Her smile and reassurance helped assuage his feelings somewhat, although his still crossed arms suggested it wasn’t quite enough. “I don’t need any help” he mumbled, his frustration more stemming from the fact that he knew she was right. As it was prone to do, however, his mood changed as soon as she handed him a gift.
"Miss Lixue, can I really have this?" His eyes glistening as he stared down the talisman as if he had discovered an ancient treasure. To him, it may as well be. The fact that she trusted him with any magical item after all that had happened was, at least to him, a sign of belief in him. But moreover, the idea of having someone he could call on when things got rough made his goals feel that much more obtainable. Beaming, he threw his arms around her, in a brief, albeit forceful hug “I promise to take good care of it! And I definitely will only use it when I absolutely need to!”
The Fenriz from before he had met Lixue likely would have tried to use it on the spot, just to see it in action. But if there was anyone he knew that would not approve of such a frivolous use, it was of course Lixue. Hopefully she realized that the lessons she had imparted on him were already sinking in.
Speaking of promises, however
"And you promise you'll show up if I use this?" he insisted, looking at her with a suspicious gaze. Once he had gotten to know someone, he could be surprisingly trusting of that person. But that still didn't change the fact that, in his mind at least, she had already violated the promise they had made.
Suspicions continued when she raised her arm. It was clear from his rapidly moving eyes he was checking for a single blemish, one scar, or the smallest blemish. His inspection revealed nothing, sparing her from another childish lecture. Although relieved she was uninjured, his concern for her well-being persisted as she explained her plans once they went their separate ways. Fenriz was about to voice his concerns, but she presented a far more interesting offer.
"Anywhere? Really?" he said once more with wide eyes. If he hadn't forgiven the undead woman before, it was certainly all water under the bridge now, if he even remembered what he was upset about in the first place. Though the offer did present a bit of a problem. He wasn't exceptionally concerned with where she would take him. He was, after all, pretty much a wanderer. Until he had a solid lead on where he could find his parents, he never really had an specific destination in mind, and although he was certainly happy with what he did find, this endeavor had been largely disappointing in that department. Placing a finger to his temple, he began to wonder aloud "Hmm… I guess I could go meet up with Raziel again, but she might be busy with guild stuff. I didn't really find anything in that city either, but it was nice. Oh, there's those islands I heard about. They sound really nice. Hmm…"
After what seemed like minutes of deliberation, he still hadn't come to a solid destination. Turning his attention back to her he explained his predicament "To be honest Miss Lixue I don't really have anywhere I have to be.I probably can't get back through the marshes the same way again though, so if I can have your help getting to the other side, I would really appreciate it. Or if you're headed somewhere I can go that way, too. I'm really not picky"
He ended his request with a smile, although thinking of where she was headed next made him remember what he was going ask her. The same concerned expression he had shown her several times returned to his face.
"Miss Lixue before we split up can I ask you something? You travel around and fight monsters right? But who helps you when you need it? Surely you cant do all that alone. Someone really smart told me you gotta be able to help yourself before you can help others" a teasing smile crept over his face as he paraphrased her own words "I might not be able to do much, but if you ever do want my help I'll try my best!"