much of the strain will be lost in the transition. I once spent four days in a projected state, remotely observing some events of importance to myself, but I didn't return from it with quite a reaction. I really did have to take a crap, though," he said with a chuckle. 

If Hiro took the words to heart, he could conceivably jump massively in his mastery of the arcane art. The ability he was using now was more like an ethereal jaunt rather than astral projection given how forced his application of it seemed. While not mincing words any further over the way Hiro determined the locations of the iron they would need, Icarus dismissed the mention of heavy metals. His main issue with heavier metals was because they were less malleable and didn't forge well with carbon to make high quality composites. Were they naturally more durable than steel composites of iron and carbon? Certainly, but they could not be ground down properly into blades and that incapacity was what made them best as reinforcing materials or tools. 

Another few hours passed as Icarus and Flynn set to work, digging down to the locations Hiro had pointed out and grabbing a healthy amount of packed earth from an old lava floe. The packed earth they accumulated was from deep below the surface of the world, very high in its purity, and in such a large quantity that they would have no issue binding the iron to it in a forge. "Well, this ends my stint here, but if you would be willing, I could use a hand maintaining a forge for the next step Flynn and I are about to embark on," he said, opening a gate to the Void once more. 

Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
Hiro chuckled a bit after Icarus explained what happened after he used a similar technique, but used it for a much more extended period of time.  "Hah, I believe that!  After four days?"

Hiro got back to his feet, and listened to his companion explain how to better master his arcane magic, as well as discuss metallurgy.  He would have to practice his abilities, both elemental and arcane, it meant a lot of work, but it'd be worth it in the end.  Hiro managed to lead the group to a sizable vein of ore, and it took several hours for them to mine it up.  Hiro had managed to recover his stamina in the meantime.  When they were done, Icarus asked if Hiro would help him maintaining the forge for Flynn and himself.

"Oh yeah, of course I'll help!  I'd be a pleasure," Hiro said, sounding pretty happy to be of assistance to the man.

{sorry it's short, you can progress the thread}


Character Info
Name: Icarus Valeon
Age: 23
Alignment: TG
Race: Resurrected Human
Gender: Male
Class: Saint of Hope
Silver: 471
Within a short time, Icarus had opened a gate into the Void and the party traveled with relative ease. Here, he had already established the site for a forge with Flynn’s assistance. Given the nature of this place, the forge may as well be entirely insulated as there was no external temperature considerations nor “bleed-off” from heated structures. In essence, it was absolutely the best location to forge in because it was an entirely controlled environment. 

”All right, so right now, we should probably take a rest. I have spare bedding and such if you find yourself needing it. Tomorrow, we’ll begin with Flynn heating the metal and pounding the purified earth into it to begin assembling steel. After that, I’ll need you to generate roughly 1700 degrees celsius stably for an extended period of time so the metal can heat up appropriately,” Icarus explained.

”After the blade heats up, I’ll begin my work in reforming the steel configuration as Flynn strikes it into place. I’m expecting it to fail once or twice, but once we get in a rhythm, we should have enough to forge a small arsenal of which you can take a piece as repayment for your trouble,” he offered, waving the others farewell for the evening and entering the bizarre study he had made his home. 

It wasn’t exactly luxurious, but it was a large enough shack with beds for six, a small hearth, and numerous books he had either acquired or written. His most prized possessions were the records he maintained of his travels in the Void as well as the beginner’s book of monsters and adventuring he had written. Both were a plethora of knowledge and if he commissioned for copies to be produced, he would likely make a tidy profit from them.

(also short so you can speed it along)

Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
Hiro could feel fatigue hit him as soon as he entered the Void.  It seems Icarus had built himself a a nice little place for himself, in this other worldly dimension he called home.  There were beds and a hearth, supplies, and a little office with some books in it.  Hiro picked up one of the books, it was written by Icarus himself, as he flipped through it.he saw it had some good information about adventuring and monsters.  "That sounds like a good idea, Icarus.  Though it's going to be weird sleeping here, since . . . it's like we're not on Revaliiir.  I don't see a sun in the sky or anything, since this is the Void, as you called it.  Deal, we'll begin again in the morning," he said with a yawn.  Hiro couldn't even tell if it was morning or night here in the Void, even though it was getting late when they walked through the portal.  Hiro took off his armor, and curled up on a bed, and eventually fell asleep.  He was tired after all.

He woke up in what he assumed was the morning.  He yawned, and wished Icarus good morning.  The ate whatever breakfast food they had available, and it was soon time to get to work.  Hiro put on a pair of work gloves.

"All right, so we've got a forge here in the void.  So shall we get started?"  Hiro rubbed his palms, eager to get started.


Character Info
Name: Icarus Valeon
Age: 23
Alignment: TG
Race: Resurrected Human
Gender: Male
Class: Saint of Hope
Silver: 471
Ignoring his usual meditation time, Icarus woke and set to work immediately as he prepared the site for the forge. Using simple item summoning, he produced a series of dense stones that he would ask Hiro to arrange to insulate the forge. All in all, the simplicity would make it effective to contain as much heat as possible and spread it evenly along the material. 

Through a short discussion with Flynn, he collected a few chunks of iron and carbon to combine with the material. Flynn was intent on setting up a smelter in the Void location, so he had previously erected it over about a week’s time on the back of Icarus’ home. This would serve to initially combine the materials and then they would cool it to establish the alloy before the work began. All in all, it took roughly six hours before the series of three weapons were prepared to be worked on, the first being his new katana. 

”Mphm, mm ready mph forge,” he said while working on eating some dry bread he had in his rations. The work today was far too important for him to prepare actual meals, so he had been munching here and there on bits and pieces of food he had pulled aside. Deciding it was best to give Hiro the best assistance he could to mitigate the taxing amount of mana the task would take, Icarus set coals in the forge and ignited them, creating heat his associate could amplify and control as they began.

Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
Hiro was not a master blacksmith, but he had trained with his father, learned the basics, and learned to be able to assist his father enough not to get in his way.  This was within his comfort zone.  He followed Icarus's instructions, arranging the the stones to insulate the forge as asked.  He took some time to eat the provided rations while he worked, so he wouldn't have to do this while hungry.  They were going to be here awhile.  Hiro was now wearing a red bandanna wrapped around his forehead, and was wearing some protective clothes.  He was very resistant to fire, of course, but he didn't need his clothing to be set on fire, and he wanted to keep any sweat out of his eyes while doing this.

"Aye aye!  Lighting the forge!"  Hiro channeled his fire mana into the forge, igniting a powerful flame that produced a considerable amount of heat.  The light produced from the forge, the heat, the excitement, it was a very nostalgic feeling.  It reminded him of time spent with his father when he was younger.  "Forge lit!  Sustaining the heat, and reaching the desired temperature!"  He channeled some wind magic into the forge to feed the flame with air, and earth magic to insulate the forge itself.  It took a mixture of elements to keep an optimal forge going.  It was more than just sustaining a flame to do it properly.  Water mana could be used to prevent metal at the perfect temperature, and to prevent damage to it.  Water also helped protect everyone working in the area, to prevent dehydration or burns.

"Whenever you're ready, guys, I have everything set!"

{Sorry for the delay, didn't see that you'd replied X_X}

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