Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Harena Desert > Sandy flames [O]

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
Aqua did not answer for the first part. She listened but made sure she did not look like it as she was still mad at the guy and it would take more than a sarry and bad ideas to get her to forgive him. She continued to lick her leg as her mouth started to heat up. "I do not need help from a two-legged that does not believe that I or half of his ancestry actually exist." She said and continued to clean her leg. She than started to suck out the poison wich would heat and lose some of its strangth. 

As soon as he suggested going to the natives she spat the venom out and looked at him. "Shitty is too generous. But encase you have not noticed i am a four lagged flame spitter. My skin is worth many lives in the market and many people including the crazy people around here think my blood is good for magic liquids. Our bone, teath, and eyes are used for weapons and decorations. Going to get help from the locals would mean death and I am not going human in a hurt state." She said. Her past taught her the danger of humans, orks, elves, and many other two-leggeds and a incident not long ago taught her not to switch forms when hurt. A trained eye could still see the large scar on her back from that incident.

She again licked her leg. Than spat it and a flame ball out to the ground. Her eyes glowed slightly for a second as the piercings disappeared. She got up and tested the wait on her leg. Satisfied she turned to him. "Licking poison will kill but injected poison is harmless. Venom was the exact opposite. That was not the first snake I have crossed and likely not the last. Now that then if I leave you death will come by what you have shown and I was raised better than to let someone die even if the do not or did not care the same. You can fallow if you want but that is up to you." She said standing up and taking off the snakes head before eating the rest. She than stood on her back legs as she sniffed the air looking for her sisters sent. She fell back down on for legs and started to walk off.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
As Aqua spoke a battle raged within Omorgal's mind between two of his emotions. On one side there was anger, prompted forward by the insults and harsh criticism that Aqua gave on him and his ideas. Even though he owed her, and even though she had saved him she didn't have the right to treat him this way it told him. Despite what happened she still owed him a little bit of respect, this was just rude. On the other side there was shame. It told him that he had been acting like a fool ever since he had seen that dragon. Like he had done from the very moment that he had decided to learn magic and betray his people. Aqua was right to criticize him and if he didn't want to be a fool he'd better listen. So he listened, despite his anger, the conflict clearly in his eyes.
And as she spoke Aqua's criticism really started to hit him. Slowly the anger faded from his eyes leaving only shame behind. He looked away no longer able to look the dragon in the eye. After she had started walking Omorgal stood still in the sand for a moment, debating whether he should follow the dragon. Coming to a decision he picked up his bag and ran after her until he had caught up. Walking beside her at a respectable distance he spoke to her. He didn't care if she listened. 
"I'm afraid being sorry is the only thing I can offer to make it up to you, magnificent beast. So I'll say it again: I'm sorry." He fell silent for a moment. "But I know being sorry is not going to be enough here and as I said, I don't have anything else. Even worse, you'll have to tolerate me some more since I'm not prepared to handle this place. You said so yourself and I think you're right. Which means that I probably owe you three favors now. I propose that we get out of this desert as soon as possible so we can get out of each others way. Maybe we'll meet again someday and maybe I'll be able to make it up to you then. Lets not make this more difficult for us both than necessary. Unless you want to stay in this desert some more of course. Where we're going is entirely up to you and if you want to stay here because you have something to do here that's fine with me. I might even be able to help you if you want, to even things out a bit. Your decision." Omorgal looked at the shadows which were getting longer by the minute. "You said earlier we had to find a shelter for the night. Seeing anything yet?"

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
Aqua was surprised that he came this time. Though he did have a good point stating mad at him may make the trip longer. She would get over it, just may take a second. She almost laughed when he stated how many he owed her. "Tecknicly four, one for yelling at me and not thinking I am real. But I'll let that slide if you tell me how a halfling does not think his ancestry is real. I mean your a scale covered person with good magic, even if you can't hit a snake, and have a dagger of dancing heat. A flame controlling weapon not some human weapon of all things. A weapon a dragon in human skin is quick to yeald without flaw." She said.

Soon she again stood up on her hind legs and took a deep breath through the nasal cavity. "I think I found something." She said stepping off the top of the sand dune and started sliding down in a half run. Once she finally stopped at the bottom she looked back and waited for the guy to get down before she continued to walk twords a now visible glass cave of sorts. Sand had found its way in to the well crafted cave but in the center was treasures of various types of things and a thing of oil in the middle of that. She stopped at the door and looked in. Disappoint on her face.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
"Two reasons really." Omorgal said  to Aqua's question. "Firstly, if I told you that there was a creature out there with five heads and three legs that does a rain dance whenever it gets mad you probably wouldn't believe me. By your logic however you should believe me if I had also told it had scales. Now think about it. I've never seen a dragon in my life until a few moments ago. The biggest scaled creature I've ever seen was another dragonborn like me and he wasn't much bigger than I am. Why should I have believed that there exists a giant winged lizard which supposedly can also breath fire? And why should the fact that it had scales have made any difference? Sorry to say this. but the being you are just didn't make sense to me. Dragons to me were creatures out of legends, legends I didn't believe in."
Speaking of legends. They are the second reason I didn't believe you were real. Because even if they were true, the legends state that your kind died out. It's a bit of a long story however, it may not be the best moment to tell it.

Omorgal looked at the door thinking of a way to get it open. Brute force was of course an option with a big dragon to deliver it but the dragonborn thought a little finesse might be better here. Looking at one of the edges of the door he got an idea. He opened his bag and took out his blade of dancing heat. "You said I would be able to yield this blade with great effect." He said to Aqua. "Let's see if you're right." He tried putting the blade into the split between door and wall on the side where the lock should be. It didn't fit. Realizing that that side wasn't going to work Omorgal tried the other slit. Luckily there was enough of a gap to fit the blade through and as he moved the blade up and down it got blocked on several places telling the dragonborn where the hinges were. Now placing the blade above the highest hinge Omorgal made the blade red hot. Then he tried to slowly move it down, hoping it would slowly cut through the hinge or failing that: melt it away. "Yes!" He said after noticing his plan worked. "This is going to take some time." He told Aqua. "Looks like I've got time to tell that legend I was talking about earlier while I do this."

 "You see, legend says that the ancestors of my people, so including my ancestors, were once human. They lived in a city and worshiped their gods in their temple. One of these gods was depicted as a dragon. One day a dragon appeared near the city and because he could have been sent by the dragon god the high mage priest was sent out to investigate. When the high mage priest came back he told the city that the dragon's name was Vermis. Vermis, he said, was a refugee who had fled the killing of his species and was now the last of his kind. Vermis had asked the high mage priest for shelter and protection and because the dragon was a holy beast the high mage priest had agreed . He had promised Vermis that he could live in the temple since that was a fitting place for a holy beast and also the only building in the city the dragon could fit in. The city agreed with the high mage priest and a huge feast was thrown to celebrate the occasion."
Suddenly the blade shot downward having cut through the first hinge and losing its resistance. Still red hot Omorgal pulled it out of the slit and looked if it was damaged. "Years past and the inhabitants of the city had stopped worshiping most gods only paying respect to the dragon god and its representative in this world: Vermis, who had taken on this role when he moved in. A special temple guard had been formed out of men and women who wore armor decorated with scales and masks that looked like the head of a dragon. It was around this time that Vermis started to ask for offerings promising blessings for the city in return. At first it were little things, a bit of food, a piece of jewelry but things accelerated quickly to its logical conclusion: virgins."
Omorgal saw no damage on the blade. Putting it in he started with the second hinge. "The first virgin was given without protest, the city thought she would become a priestess of sort and saw it as an honor. In fact, the city had volunteers compete for the honor. But the lucky volunteer was never seen again and when Vermis asked for another virgin there were no volunteers. The city had to choose one for the temple guards to drag into the temple. But Vermis wanted still more and started to ask for certain virgins. And when he finally asked for a noble's daughter the city refused. Mad Vermis burnt the city hall and threatened to curse the city with his god's might if he didn't get her. Seeing no choice the city gave her to him. After this Vermis simply took what he wanted and he and his temple guard, who were often sent to fetch whatever their lord desired, were feared and detested by all. Only the mage priests still supported him."
The second hinge gave away and Omorgal started with the third. "Finally the city had enough and revolted. Mad again Vermis burned whole neighborhoods to the ground while the temple guard killed everyone in the street. The temple guard were up against a foe that was greater in numbers than they were and which fought ferociously and were beaten back to the temple. Seeing this Vermis helped his servants by strengthening them with a 'blessing' as he called it. Blessed the temple guard threw itself into the fight again and they succeeded in beating down the revolt. Relieved the fighting was over they looked at each other clearly for the first time since the fighting had begun and each of them saw what you are seeing right now. A dragonborn, half human, half dragon. Vermis 'blessing' had changed them. Because their armor and mask looked so similar they hadn't noticed sooner. Angry the leader of the temple guard demanded Vermis to turn them back into humans. Vermis refused saying that this was his blessing and that the temple guard should be grateful for what he had done. Feeling betrayed the former temple guard now dragonborns attacked Vermis who fled to his temple, unable to withstand his one creations. The dragonborns then stormed the temple killing the mage priests and fighting Vermis in his own temple in a bloody battle. And there they killed the last dragon of this world before the statue of the dragon god."
The third hinge now cut through Omorgal started with the last one. "The city was a ruin because of the battle and was never rebuilt. Knowing what they were and what they had done the dragonborns knew they couldn't they couldn't join up with the other survivors of Vermis rule. Instead they left the city and built a small village far away from their former home. And it is of these dragonborn that I descend."

Finishing telling his legend Omorgal cut through the last hinge. The door, now without its hinges, was still there but it should be removed quite easily. The dragonborn pulled his blade out of the slit and made it slowly cool in his hand. "According to this legend at least. I've never believed it but seeing that you exist there must be some truth to it. You know now why I, even if I believed in the legends, couldn't believe that you were real. Now you also know why I couldn't trust you. Vermis, if he really existed, betrayed my people and he was a dragon. You are also a dragon, I had to be careful." Putting the blade away he looked at the door. "By the way, you should be able to open it now."

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
"Actually I have danced with a five-headed beast, it had two legs and a tail fin so technically three legs. The part I would not believe is the rain dance for I have seen and danced with the hydra," she said laying down. "And I did not say that scales made you dragon. you call yourself a dragon born, you used flame as if it is part of you and besides looking and smelling like a dragon you have the spirit of one. It shines in your eyes." She let him start work on the door as she looked at the way it was formed and thought of how her sister would have made it.

she stopped thinking about how to get in and started listening as he started to talk about the legends of his people. She was quick to take notes on things of his story the 'last' dragon was talked of like a trickster and kind of reminded her of Turas who would do like him without a second guess. yet though the name was former she did not recall anything about it. The dragon had taken advantage of the people with ease. There were many things she wanted to point out about his story but she did not. Truthfully she understood why his first reaction was unbelief and his second fear, a fear she had only helped make when she had knocked him down.

 She only sat up and turned away from him as she looked up at the dunes. when he stated the door was easy to open she turned and stood up. "Sorry, I had no idea that your people had such a past, and just so you know I am pre-apologizing for what may happen. Like you I have a long story and my sister may be home."  Aqua placed both of her paws on the door and pushed, the door fell open. Sand was kicked up as she took a few steps in. she smelled the air to find that Turas had not been in the area for a while but she had been there. the bounty or hoard Turas had gathered was a sight to be seen. Aqua quickly lit her mouth flame and walked in soon spiting the flame into an oil pot. the red of fire and gold of the coins painted the walls. she quickly started pulling pelts and cloth into a nest of sorts. As soon as she was satisfied she started digging through her sister's stuff until she found a book, a book that was written in Dragonic. She took the book and went to her nest. She set it down before laying down and flipping through the pages.

She could not read but she always enjoyed looking through them anyways. "They say if a true dragon blood can read human than anything written in Dragonic can be read even if the person has never spoken it or even seen it." 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
"No need to apologize." Said Omorgal as he followed Aqua into the cave. "I guess we just both met the wrong person at the wrong time. Figures, luck is extremely fickle here. Glad that things seemed to go in the right direction again Omorgal looked around. The light from the oil pot made a beautiful painting on the walls as the light from the oil pot mixed with the light the big pile of gold reflected. The dragonborn only admired it for a short moment though after which he started to look around to make sure nothing was hiding in the shadows. In these parts of the world he knew it was better not to leave things to chance. Having made sure that there were no big snakes hiding in the cave Omorgal sat down on a big rock whereupon he opened his bag. Taking out a water bag he drank some of its contents after which he took out a piece of bread covered with sand which he proceeded to scrape of. When enough was removed to make the bread roughly edible he started to eat it.

"Interesting." Said Omorgal to Aqua's remark. Drinking a bit of water out of his water bag he thought some more about it. "Lucky you, if you can read human of course. I wonder if that would also be true for me. Assuming the legends are true Vermis might have made my people in some kind of half-dragons but it’s equally likely that he just made my people into humans with dragon-skin. And if the legends are false that would just mean that I'm an overgrown lizard which is too smart for its own good. No dragon-blood in my veins then." He shrugged. "It’s interesting to think about but not really important here I guess. He looked at the pile of treasures. However, what is important and interesting at the moment is who that pile of riches there belongs to. You said something about a sister, are we currently staying uninvited at her house? I mean: we have already broken in and entered and I'd hate to meet the owner of this place after cutting her door out of the door opening. And speaking of her, what is going on between you and her that you found it necessary to enter uninvited and rummage though her stuff? Sorry to ask something this personal but I'd like to be prepared if she returns."

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