Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Plains of Bohar > Researching a Cure (p.r)

Character Info
Name: Uial
Age: 23
Alignment: LN
Race: Human - Dragon Infused
Gender: Female
Class: Matriarch of Jiyu Clan
Silver: 1832
The announcement from the Voice had startled everyone, though the Jiyu Clan members had done well to not allow it to show on their faces. Cole and Nymph did their part to help keep things settled within the War Council. They had a tendency to react more intensely than what the occasion called for. It had taken much of Uial’s political skills and leadership power to get the Council to back down from shutting the Village completely off from the rest of the world. They had wanted to ensure that they would continue to thrive despite the hunters still out on duty. There had been no abominations that were appearing to attack, which had made them settle. The concern was the potential arrival of a possessed Death goddess that they knew there was no power they had to take her on. This all meant that they had to hide away in the mean-time in order to find this solution that had been spoken of.

Uial grit her teeth while sitting at the top of her dais on her throne. She looked down at her Council as they discussed the potential ramifications for their society. There was no arguing that their first priority had to be the citizens that were under their jurisdiction. If they were gone then there would be no one to help protect the other people. Unfortunately, Uial knew that there was no stopping any of this from happening. Only the deities could keep out other deities. No matter what barrier they came up with it would not have done a bit of good.

”We are not going to recall our hunters. They have jobs to do and there are many filled with fear at the moment. This will cause more chaos. Thus…it will lead to more demons taking advantage of this situation. We still do not have enough information. I want to look into what resources we can send to some of the local villages in the mountains to help if they are in need. We are well supplied and powered while others are not. I will not discuss this further.” Uial pushed off her throne and walked down the stairs to be on the same level as her council. Surprisingly none argued with her on the ruling made. ”Anyone who is not working I want them to be looking into these resources that the Voice mentioned. I am sure we may have some of the things It spoke of. I will be personally searching my own collection. Cole, head over to the barracks and get things situated.”

Twin brother nodded silently while indicating to his new wife, Nymph to follow. They would get her will down well. With that, Uial left the Great Hall towards her Mansion where only the royal family was allowed to live. Kali, Uial’s sphynx companion, waited at the gates of the Mansion section to walk beside her mistress. I see that you were able to get what you wanted, otherwise you would look more ragged, my lady, the creature spoke. The Matriarch smirked a moment before allowing herself a satisfied laugh. ”For now. They were obedient. Now we must do our own searching. These Codex Pages…we may have some if my memory serves correctly. I want to look in my personal library and collection. They are old, but I think my family had found some in the past.”

The woman moved into the Mansion and to her library with hand resting on Kali’s back. Both parted to opposite ends of the large room to begin a search that would take some time. Uial grabbed a stack of papers that had been laying out to place them on a reading table. Sitting down, she crossed her legs under the table to begin searching through the papers for anything. The catalogue was lacking in the library and would need to be handled later. For that moment, she would have to search the old fashioned way. Thoughts soon traveled to the angel that had quickly begun to occupy her heart and mind. She wished that she had gotten to see him more often than she had lately. Michael was able to always calm her despite what was happening around. At that time she wondered what he thought of this situation that had now befallen Revaliir.


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
It had been… interesting to find out that his younger brother was also in Revaliir if a little surprising. Going to the butchers shop to buy meat for Teu’s ever growing family the last person Michael had expected to see behind the counter was Sammael. It had taken them both a moment to get over the shock and for a few seconds neither had really known whether the other would leap into action to kill them but it became clear that neither wanted a fight.
To think his brother had been exiled from Earth to Revaliir just as he had… the thought was both comforting and disturbing in its own way. It was good to have Sam there; now that the pair had come to an understanding they had begun to rebuild their once fractured relationship however both had discussed the possibility that if they were in the same world what would stop other siblings from following also? There were some of their siblings they would much rather avoid if they could…

The brothers had taken to meeting in a Tavern in an evening once Sam had finished his work at the butchers, meeting one another at the same table by an open fire every day unless they had sent word that they would be busy. Both would have a whiskey and Sam would smoke his cigarettes while they chatted idly about their day and the goings on in Revaliir as though they had always belonged. Naturally when the Rifts had begun to appear the pair had questioned what was going on and worried whether it was a precursor to the arrival of the Host – it wouldn’t have surprised them, thankfully (or not so thankfully really) the Voice had informed them what was going on… to a point.
The Goddess of Life was in trouble and both had agreed to speak to the respective people in their lives as to how they could help without neglecting their duties – after all Michael had met her at Cole and Nymph’s wedding and she had got him drunk on some sort of Divine alcohol or other… which was the current topic of conversation for the pair.

“So you got drunk, courtesy of our Lady Angela, and spilled your heart out to Uial about Teu, is that right?” Sam asked as he took another long drink from his glass, usually dull blue eyes dancing with amusement.
”Correct… I’ve spent the last few days with Uial, enjoying her company and acting as her escort and the moment I get drunk I spill every last detail about how I met Teu, how much she means to me, how much I love her and how she will never be mine.”
“Smooth.” Sam snorted, trying hard not to just laugh at his brother outright – it was clear that his brother was distressed by this but Sam had figured out something that Michael hadn’t… “I meant to ask, what is it about her you like so much?”
”She’s strong and independent yet every now and again she gives you a glimpse of the fact that she’s unsure and nervous, she’s confident in herself but that doesn’t mean she’s completely arrogant. She’s good company and has a way of making me laugh, she knows her traditions but she doesn’t want her Clan to forever remain in the shadows – she knows that to stay alive the Jiyu need to grow with the world and open their borders, you should see how she handles the Elders despite their clear distrust of her as a leader.”
“I was talking about Teu.” Sam interjected slyly as his brother stopped to take a drink, sipping his own whiskey while Michael coughed and spluttered on his. What Sam had noticed of late was that Michael’s topic of conversation had slowly begun to shift – where once it was Teu this and Teu that it had turned to Uial as the centre of attention. Michael’s verbal blabbering to the woman about his affections for Teu were, Sam guessed, Michael’s own guilt for the fact that his heart had begun to sway towards another woman.

Blinking at Sam Michael was at a loss for words – thankfully the woman in question had just thought of him and since they had become closer Michael had begun to feel Uial’s thoughts much like he did Teu’s whenever they centred on him. Finishing his drink in one go he stood up and nodded to his brother. ”Apologies Sammael but duty calls. I shall see you tomorrow perhaps?”
“If you’re free from your duty then of course.” Sam replied with a nod.
”I shall send word.”
“Say hello to Uial for me.” Sam grinned just as his brother stepped into the Gate to vanish from sight.

Stepping into the library, drawn by Uial’s thoughts of him, Michael closed the Gate on his brother’s irritatingly smug face and looked around to gather his wits about him. It was a magnificent place; Michael had always loved libraries and very rarely got the time to spend in them that he would like. However there was someone he would rather spend his time with more; not that he would give his brother the satisfaction of knowing he had been right on that score.
He spotted Uial and smiled; the reaction immediately and subconscious just as it had been with Teu. Striding towards her he placed his hands gently on her shoulders and smiled down at her. ”You look troubled Uial, troubled and drowning in old bits of paper it would seem. Can I offer my eyes to whatever search you are undergoing?”

Character Info
Name: Uial
Age: 23
Alignment: LN
Race: Human - Dragon Infused
Gender: Female
Class: Matriarch of Jiyu Clan
Silver: 1832
She was tired. This was something she would never admit to anyone else. Being Matriarch of the Jiyu clan meant that her weaknesses were to be non-existent. She had to be the strength of the entire clan. A face for the hidden culture that had been working behind the scenes of Revaliir for generations. The leadership had passed to her at an early age due to the unexpected deaths of her parents. Even without that fact, Uial had not been the one meant to lead their people. Expectations varied depending on those that were asked. The huntress leader kept a knowing smile upon her face at all times. She found that it would put those who trusted her at ease, while unsettled those who were not betting on her chances. It was always some sort of politics involved. Uial wanted to bring the Jiyu clan into the light of the rest of the world. Only word of mouth had moved their reputation forward. Some sort of connection would only allow those in need the affordability to find help. Uial wanted to do more than what they were doing now.

Tomes and scrolls were gathered in her arms to be searched through. Taking the stack, she moved over to a table. There they were put down before she took a seat in a plush arm chair. Since it was the library belonging to her, it was quiet. Her thoughts had drifted to Michael again. The Matriarch thumped her forehead on the opened book in front of her until she was staring at the wall with cheek on the book. She didn’t want to keep thinking about the angel. It was a subconscious thing that could not…would not be controlled. Uial couldn’t remember the last time someone had made her think about them the way she thought about the muscled angel. Eyes shut tightly as she tried to push the image of him in his gleaning armor out of her mind. He had been a steady rock for her as the Rosenites had descended upon the village for the first time. A great opportunity had opened up for Jiyu with the marriage of her brother to Nymph. She had great hopes, as well as concerns.

There had been the drunken rant that Michael had gone on about. Teu. He was in love with Teu deeply and for quite some time. She didn’t want to admit that her chest had clenched tightly to the point of pain at the anxiety from Michael slipping out everything he felt for his Lady. It made her wonder if Jedrek would do the same thing if he had been pressed for information on her. ”Gahhh…” she groaned before lifting her head up from the table.

The feeling of gentle hands upon her shoulder made the Matriarch jump substantially in her seat. ”By Zanar!” she exclaimed with a hand grabbing her dagger. No sound had been made to introduce Michael into the room. Heart pounded in her chest as she attempted to settle down. ”You pop up anywhere, don’t you? Can’t you ring a bell first to let me know you are there? By the gods.” Uial stood up from her chest to put a short distance between the pair while attempting to settle her heart. ”You scared the crap out of me.” This time her tone had a hint of laughter as she could finally wrap her head around that she was not under attack.

She sat on the edge of the table while pressing her fingers against the center of her forehead. ”Yes, lots of paper I am drowning in. This new debacle that has befallen Revaliir has me concerned. There are rifts opening up across the world with who knows what pour out of them.” Uial looked up at Michael with an expression of warmth and gratitude. The exhaustion that she had felt previously felt as if it was leaving. ”So, to answer your question: yes. I would more than welcome your eyes to search.” Standing up from the table she reached over to lightly grasp his arm before smiling up at him. ”I am searching for Codex Pages. I was told that among the items announced, we may have some in our possession. Unfortunately, paperwork is not something a culture of hunters take delight in doing. So…it is a mess in here.”


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
Seeing her there before him made his heart leap and his breath catch in his throat… the very sight of her alleviated so much of the lingering sorrow he felt at the fact that Teu could not and would not ever love him back… The thought of that caused his heart to hurt as though a vine had wrapped itself around it and squeezed, his stomach doing a flip and causing him to feel nauseous. It wasn’t a feeling he knew well but had experienced once or twice in his life – guilt that was what Gabriel had called it, guilt.

It wasn’t that Michael was slow, not by any means – he was, in fact, extremely intelligent, however in matters such as the heart he was inexperienced and generally oblivious. Teu had been his first love – he had never had the opportunity to have feelings for anyone before and her kindness had immediately attracted him to her; in his head he had believed that he would feel that way for all eternity. The guilt he was feeling now was because he had realised that he would not.
Yes he loved Teu, he would forever be devoted to her but he realised now (thanks to his brother’s comments as much as anything) that he wasn’t in love with her anymore… No… someone else had stolen his heart.

Cocking his head to one side, somewhat confused at her reaction… until he realised that Teu and Kieran often had the same reaction to his sudden appearance… maybe he should get a bell to warn people. ”Apologies, I did not mean to startle you.” He said sincerely as he bowed to her, genuinely upset that he had frightened her.
He nodded. ”Yes… I’ve heard about Lady Angela. The shop is working hard to preserve what herbs they can while the plants are still alive and I know that supplies have been sent with Lord Kiba to try and aid with the Goddess’ recovery. I feared that my family were on their way to cause trouble here as they have a similar mode of transport as the Rifts when they travel en masse.”

Smiling as she agreed to his help he nodded; glad when she reached out to touch his arm – he hadn’t realised that he had been craving her touch until he felt the pressure of her hand against his forearm. ”I used to love spending hours in Heaven’s Library, though that was more Metatron’s baby – Father forbid if you touched something in there without his say so.” Michael chuckled, gently leading her back to the table and sitting with her. ”It’s probably a silly question but what does a Codex Page look like exactly? I’ll be of little use if I don’t know what I’m searching for.”

Character Info
Name: Uial
Age: 23
Alignment: LN
Race: Human - Dragon Infused
Gender: Female
Class: Matriarch of Jiyu Clan
Silver: 1832
”No, I know you didn’t mean to. It’s just something that I have to get a handle on. Few have the ability to get through our barriers. Michael, you seem to have an ability to get through them with no difficulties. I shouldn’t startle so easily considering I’m supposed to be the Matriarch of my people.” Her words were riddled with small bouts of laughter as she waved her hand at the entire concept. She greatly enjoyed Michael’s presence. He was warm and quiet silly with his inability to notice the most obvious of things while still quite observant of things that others were not. Uial looked at the ground while attempting to compose herself.

Head lifted as Michael mentioned the shop and their herbs. She rested her hands on the table on either side of her hips. ”I have to get some of our people on that as well. I can’t imagine the desperation they are feeling considering that they are completely dependent on that supply. If they need some, I have supply to spare if needed. Who knows what is to come of this entire debacle.” Uial could feel her frustration poking through her tone, which she was normally able to cover up. There was always someone watching her that needed to be reassured or lead. Right now, Uial was feeling at a loss as to how best to lead her people through this. With Michael, her guard was let down more frequently. He never seemed to judge her for the true feelings that were always bundled up deep inside. It made her remember her deceased husband. Kale had always been supportive of her no matter what was going on. He had been a steady rock to keep her anchored. She had missed having someone like that for her own. There was no going to Cole like that now that he had his own wife to build a life with. The Matriarch felt lonely.

The touch meant more to her than the angel would ever know. It had been a long time since anyone had given her any sort of embrace or touch. That warmth shared with her grabbing his arm had helped her feel stronger. She moved over to one of the large book shelves to scan over the titles with her golden gaze as he spoke. The people he spoke of made no sense to her, but then again he was from a completely different world.

Teeth clenched as a sudden rage built up in her chest. Her hands balled into white knuckled fists at her side, until finally she threw up her hands in the air to let out a yell. ”I DON’T BLOODY KNOW!!” Her breath had turned into pants while the anger worked its way out of her system. Everyone needed her to give answers when she had none to provide. ”How is anyone supposed to find these elusive items when they give NO direction or description. Could find the blasted ability to send out a worldwide message….but send out a helpful instruction manual? NOPE! Because why would you do that when the world is on its edge again on the brink of destruction.” Uial turned quick on her heel to stare up at Michael with a flare of anger in her eyes. ”You know what? Huh? I think the gods like squirming like this. They like that we struggle like this for their own damn amusement to keep themselves from being so bored in their temples.”

The words escaped her and immediately she felt shame for uttering such things. She had met Angela at the wedding. The goddess was a lovely entity that had given much to the couple as well as the people of Jiyu. Uial covered her face with both hands as the shame sank in. Everything in her wanted to make her cry from frustration and the pressure. Few ever remembered that she was merely twenty-three years old with an entire culture expecting her to handle all of their problems. ”Sorry,” she mumbled through her hands. Head leaned forward to rest against Michael’s chest to hold her up. ”What are Codex Pages even? I’ve heard of them before, but never seen one. I’m sure there is something in this library….but how are we supposed to know what it is?”


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
"I believe it has something to do with you actually. Well it does now at least; I believe the first time may have been pure chance if anything." Michael muttered softly, thinking out loud more than anything. "I think it's because of the connection we now share that allows me to so easily come to you when you call me; or at least think about me… I'm going to have to work on realising the difference between the two aren't I?" He chuckled, smiling at her. "And even great leaders are allowed to be shocked when people pop up out of no where." 

He smiled softly and bowed to her. "We would be forever in your debt if you could help with that. We have dried as many of the fresh herbs as we could but as you can imagine even that will not be enough in the end… especially with everything that is going on now. Any help will be greatly received and we will be in your debt Uial." He added. 

As Uial blew up at him Michael stood looking dumbfounded; eyes wide and blinking as all of her rage was directed at him. He watched her carefully and waited for her rage to subside; his heart ached for her and there was a definite sadness in his eyes as he watched her. He hated that she held so much responsibility that she constantly felt like she had to put on a facade around him; he knew why, he had seen it before a hundred times over and he did not blame her… he blamed her people for undermining her at every corner, making her feel this way in the first place. All of that pressure had clearly been building in her heart and who did she have that she could turn to? 
Once her rage subsided Michael stepped towards her silently, gathering Uial into his arms and holding her close, wrapping his wings around her he enveloped her in his very being, blocking out the rest of the world for a moment to allow her a chance at a moment of peace. His heart was steady in his chest as he gently pressed her head against it, kissing her forehead as he kept her close. 

He remained that way for a moment before reluctantly relinquishing her once more, smiling gently at her. "All is well, you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you're allowed to yell." Reaching over he gently tucked a strand of hair out of her face, behind an ear. "We had similar in Heaven but as I say the library was never my domain. The best thing we can do is scan the documents we have to hand. Would you allow me to try and organise your library for you? I find I am increasingly in the way in the shop as healing has never been my forte, that and I find myself feeling more at home here with you than under the feet of Teu and the others." He added sincerely. "I could work on your library and check on your barriers if you don't mind my input?" 

Character Info
Name: Uial
Age: 23
Alignment: LN
Race: Human - Dragon Infused
Gender: Female
Class: Matriarch of Jiyu Clan
Silver: 1832
Brow lifted as Michael muttered to himself, though as if still trying to answer her. The way he reacted sometimes was quite endearing. Actually, much of Michael’s personality brought a sense of calm to her as well as joy. Her index finger tapped her chin while watching him realize that his sudden appearance could be unsettling if unexpected. This was something she had learned happened often to Teu and her fiancé at rather inopportune times. Despite being startled, Uial wanted Michael around. She couldn’t admit out loud the affect the angel was having on her. It would be admitting that she was ready to move on from her deceased husband. Saying it aloud would have made the guilt worse, but internally she knew what was happening in her heart.

A smile broke further onto her lips as he bowed in his gallant way. It was not sarcastic like the other set of twins in their clan. She found no fault with them, but Michael was a true knight in her eyes. ”Whatever you and your family needs, they shall have it. Since they have been willing to allow you to come here to help me when I need.” Uial’s smile softened before looking away from Michael. He truly was unable to see what she was feeling.

It was the outburst that took her more by surprise than the angel. Her mother had told her time and time again that ‘the crown was heavy, only for the weak.’ Whenever she felt herself faltering, the Matriarch would remember those words. ‘The crown is heavy…but never for the queen.’ Uial clenched her teeth tightly in an attempt to get her emotions back into check. Shame kept her from looking up at the angel’s face. Even as her head rested against his chest, it was little time between for his arms to embrace her close to his form. The sound of his wings unfurling to envelope the two brought more calm then curiosity.

Golden orbs shut as she moved her arms to wrap about his waist in return. The Matriarch wanted to stay there; protected from the world by his wings and arms. Desperately, she wished for this. Unfortunately, that was not going to be possible. The press of his lips against her forehead helped bring another wave of calm. There was a hope and a prayer it meant something else. Knowing what she did of him now, it didn’t.

Uial listened to his words, but mostly did not remain understood. His actions were her focus. A light blush heated her cheeks. It was made worse at his suggestion that he stay there to help with the library and barriers. There were no words in answer. She couldn’t think of any. Hands rested on his chest while looking up at Michael as if trying to find any other meaning in his words.

When there were none to be found that she could see, Uial finally lifted her hands to either side of his face. Holding his cheeks lightly, she went on tip toes to place a kiss on his lips. It was unplanned. Nothing had told her to do it except the heavy beating of her heart. Michael was an oblivious creature that seemed to not understand the wanting in her eyes. She would make the first move. If it was not received, then that would be the end of it.

The kiss was gentle, though her hands moved up to the back of his neck and into his well-kept hair. Uial couldn’t deny it. The Matriarch had fallen in love.


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
Michael’s heart ached to have her head against his chest, and for a brief moment he was racked with fear that she might hear the frantic beating. How naïve had he been to believe that what he felt for Teu was true love? Of course he adored her, there was no denying that, she meant the world to him… but in that moment, with Uial held against him, Michael realised that the Matriach was his world.
He would do anything for her now, anything she asked of him he would endeavour to do, and the thought of being away from her pained him. He could only hope that she would agree to let him stay here, not just because he was useless in the shop but because it would mean he could see her more.

If Sammael had been able to see his older brother he would have laughed, he had been dropping hints to Michael for some time now, but since the older Archangel had no experience of women (not in this way) he hadn’t been getting them. Sammael had been in love, he’d had a daughter, Michael had never even kissed a woman before…

The feeling of her arms around his waist warmed him from his soul and he longed for that moment to last forever, but she needed him to calm the torrent of her emotions and he could not keep her in his embrace forever. That was selfish, and Michael didn’t know how to be that, he never had.
She said nothing to his offer, and he wondered how she could not feel his racing heart beneath her fingers. Could she not see how she made him? She must, she was not as naïve as he was to these matters, she must understand what was happening to him even if he was only just starting to catch on.

He was almost confused as her hands found their way to his face, that was until she kissed him. A shiver ran down the man’s spine at the touch, his whole body aching for more as her fingers entwined in his hair. It was in that moment that Michael lost himself in a way the Archangel never had, in a way that he had only ever really seen in his younger brother… and he realised then what had caused it.
Gathering Uial into his arms, Michael held her as close to him as he could, one hand at the small of her back while the other shifted into her hair. There was no way she would miss the almost desperate hunger in his movement, that need to have her as close as he could physically get her. Michael returned her kiss, deepening it as he tried to pour his heart and soul into the action; somewhat afraid that if he tried to speak he would say something stupid (which he was aware he did quite often given his innocence in life) and ruin it entirely. He loved her. It was that simple.
An ethereal glow shone from his body, his hair bright gold as his emotions poured forth from his very being – he would not need to speak, Uial would quite literally feel what Michael felt for her, he couldn’t contain it now. His wings were a beacon of light, it was a good job that their eyes were closed or else they might have been blinded by the brilliance of it.

After a moment he relinquished her, albeit reluctantly, as he realised that he needed to breathe, which would mean so did she. Breaking the kiss her kept her close, his lips against her ear as he spoke huskily to her, ”I think I owe my brother a drink, he’s been trying to tell me how I felt for some time now but I was blind to his words. I love you Uial, you are everything to me and I never want to be apart from you again.”

Character Info
Name: Uial
Age: 23
Alignment: LN
Race: Human - Dragon Infused
Gender: Female
Class: Matriarch of Jiyu Clan
Silver: 1832
Michael was not Kale. She knew this. There would never be anyone that could replace her lost husband. This love was different. Uial felt that this man in front of her was the one that could be by her side through whatever was to be thrown, not only her way, but that of her people. Visions of potential futures had run through her dreams at night as if baiting her of what she could never have. Uial was happy to see Cole as happy as he was with his new wife. Her marriage was to always be a political advantage as well as breeding for the Jiyu clan. It was something that Uial had resigned herself to long ago. It was her duty to continue on the line of succession. Even her previous marriage to Kale had been for the continuing strength of their people. The match had been made, and since Kale was her dear friend, it was easy to go with.

The decision to take action with the angel had been purely her own desire. It was her choice and want. The Matriarch could not remember the last time she had made a decision strictly for her selfish intentions. There was no conscious movements, just instinct. Hands moved up to his hair to hold him to her. She hoped that he did not want to pull away from her attentions. She gasped lightly against his lips as his arms gathered her against him. Uial could feel Michael’s heart racing at the same accelerated pace as her own. He was responding to her.

Internally, Uial could feel herself wanted to weep for joy that the angel was not rejecting her. The reply was almost overpowering. She had not expected Michael to feel the same way as she was. Even less did she expect him to expect her advances. Eyes were closed tightly while absorbing everything she could from their expression of true feelings. Even through the closed eyes there was a light that shone through. Uial did not open her eyes to look for she knew it was coming from Michael. Curves were pressed up against the angel’s body to fit perfectly against him. It took all of her will power not to take what they were doing even further. The Matriarch knew that they wouldn’t have been interrupted, but she couldn’t move them that quickly. It was a difficult decision to make considering she knew exactly what Michael was feeling while surrounded by his light.

Small gasps were necessary when they finally parted; head rested against his chest for the moment in an attempt to gather herself. The passion was real and intense. His heated breath against her ear elicited a shiver down her spine that only made her tuck against his chest tighter. He was making this difficult for hers self-control. Fingers grasped the material of his shirt. If she looked up at him to meet his gaze then there would have been another length of time they wouldn’t talk.

”I’ve…fallen in love with you Michael. An intense love that I can’t explain or want to. I want you. This is my choice, for once. Stay with me. Please.” Now was when she lifted her golden gaze up to look at him. It was clear that he wouldn’t leave. That he would remain at her side, but there were many implications of that staying. The Council would be less than enthused at her match being outside of the clan. That would make both twins not following along with tradition. Her grip on his shirt was tighter as her resolve fortified. Uial would wield her Matriarch powers to their fullest to move the Clan in the direction that was truly needed….and wanted.


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
How blind had he been to his own feelings? Why had it taken him so long to realise how he felt about her? Something in the back of his mind said that he must have hurt her, especially at the wedding when he’d been drunk and babbling about Teu… he regretted that. Now that he understood how he felt, he was filled with regret over the fact that he had mistaken what he felt for Teu and Uial – he loved Teu, but not like he loved Uial, it was incomparable.
He would always adore Teu, he would always love her in his own way – she had shown him a different way of life and opened his eyes (and his heart in a way) to the possibilities of the world… but Uial had become his entire world in a short period of time. He felt so at ease with the woman, and he had already caught himself jumping to her defence whenever her council made the smallest slight against her.

The feel of her body against his own was almost maddening, something in the back of his mind told him that if he didn’t relinquish his desperate grip of her, that he might never let go again. Reluctant as he was he loosened his grip, keeping her close as he spoke to her.
As she replied he smiled, his heart threatening to burst from his chest, her eyes met his own, still glowing and he found he could not speak. He lifted Uial into his arms, holding her against him as he kissed her, sitting her on the parchment covered papers before he gracefully pulled himself up over her, laying her back tenderly, fingers brushing the hair from her face as he drank all of her in with his eyes.
”I love you too Uial and I’m not going anywhere ever again. This is where I belong, by your side.” He whispered, almost hoarse as the emotions threatened to overwhelm him. He leant down and kissed her once more, his entire body trembling with a mixture of anticipation and excitement at having her so close.

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