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Nemesis Volkov
Around 4500, Immortal
Vaewolf Deity
Alpha (lawfully mean)
The real Nemesis
Oct 25, 1990

As DMX once said, here we go again!

All About Nemesis Volkov

"A killer does not reveal that he's out of touch with everything that's real."
Secrets and Whispers- Famous for a Century

Nemesis Volkov
Race: Vaewolf (Vampire-werewolf hybrid), God
Class: Alpha Vaewolf
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185
Hair: White
Eyes: Crimson
Likes: Family, destruction, murder, lying, being sarcastic, blood, hunting
Dislikes: Humans, vampire/werewolf hunters, ignorance, the self-righteous, hypocrites


A monster created by the system of society, Nemesis had endured many hardships that would otherwise drive a lesser creature mad. Back in his homeland far from the eyes of Revaliir, he had been turned from a promising human knight to a brutal child of the night. Things only became more complicated with his adoption into a powerful house and later on becoming the head of it. Furthermore, through a blood bonding between himself and a powerful lycanthrope, he carried her blood in him which magnified with the vampire blood when he was thrust into this realm. The merger had created a new being in him, though the journey had changed him in age and appearance as well. Over the course of his years here, he had established another powerful family that differed from that of a vampire or wolf…

Extended History here
The Volkov Family

The Ties That Bind:
Celeste: "First" Wife (Second sired)
Angela: Wife (former baby mama)
Serafina: Ex-Wife (First sired)
Sergei: Son (through Celeste)
Yelena: "Daughter" (sired by Celeste)
Ivan: Annoyance (sired by Celeste)
Ayla: Ivan's mate (sired by Ivan)
Nerezza: Daughter (through Angela)
Lucian: Son (through Angela)
Roman: Son (through Angela)
Leylah: Son (through Angela)
Tamara: Daughter (through Angela)
Reaver: Blood Brother (Third sired)
Maalik: Companion
Zora Volkov: Champion (fourth sired)
Emry: Granddaughter (Nerezza + Kaiser)
Kaiser: Nerezza's husband
Episcia: Lucian's fiancee
Wisteria: Daughter (adopted through Angela)
Aaryona: Daughter (adopted through Angela)
Eirik: Aaryona's Lover
Various sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, brothers, and sisters adopted through Angela

The Inner Circle
Ethan: Knight of Shadows and Terror
Neveah: Former lover, cherished friend
Desmond: Former subornate
Saffron: Desmond's wife (sired by Desmond)
Esme: Friend
Gabriel: Esme's brother
Paulina: Gabriel's lover
Nikolas: Business partner
Lilith: Aaryona's right hand

Valentine's Day 2020 Present from Brittlez <3:
Eating these is more likely to kill you than change your height.
Alchemy Ingredient
A silver-grey metal often mistaken for iron, it is an important ingredient used for making steel.
Synth Ingredient
A sharp smelling herb used in exotic dishes. The seeds are mixed with other spices in Abedi’s famous curry.
Apothecary Ingredient
Glow Worm
A type of lumbricina that frequently enjoys dark places and thrives on underground organisms. Glow worms grow in mass in the depths of Revaliir and are frequently cultivated as light sources by subterranean races.
Apothecary Ingredient
Mermaid Scales
A collection of scales found in the sands of barrier reefs around the Nyella Ocean. Mermaids only rarely have caravans passing this close to the shore and they ritualistically care for their bodies at home, so finding these scales is considered an omen of good luck by sailors.
Apothecary Ingredient
More accustomed to manners and money, they can be useful for making openings into particular areas of society.
Comes with Belt, Common Skirt, Gloves, Noble Cloak, Noble Robes, Noble Shirt, Noble Trousers, Signet Ring, and Slippers.
A common herb found in gardens, the fragrant essential oils extracted from the leaves are used in aromatherapy and flavoring hard candies.
Apothecary Ingredient
Arms of Bryn
Named after one of the death gods of the past this spells conjures the arms of the undead. These arms spring forth from the ground and attack all those in a 20 foot radius around the caster. They attack everyone but the caster making it so the caster cannot choose who remains safe from this spell. Because of how strong this spell is it only lasts a few minutes at a time.
Angela's Crystal Chalice
A beautiful chalice made from ancient crystal. The stem of this chalice is made out of abalone shell pulled from shells found in the deepest part of the ocean. This chalice can turn any toxin into its antidote but one must have enough toxin to effectively make a good antidote.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Tin Ore
A piece of tin ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Spellbook Page
A faded parchment written in runic symbols. Which spellbook did this one fall out of?
Synth Ingredient
Quatl Feather
The tail feather from a rare feathered dragon found in the tropical regions of Revaliir.
Alchemy Ingredient
Lucky Coin
Always lands on whatever side you think of.
Alchemy Ingredient
Petrified Bark
Ancient remains of Verya. Just a tiny bit of how massive the World Tree was before her fall.
Apothecary Ingredient
Miniature Orb of Darkness
A small orb of solid shadow. Those who wish to combat the light and restore the balance of night and day need only hold it close in the presence of the Angelic Statue on Welayta and the orb will drain away the light magic within.
This is an event prize for Sirona's 2020 God Event: The Revolution of Light.
Goat Hide
A goat’s hide that has been scraped clean and dried. Often used in leatherworking.
Synth Ingredient
Taken from the horns and teeth from an animals. Used in jewelry making various alchemical reasons. Depending on the source can be expensive to acquire.
Alchemy Ingredient
A glassy yellow or sometimes greenish-yellow variety of quartz.
Synth Ingredient
Make yourself look perfect for the big wedding day by adding this waistcoat to your attire.
Wedding Ring
This ring is typically made of a precious metal, and given to one's spouse as part of a marriage ceremony.
Bottle of Wine
A bottle filled with an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grapes or other fruit.
The cooks, healers, squires, camp followers, and the many others that are essential to supporting the army, and keep it on the march.
Armed with a bow, sling or crossbow, and a small melee weapon, their purpose is to scout and harry the enemy. They also wear light armor.
A sneaky, underhanded, devious sort that prefers a dagger pressed to someone's back rather than attacking head on.
Comes with Common Trousers, Common Tunic, Boots, Gloves, Dagger, Rope, Bag, Mask, Gardening Tools, Grappling Hook, Whip, Throwing Knives, Hunting Bow, Sling and Thieves’ Tools.
Talented with a ranged weapon, the ranger is valuable as support, or a scout.
Comes with Boots, Cloak, Common Trousers, Common Tunic, Dagger, Hunting Bow, Gloves, Backpack, Canteen, Map, Tinderbox and Predatory Bird.
Followers of the various deities, they offer spiritual guidance and advice. They can also be useful when seeking to determine the will of those deities in a dangerous world. They are capable of minor holy magics.
Comes with Common Robes, Slippers, Bo Staff,Arcane Empower, Cure, Heal, Protection, Backpack, Beeswax, Blanket, Canteen, Herbs, Joss Sticks, and Tailoring Kit.
-can cast
Himiria Stardust
Found in the depths of the Valley of Vada, this small collection of glittering dust is a remnant of the legendary star that formed the Himiria Scar. It is typically found outside the monoliths, floating about of its own accord in the darkness.
Apothecary Ingredient
Lump of Coal
A hard packed ball of coal that can be used for crafting. Can also be used to burn for a fire.
Synth Ingredient
Elixir of Mother's Love
This is a specialized gift for everyone who wishes to challenge the spire. Angela has poured her whole heart and her love for the world into a single source. Those who consume the potion will gain an aura of protection allowing them to transverse the void safely without being attacked by the environment. The effect wanes over time so one must always be wary how much they have left. This brew does refill once a day by itself.
“My sweet child, I hope that my whole heart can protect you against true evil. Though I have not birthed you I have watched you grow since the beginning and love you all the same.” - Angela to those younger than her.
This is an event prize for Angela Rose’s 2020 God Event: The Revenant Chrysalis.
Rose Hip
The beginnings of a rose, this rose hip is an exceptionally healthy specimen. It can either be planted or ground up for herbalism purposes.
Apothecary Ingredient
Durian Spines
Spines from the infamous ‘king of fruit’. Why did nature think this was a good idea?
Apothecary Ingredient
Bottled Corruption
A sealed glass vial containing a piece of corruption. Every so often you hear a faint tapping from inside and feel that something is watching you.
Apothecary Ingredient
Found in oysters these beautiful little gems can make quite the beautiful bracelet or necklace.
Synth Ingredient
Dryad Bark
A rare form of bark that forest nymphs shed in secret groves during the first days of Venti every year. The bark looks remarkably like skin, and has a strong, earthy scent capable of overwhelming more sensitive noses
Apothecary Ingredient.
A lump of potter’s clay. Often used for crafts.
Synth Ingredient
Ataiyan Katana
A long, curved blade, these swords are treasured for their strength. The forging process is long, as the metal is folded, pounded flat, and folded again, many times over until a strong, yet flexible blade is formed.
Enchanted with a keen rune so it never rusts or dulls from age. Enchanted with a second rune so that the blade has an easier time cutting through small amounts of other metals. The weapon stores power in its scabbard that increases the strength and sharpness of drawing strikes. The scabbard can also be used as a small shield in a pinch.
Plate Vambraces
Thin sheets of metal formed into armor to protect the arms.
Plate Pauldrons
Pauldrons formed of thin metal sheets, it offers a great deal of protection though at a loss of mobility.
Plate Leggings
Armor for the legs crafted of thin metal sheets, it offers a lot of protection at the loss of mobility.
Plate Cuirass
Chest armor formed of thin metal sheets, it offers a great deal of protection though at a loss of mobility.
Plate Boots
Boots formed of thin metal sheets, it offers a great deal of protection though at a loss of mobility.
Plate Helm
Thin metal plates form a helmet to protect the head, though it limits the field of vision.
Seed Pouch With Sling
These specialized seeds have been handed out with a slingshot. People have been instructed to try and hit as many Eldritch beings as possible. The seed pouch seems to be never ending… I wonder what will happen with them.
This is an event prize for the 2019 Anniversary Event: Interitus: A Tale of Mortals and World's End
Eternal Leaf
A freshly picked leaf from Jasumin Lake painted in the rich colors of Venti.
Alchemy Ingredient
Erebus, the Galloping Death
A nightmare steed that is fiercely loyal to its rider, the Dark Kaiser. Its wicked purple flames are said to trail behind wherever it gallops.
A silvery blue metal with diamond like properties. It was once strong chains created by the Goddess Angela to hold back the Goddess Dalanesca. Now the metal has all but lost it's magical properties but is still the strongest metal in all of Revaliir.
Synth Ingredient
Gold Ore
A piece of gold ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A piece of leather. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
Dragon Scale
Pulled off the body of a mighty dragon, this scale can be used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient
A purple gemstone commonly used in jewelry and other projects.
Synth Ingredient
A screaming root that typically grows next to graves. Their cries are painful even as infants, and their volume only gets worse with age. The especially ancient ones can cause deafness.
Apothecary Ingredient
This sedimentary rock is made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic creatures.
Alchemy Ingredient
Dwarven Gear
A metallic toothed piece of machinery. Blacksmiths of Baltil take great pride in each gear cast from their forges.
Synth Ingredient
Wyvern's Heart
A heart torn straight from a wyvern that has been kept beating from exposure to mana.
Alchemy Ingredient
A common gem that can be used to craft other things.
Synth Ingredient
A sword called Kindness...yes kill them with kindness! This sword is a majestic masterpiece that speaks to its owner. It is far better to kill with kindness than to hound an enemy with insults.
Rewarded as a milestone prize during Revaliir's opening on October 16th, 2015.
Revaliir gained over 100 new members on launch day and as a big "thank you" we are awarding you with kindness!
Mind Rot
This spell confuses and dulls the mind, causing the target to be unaware of their surroundings.
This heavy, woolen cloak offers its wearer warmth and protection from the elements. It also has a hood, which can be drawn up to make the wearer seem more mysterious.
Simple, sturdy footwear, usually made of leather.
This spell supernaturally weakens the target's strength, dexterity, and magickal ability.
A basic garment worn on the upper body. This shirt is well but simply-made.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
This venomous serpent is known for rising up and expanding a hood when threatened.
A metal box with glass panels protects the flame inside this lantern from being extinguished by the wind. Some lanterns have ornate decorations. They can be carried by hand or hung.
Blank Scrolls
Made of paper or parchment, these scrolls are ideal for writing on.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
Sheet Music
Delicate pages of parchment inked with musical notes for any musician to play or sing from.
A musical instrument with pairs of metal cymabls attached to a frame. Most tambourines also have a drumhead stretched across the frame.
6.02 x 10^23 This friendly little Talpidae brings the miracle of science with him. He is able to effectively help any scholar or alchemist (really anyone with a love of science) to gather herbs and other things for experimentation. Small and compact he would love to let you know that multiples of his kind are called a Labour.
Was given out for Revaliir's first Mole Day, October 23rd 2015.
FOR THE POWER OF SCIENCE! (and explosions of the accident sort.)
Magic Platypus
This pet has the unique ability to sense hostile NPCs - or PCs, if you have permission - if sitting on your head. Its back flippers can also be milked for toxins to coat a weapon with: provided someone is really interested in milking a platypus.
-can cast
*The reward for reaching 1000 posts on the site*
Jenna loathes platypuses.
Chalice of Blood
A finely made chalice filled to the brim with warm blood.
This chalice is enchanted to always fill to the brim with warm fresh blood whenever the person holding it says the right phrase set by the owner. The blood produced by this chalice heals the consumer at a rapid pace in tune with the body's natural healing power.
Summon Item
The caster summons an item, normally armor or weapons, that they own from the aether.
A short, bladed weapon with a sharp point. Can be used to slash or pierce an enemy.
Taint Weapon
The caster imbues a weapon with dark energy, allowing it to deal unholy damage for a short time.
Two glass lenses that have been attached to a frame, allowing them to be worn. The unusual shape of the lenses allows one looking through them to see with greater ease.
Ghostly Puppy
This small puppy passed away at a young age and joined the Hallowed Caravan's crew as a ghost.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Mind Tower
This spell allows the caster to better resist and defend against mental attacks and intrusions, such as charm spells, telepathy, or similar psionic magicks.
This spells allows the caster to speak to another person telepathically, and allow them to hear the thoughts of others.
Never Ending Ale
A mug of ale that never empties!
A gift from the Administrator for reaching 200 members in 2 months!
Jack O' Lantern
A literal lantern made out of a pumpkin. It comes in a variety of shapes and carved faces. An eerie wisp like glow comes from inside of it lighting the way for you.
This Jack O' Lantern is enchanted to enhance spectral or ghostly magic.
Hellfire Candles
These black candles are ever burning with a bright purple or green flame. They burn with the intensity of Inferos and its eternal torment. Perfect for All Hallows' Eve.
Cursed Fruit of Hunger
Causes the individual to become suddenly struck with insatiable hunger.
This spell allows the caster to seem more endearing to the target, and the target is more receptive to the caster's suggestions or ideas.
Noble Robes
These loose-fitting garments are well made, from the finest material.
A piece of jewelry which typically pierces part of the ear.
A long string of beads or a chain of precious metal, worn around the neck.
Noble Necklace
A fancy necklace made out of precious metal and gems.
Noble Shirt
This garment, worn on the upper body, made from the finest fabrics. Comes in many types for both men and women.
A long, curved blade attached to a wooden shaft. A variant of this weapon has the blade attached parallel to the shaft, rather than perpendicular.
Causes the victim to become physically weakened.
Increases the physical strength of the user for a short time.
Ethereal tendrils reach out and strangle the target, preventing them from speaking, and, in time, suffocating them.
Holly Panpipe
This exotic instrument is played by blowing into the pipes, which strings together in a beautiful harmony. It is decorated with fine gold designs and a beautiful holly. When blowing on these festive pipes it causes just the right amount of snow to fall in a small radius around the musician.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 2
Crystal Armor
This armor is made from crystal mined deep below the city of Baltil. The craftsmanship is like no other. It gives a small boost to ice resistance as well as a small boost to ice magicks.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 10
Boreas Dragon
"It sees you when you're healing. It knows when you're afraid. It knows when you've been injured, so run away for goodness sake."
This dragon hails from the ice lands. Its powerful roar can be heard throughout the lands of Revaliir as it flies overhead during Glaciem. Its ice breath is something that many fear and even its scale have a glacial atmosphere to them.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12
Starry Night Robes
These robes appear to be weaved from the night sky itself. They shift with the elegant art of the stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 9
Candy Cane Staff
A mage's best friend now comes in a delicious and festive red and white striped candy staff. It tastes of peppermint or spearmint if that is what you prefer. The staff itself summons four peppermint pixies that threaten others with their own peppermint swords. Beware pixies don't generally take sides.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 4
This pole-arm has a long shaft and an axe head attached to the end. The back of the axe head has a hook, making it especially deadly against a mounted opponent.
This instrument is typically conical in shape, and sometimes curved. A person typically blows into the smaller end, and the sound is amplified.
Pain Spike
This spell injects a surge of pain within a target which deals mental damage
Corpse Skin
Channelling dark energy, the caster causes a target's skin to rot and decay.
Hunter's Instinct
Creates heightened senses needed to be a hunter. I.e. Smell, sight, etc.
Abedian Hypnotic Curry
This curry has multiple different special ingredients that mess with one’s mind. It induces a psychedelic effect and other various effects: shrinking, another language being spoken, hair color change. None of the effects are permanent but be wary that you will never know what you are going to get when taking a bite.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of any animal size of a bear or smaller. Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
A woven container fitted with a lid to protect from intruders, such as insects or children. It can be crafted from different materials and comes in many sizes.
This parchment shows a region of Revaliir, or the entire world. It is useful for navigating.
Mythic Polymorph
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of creatures larger than a bear. Mythic Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
This spell allows the caster to change their physical appearance.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Storm-Runed Wolf
These wolves are smarter and faster than their wild cousins, and lightning-bound runes flicker over their fur.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 3 - A gift from the Goddess Moliira.
Easel with Canvas
A piece of fabric stretched over a wooden frame with a stand made out of wood for one to paint on.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
Silver Ore
A piece of silver ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A semi-precious gemstone used to craft other things. Rubies and sapphires are in the corundum family as well as many others. Often corundum is called by its color and not its real name.
Synth Ingredient
Vampire Dust
Highly sought by alchemists, the price of a handful is almost worth risking one’s neck for it.
Alchemy Ingredient
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
Opal Petrified Wood
Thousands of years ago this stone was actually a tree. Fire opal can be found growing within from water filling the cracks while it was alive.
Alchemy Ingredient
A semi-precious gem used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient
Obsidian Shard
This black shard is actually volcanic glass. It can be used for various crafts.
Synth Ingredient
Bolt of Silk
A simple piece of silk. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
Ammolite is a very ancient gemstone made from fossilized shells. It has an opal like appearance making it highly sought after.
Synth Ingredient
The result when lightning strikes sand.
Alchemy Ingredient
Iron Ore
A piece of iron ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Conch Shell
A large shell that can be turned into a horn to summon sea spirits.
Alchemy Ingredient
Orichalcum Ore
A piece of Orichalcum ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A precious gem made from two different minerals. It comes in a variety of attractive colors but is most known for it's deep green. This precious gem is sought after by merchants, enchanters and warriors alike for its allure in most markets.
Synth Ingredient
Magic Lens
Allows the user of these glasses to rapidly flip through the pages of a book and gain the knowledge of each page. The knowledge gained only lasts until one falls asleep, after that the knowledge is forgotten.
Nevermelting Icicle
A spike of ice that generates a constant fog and never melts even in intense heat.
Alchemy Ingredient
Reverie Snowglobe
A little winter wonderland enclosed in glass, this enchanted curio shrinks a person down before transporting them inside. Within this self-contained world festive songs play ad infinitum perpetuating an atmosphere of holiday cheer.
"It's a small world after all..."
This is the event prize for the 2017 Winter Event: Dance of Reverie.
A soft stone consisting of talc. Often used for crafts.
Synth Ingredient
Steel Ingot
An ingot that happens when carbon is fused with iron during the smelting process.
Synth Ingredient
Loved one trying to get away? Solve the problem now by investing in these strong steel shackles.
A caster dedicated to mending wounds of those injured in adventuring and battle.
Comes with Common Robes, Slippers, Bo Staff,Arcane Empower, Cure, Heal, Protection, Backpack, Beeswax, Blanket, Canteen, Herbs, Joss Sticks, and Basic Medical Kit.
-can cast
Sarut de Noapte
A subterranean flower that is just as beautiful as its sap is deadly. One touch is lethal.
Alchemy Ingredient
Copper Ore
A piece of copper ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Neolani’s Hairpin
Neolani was a beautiful mermaid from Feeorin Forest who specialized in underwater magicks. She crafted this hairpin out of pearls and other objects that have made it into the lake city. It’s enchantment amplifies hydromancy of all kinds.
Enhances water magic.
Tempest's Fury
The power of a small lightning storm contained within, these orbs can be found scattered throughout Railoch. To most, they are merely oddities, causing the hair on one’s head to stand up when holding them. To mages, however, they are power sources, capable of enhancing lightning magics.

The Tempest’s Fury provides a minor, elemental enchantment of Lightning.

Blood Memory
A basic spell mostly used by those of the blood drinking variety. The caster can consume the blood of the target and look into their memories.
Profane Sacrifice
A forbidden alternative to noble sacrifice, this spell is meant to empower rather than heal. To cast it, a mage must sacrifice a portion of their own health; but, in exchange, they receive a greater version of arcane empowerment. Be wary, for you can die if you use this too much.
A promise that must be fulfilled or bad things will happen to the one that broke it. Used primarily for deals. If the promise goes unbroken for extended periods of time, death is said to unfold but no one can confirm. A gaes can only be performed between willing parties. Gaes can also be broken by divine intervention and strong will.
Ghost boogers. Yuck!
Alchemy Ingredient
Burr Berry
A poisonous berry native to Feeorin Forest, these fruits are highly lethal upon ingestion. As such, they rarely appear outside said forest.
Apothecary Ingredient
A staple of alchemical concoctions, potash is made by processing wood ashes and evaporating the mixture. The residual salt left behind has many uses and can even act as a leavening agent for baked goods.
Apothecary Ingredient

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