Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Kikuyu Wetlands > Copts Marsh > The Lost Angel [P, Possible R]]

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
He was laughing at her, his statement only making her more flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, he didn’t dwell on it too long, though she did like the thought of being considered a lady. Honestly, she had no counter to it, which is why she continued her reasonings for wanting to get out of the environment. Zehrili told her about the clan and the visitor. Apparently, Amen-Ra was falling for her, or at least that is what it sounded like. However, it did not make any sense why … No, it made perfect sense if he is anything like Ensarrian.

”For a long time, Ensarrian was the same. They were awkward when they first met, the silence between them stretching for miles. He could barely even bring things up to her. But I get the impression that Amen-Ra is nowhere near as bashful. Hopefully, she comes around and gets to know the clan.” He led her around large roots, through treacherous areas and skirted around possible aggressive animal dens. Mikhail stayed by their side the whole way, keeping his canine eyes on little Raziel.

They fell into a comfortable silence and walked a ways until they were coming up to another river from what she could tell. The angel tilted her head to the side as she pondered where they should go next. ”Across the river again, or go upstream?” Sanyi had said that downstream just leads to the ocean, and she had no means of traveling that. ”We should probably go upstream, to the savannah. I’m not sure what lies south…” Before either of them could make a decision, there was a deep, angry hiss.

A log was approaching them from the river, speeding until it reached land. What was appeared to have been a log came charging them on four legs… It was a rather large, very fast, alligator.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
He laughed as she started to explain that Ensarrian had done the same. ”There seems to be a common theme here. Being more open to their hearts would make things easier in the first place if I had to say,” Zehrili joked around as he slowly guided her through the roots that erupted through the ground. He had to admit to himself, it was impressive how she had managed to guide herself through these lands until the river decided to show her otherwise. ”I do agree about the woman though. Being so alone in the world doesn't do anyone any good. I am sure she could find a few in the clan to talk to.”

Silence befell the two of them as they continued their journey. He acted as her eyes until they reached another river crossing. He had forgotten how many rivers there were in this area. ”Only thing to the south of us is the Ocean..I don’t think you would find anything you want down there. To the savannah sounds like it would yield better.” He agreed with her conclusion. Then a loud, very deep, throaty hiss rang out through the air. Zehrili knew exactly what that sound was. ”Alligator!,” He yelled out to warn Raziel.

It approached down from the river, using the downstream flow to increase its speed as it went to land, its wide jaws open ready to snap down on anything. He then quickly glanced over at Raziel, her small stature and wings probably made it think she was a large bird that it could feast on. Quickly he moved between the angel and the reptile and held out his arm to block them. Instantly the jaws snapped down and locked, Zehrili let out an audible growl of pain. He needed to act fast from this point, as if Alligator started its death roll his arm would be lost.

He drew a small dagger that he had on him and dug into the alligators eye. He knew that the stab wouldn’t kill it but the poison that coated the blade would take its toll. Yet the beast still fought on, Zehril trying his best to not let it roll as its fangs dug deep into his flesh. He had no time to see if Raziel was doing okay. The poison was starting to act and then suddenly there was no movement from the creature. Slowly Zehrili lowered the beasts jaw and pulled up on the upper jaw to get his arm free. The adrenaline was fading while the pain was rising.

The dripping of blood could be heard as the Wyvern fell to his knees, his breathing was more rapid. ”Well it seems….both of us didn’t come out unscathed from this accursed place.” He spoke as he clutched his arm. He needed to stop the bleeding but wasn’t prepared to have wounds from an alligator.

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Mikhail growled as he went on the defensive, Zehrili yelling out the cause of the commotion. She could hear the gator approach, the wyvern moved before her, Mikhail bounding forward. The alligator snapped, Zehrili sounded like he was in pain. Raziel stepped back, terrified about the fight. She needed to help them! Her hand clasped around her wyvern pendant from Ian.

Should she use it? How would Zehrili react to her suddenly having sight? The timber wolf snipped and bit at the attacker with growls and barks. A scrape of metal being pulled from a scabbard, the alligator giving a very unhappy sound of pain. Zehrili must have stabbed him. But he was still hurt! Raziel bit her lip. If she did have her sight, what would she do? She didn't know how to fight. Surely, she would just get in the way. Was the alligator slowing down? There was another growl nearby as first stopped making noises.

"Damn. So much for not using magic today." Raziel straightened, lifted her hand to draw a large circle before her with a symbol in the middle. With a sharp whistle, Mikhail slowly came, keeping himself between the new threat and the angel. After Zehrili stepped through the portal, Raziel immediately behind him, Mikhail jumped through and pressed his nose against her hand to signal the safe closing of the portal. For a moment, she stood there, her arms crossed as she glared where the portal was moments before.

The air was considerably warmer and drier. There was grass beneath their feet, the marshes still nearby but they were closer to the savannah than they were previously. Raziel sighed, gave a slight cough before turning to Zehrili, a hand held out, palm up. Her voice left no room for argument. "Let me see it. Come on, the wound." When she was given his arm, her fingers gently probed the wound. She clicked her tongue. One hand reached into her bag to retrieve a bottle. Raziel was able to open it single handedly. "This is going to sting," she warned before pouring the clear alcohol on his arm.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
Zehrili was glad that alligators were not the chewing type, but still the damage their powerful jaws was intense that much was for sure. He was just glad that the bone was not broken as well, flesh wounds can heal far faster. Blood dripped from his fingertips as Raziel let out a defeated statement about not using magic, and then started to draw a magical circle in the air before her. It opened up a gate to a different location. Far more convenient than staying here, especially if there was one gator, there probably was another.

Well he wasn’t going to not take the portal, she had opened it for them to take. Without hesitation he made his way and was first to cross the event horizon before landing on the other side. Immediately he could tell they were near the savanna that Raziel was trying to get to by the ground, it didn’t sink beneath his step so the dirt was dried, the air was drier as well which would help Raziel out. Speaking of which, he looked back to see her step through followed by the small wolf which let her know to close the portal.

He should apologize, if she didn’t want to use magic there must have been a reason for it. He opened his mouth to do just that, but was met with a raised open palm before she requested his arm. He let go of the wound and held out the damaged arm for her, her small little movement made it clear that no arguing was to be had. Her fingers gently worked their way around the lacerations, a small click escaped her lips as she dug into the bag for something. She warned him it was going to sting, ”I doubt it could be worse tha–” His words cut off by a sharp intake of air through his teeth as the liquid touched the open wounds. ”Then an alligator bite.” He finished the thought, obviously wrong.

He let her continue to treat the wound, and watching her work allowed him to get the answer to a question she asked earlier. ”Yes I would,” he said suddenly, probably confusing the woman. ”You don’t need sight to heal, there are other factors…other things that you can see that others can’t. So yes I would allow you to perform surgeries on me if needed.”

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Her head rotated from side to side at his comment being cut off with a hiss, fighting to keep a knowing smile off her face. When the cleansing was done, the bottle easily closed and replaced in her bag, Raziel rummaged through it, fingers sliding over different bottles and their symbols before pulling two vials out. Zehrili’s next words were quite abrupt, the angel stiffened until he elaborated on his answer to a previous question that was left unaddressed. She smiled at the thought, took a deep breath to say something and winced as she realized her chest was beginning to hurt.

"Either we sit, or I use your other hand,” she said instead. He opted to sit, which was probably more of a relief than anything else. Raziel positioned herself near him, placing the vials on her thigh after a random coughing fit subsided. Her thumb would run over the side before picking one up, still sampling its scent before dispensing a couple of drops onto her fingers. When she had done the same with both oils, the angel began rubbing it gently around each puncture. ”The clove will reduce the pain, while the chamomile will reduce the inflammation. The alcohol earlier should prevent it from getting any worse.” When her fingers became dry, she applied more droplets from each bottle with the same steps as before.

”It hurts to breathe, Zehrili…” Raziel began softly as she worked, not really enjoying the thought that she had to consider herself a patient. Could an assassin do anything to help her? Would he know what to grab from her pack even if she directed him? ”My lungs still burn.” Once more, her hands disappeared into her bag to return the vials, withdrawing with more cotton which she used to bandage his arm. ”I think I’m beginning to breathe faster…” She refused to say “I feel unwell”, as that was far too vague. Deft fingers tied the cotton off, allowing her hands to fall idle in her lap, her eyes closing as she felt her head tilt forward.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
A small smile appeared on her face after he finished speaking, causing him to smile as well. She then asked if they wanted to sit or her use his other hand, and he just opted to sit down upon the dry grass crossing his legs and keeping the arm out that she was working on. The alcohol that was upon his skin still stung when it entered the wounds. His eyes narrows, as he kept them on her as she suddenly had a coughing fit. She had seemed fine just recently, perhaps something just got stuck in the back of the throat.

She put a few drops of each fluid on her fingers before she slowly worked them around the wounds on his arm. She explained as she treated the wounds, and he just let the information sink in as he watched her fingers work. He could tell she had skill and the knowledge, and just seeing her soft hands work just affirmed that deep in his mind. Her fingers dried up from the oils before and she reapplied them before working the other punctures in his arm. She should really find her calling as a healer, those skeptical would be easily swayed the wyvern thought.

Short lived his amazement was as she started to say that her breathing was becoming painful. He sat up more, as if to bound to his feet at any minute. She continued to work and explain what was going on as she finished wrapping the wound up. He could tell that she was breathing faster, as her chest was moving quicker and the breaths she took were shallow. Her eyes fluttered shut and she began to fall forward. Instinctive reaction took place, as he caught her in his arms. He held her up by her shoulder and placed his palm on her forehead. She was burning up. Was the pneumonia setting in this fast? Could it have been exasperated from the usage of magic?

”I’m sorry but I need to take you to the clan, I can’t have you use magic any more and there is only one way to get there quickly.” He turned to wrap her arms around his neck, he looked down at the bandaged arm, already it would be torn. His body started to change, as his light arid weather clothing seemed to fuse to his skin as dark slate colored scales appeared. His eyes shifted to slit like pupils and a thin membrane between his fingers as they elongated to wings. ”Grab a hold, as tight as you can.” His voice getting deeper and deeper as his shifting to his wyvern from was complete. A quick push of his wings sent him to the air and he lowered softly above her Mikhail before taking him gently into a claw.

There was no more time to waste, he couldn’t have her die here.

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