Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Sularia > In the Name of Love [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
After he had come back to stay in Sularia for a few months, Cyril had been thinking about things. Effie had talked to him about Sapphire and raised some questions he would've never thought of. Then he asked his mom about what it meant to know if you found someone you wanted to spend your life with for eternity, and Shiloh had gone on a tangent of what love and marriage was. Marriage was a promise, she had said. A promise that you made with someone you loved wholeheartedly, and a promise you would never break. Aside from his brother, his family, and his friends, he really liked Sapphire more than other people. She was patient, didn't think the things he said were weird, and they liked the same things. Even if he didn't understand the deeper concepts of what she studied, he would always listen with full attention. Rumor had it that there was an Arriese legend about a magical flower that could tell if people were soulmates. He had heard this from a few people, the most recent time being from eavesdropping Tempest's chats with Belen about what was happening in her family. Chrys didn't really know much and Efrain looked too angry this week to ask, so Cyril decided to go ask one of the few people who probably did know if it was real.

And so, there was a silver-haired boy standing in front of the manor of the White Queen attempting to 'share' gooseberries with one of the dragons. A few minutes later he remembered what he had come here for, and knocked on the door. When it opened, he stood there with a smile. "Hello, I was wondering if Tempest's grandma is in? I have a question I'd like to ask her." He didn't look like a warrior and he had this sort of…hazy aura about him. Cyril's wide eyes showed he genuinely was here just to ask the White Queen something out of the blue. "It's a very important question, I promise!" He added, making his request seem more suspicious. He also didn't seem willing to leave until he was told either 'yes' or 'no'. 

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

Character Info
Name: Toya Rose-Wintercrest
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Dragon Knight/Queen
Silver: 817
“Tempest… Are you kidding me?” Toya waved her hand through the smoke as Tempest brought up her goggles. “What possessed you to combine this shit together this time?”

“I heard that it could glow… if it was heated up by dragon fire.” Tempest was innocent. You could hear Belen strongly arguing Tempest’s case like a lawyer.

“Belen…” Toya sighed and Belen kept arguing. “Belen…” Still, he kept going making sure his girlfriend wouldn’t get punted. “BELEN ENOUGH.” The Rose Queen’s voice boomed and Belen shut up. “Get this cleaned up before I come back upstairs… and I mean every room spotless.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Both teens run off to do what she asked.

She came downstairs and washed her face before house help came to her. “Lady Toya… You have a silver-haired boy asking for you. A friend of Tempest’s.”

Toya groaned a bit. “Just what she needs… more fucking friends.” She opened the door wide and took a look at the young boy who outside. She couldn’t find the heart to be rude when she saw his eyes. “Oh… Cyril. It’s just you. You ain’t here to get your brother out of trouble, are you? You aren’t to raise a damn finger helping those two.”

From the sounds of it… They were moving furniture upstairs to clean the whole place. “How can I help you, Cyril?” She took him into a sitting room and took a swig of alcohol. Juice was brought in for Cyril and she offered it to him. “Someone need their ass kicked? Is it my sister… Please tell me it’s my sister.”

OOC: I'm Brittlez :D

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
He waited patiently outside as he was told the Queen would be informed shortly. Inside he heard familiar voices and groaning that sounded an awful lot like Belen's. This didn't affect him at all, and he gave a polite bow when Toya came to meet him. "Nope, I'm not." Cyril replied bluntly with a smile when asked if he was going to assist his brother in digging himself out of the hole Tempest had dug. Once he was seated, he shook his head. "I came to ask you a question. Nobody else seems to know, but I guess that's because it's a mythical thing–like the shapeshifting badgers of Menomori." There was no way to confirm or deny that there were shapeshifting badgers or if they even lived there, but the analogy worked. To cut to the chase, he flat out asked her: "I heard there was this legendary flower that tells people if they are soulmates? It's supposed to be very hard to find, I think." 

This would be a topic not wholly unfamiliar to her, though Cyril conveniently forgot to say where he got the information from. It was probably for the best as the culprits were busy trying to save their hides from the White Queen's reckoning. There was the sound of someone tripping along with a muffled shriek, but no shattering sounds so that was good. And now there was a wide-eyed boy with the face of her granddaughter's boyfriend eagerly awaiting her answer. He took a sip of juice for a moment then went back to his initial posture. The Kyrie boys shared the same features, but they couldn't be more different. Belen was the troublemaker and busybody, while Cyril was…blessed. He certainly didn't think on the same level as most people that was for sure. It was hard to say if he was naive or just eccentric. 

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

Character Info
Name: Toya Rose-Wintercrest
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Dragon Knight/Queen
Silver: 817
“Good,” Toya seemed pleased. Cyril was the good boy out of the two and he fit her niece like a glove. They were inseparable though as were Belen and Tempest.

“AH yeah. The Eternity Rose, I know of it.” Toya sounded a bit ashamed but she just took a drink of the liquor and smirked. “My son went into the desert and got one for my daughter-in-law Belle.” She skipped that she had disowned her son because Belle was her sister’s daughter but still.

“BELLE, girl come here.” Toya had been keeping her eyes on Cyril. It wasn’t that often that someone came to visit her out of the blue. Belle came in and tilted her head.

“Can I help you, Auntie Toya?” Belle was a beautiful girl with light skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

“Can you go get that flower I made Jayden fetch for you? I know you still have it.”

Belle smiled before she went and got it. She came back down with a rose that was in full bloom and in vibrant rainbow colors. The colors seemed to shift and she held it out to Cyril. “It won’t lose it’s light once soulmates touch it. Jayden spent weeks in the desert looking for it. He said he found it near the Casimir. Something about a settlement.”

Toya sighed a bit more and tilted her head looking up. "BELEN. TEMPEST. I don't hear you scrubbing!" She yelled before turning her attention back to Cyril once she heard the two cleaning. "Why do you wanna know about this rose anyways?"

OOC: I'm Brittlez :D

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
The Eternity Rose. Just the name sounded magical, and he was surprised that it really was true. Normally rumors turned out to be something else, but this time there had been some truth to it. There was a pretty blonde lady who seemed familiar who went to get the flower that Tempest's uncle had gotten. Once he saw it, his eyes were shining in awe. "I didn't know roses could be all the colors of the rainbow at once!" And it would only turn this way if two people who were soulmates touched it. Apparently this wonder of nature could be found in the desert, near the infamous spirit pit of Arri. Unfortunately all the details Toya was telling him were just feeding his curiosity and growing determination. "Why do you wanna know about this rose anyways?" His daydreaming was interrupted and he looked up from pressing his face close to the flower.

"Hm? Oh!" With a beaming smile he said: "Because I'm going to find it! Well…another one I mean! I wasn't sure if it existed, but now that I know it's real then that means there's probably another one out there somewhere." He was going to find it and pick it, carefully bring it back, and ask Sapphire to touch the rose with him. Nobody could say for sure if they knew who their soulmate was, but this flower could. If they were soulmates, then the flower would become a rainbow just like the one Belle showed him. "Oh, but don't tell anyone I asked you ok?" Cyril said in a loud whisper. "I want to bring it back for Sapphire as a surprise." His face was serious, but it seemed rather counter-intuitive to tell one of the Queens of Arri what he was going to do if he had intended this to be a secret.

He was practically bouncing in his seat when he began thanking Toya and Belle for their help, and excused himself. "Thank you so much! Really, thank you! I'd better go before my brother knows I'm here." Waving, he then put a finger to his lips as if asking them to keep his visit a secret again. The odd silver-haired boy scampered out and ran down the path. Belen and Tempest were cleaning like mad upstairs, unaware of what they had just set into motion. The Eternity Rose was now his new goal. But he wasn't exactly the best with plants, so maybe he should ask Lady Angela about it too… 

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

Character Info
Name: Toya Rose-Wintercrest
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Dragon Knight/Queen
Silver: 817
“It’s the only one like it that can do what it does,” Belle was so proud of Jayden for getting it for her. “I put it in my hair when we got married. I was so happy when it lit up Cyril. I knew I wanted to be with Jay for the rest of my life at that point… even before then but especially after.”

Toya chuckled a bit. “Marriage ain’t easy that’s for damn sure. I’ve been married for damn near forty years now. You lot get flowers… I got a damn baby.”

“You love Jay and you know it.”

“I love my husband and all my kids…” Toya snorted and looked at Cyril. “Go get your girl we won’t say anything… But are you sure you wanna be related to that bitch of a mother that girl has?”

“AUNTIE!” Belle was shocked but quickly laughed. “Go make my sister happy Cyril and good luck!”

OOC: I'm Brittlez :D

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
"I will! Oh–I will!" He lowered his voice remembering he was trying to be discreet, but there was no need with the panic Tempest and Belen were in. They were scrubbing for their lives and too busy trying to stall impending punishment. Belen's motor mouth had only bought them some time, but didn't get them completely out of hot water. Practically skipping he went to the goddess' manor in the Red Court and asked around until he could see her. This time his question was different. Cyril knew he wasn't the best with handling things gently, so when he saw Lady Angela the first words out of his mouth after a greeting were: "How can I make sure a plant stays safe after I pick it? It's for a magical plant, but I don't want to bruise it on accident." He also wasn't sure if a rose could last long without water, and he wasn't the best gardener out of his friends and family. The boy was unsure if he should tell the goddess that he was planning to pick the Eternity Rose of all things–for Sapphire. He decided to be more careful in case Sapphire happened to be nearby.

His thoughts kept wandering back to what Belle said when she saw the flower light up. Sapphire would definitely feel the same way too. Though the boy wasn't exactly tight-lipped depending on the topic, so it wouldn't be hard for Angela to get him to let the cat out of the bag. He was way too excited, like he was ready to run a marathon at any moment. He actually did run all the way from the White District to the Red District and slowed down when he saw the red roses. With a flushed face and still catching his breath, Cyril couldn't wait to embark on the greatest journey of all time. And this was just while he was gathering the basics on what he was trying to do! There were many more ideas popping into his head now that he had decided the rose would be the first of many surprises he wanted to give his girlfriend.

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela was in her work station feeding Wisteria with some apple sauce when Cyril came in. The boy was attempting to catch his breath and he was beaming with happiness. Wisteria looked at the boy with big green and red eyes. She went to babble at him and the sauce fell out all over the floor from her mouth. There was a sigh from the mother’s lips before a chuckle. “You couldn’t at least swallow it? I worked hard to make you this?” There was a squeal from Wisteria.

“Well… The best way to care for an enchanted FLOWER… is an enchanted case.” She spun up some magic and the artifact appeared in her hand. It was just big enough for say… A rose. “Do be careful Cyril. The weather out there is completely terrible right now. They are in bloom though I promise you.” She offered the glass case out to him.

“You make sure that my daughter is happy with you… Do you understand?” Angela's green and red eyes stared at him for a bit longer before she looked at Wisteria and went back to trying to feed her. "Cyril is going to be your new big brother how do you feel about that?"

Wisteria opened her mouth to squeal and Angela shoved the spoon full of sauce into her mouth. The toddler seemed satisfied. "Mama…" Some almost fell out but Ang caught it on the spoon.

"No more wasting for you."

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
"Yes! Thank you Lady Angela!" He carefully took the case and hugged it to his chest as he gave a bow, then ran out holding it above his head. He had everything he needed at last and more importantly–the Eternity Roses were in bloom! Cyril grabbed his things and left Sularia before the sun went down. No one noticed his absence at first, but when his family and friends couldn't find him anywhere the older twin began to panic. One week passed. Then two. Then three. Belen was lying on Tempest, his head on her chest after harassing every single diviner in the capital for the whereabouts of his brother. But no matter who he asked or how experienced they were, they couldn't find Cyril. The Kyrie twins were very close, almost inseparable before they found their girlfriends. But even though they were no longer children some things never changed. By now Shiloh and Cymbel had figured out what was going on and Shiloh had attempted to console her eldest that his twin would be alright. While Belen was reaching the end of his rope, a deeply tanned figure wrapped up from head to toe in a cloak strolled his way into the White District…

With the enchanted case in hand, Cyril had wasted no time in heading out into the Harena towards the Casimir. After exiting the Castle District he followed the path until he saw the red sands, then went north. He braved the perilous dunes with a constant holy barrier of protection around him at all times. The days were scorching hot and the nights were frigid, and there was no respite. But he soldiered on, each step forward bringing him closer to his goal. It took more than a few days for him to reach his destination. Cyril had been harassed by luzil, wild nightmare horses, and mirages threatening to lead him astray. Miraculously he had avoided meeting any other people in his trek, but he found the Eternity Roses at last. 

He looked over the magical blooms and picked the best one in his eyes, then carefully put it inside the case Angela had given him. Then he held the flower close to him as if it were as dear as life itself, making the slow journey back. Afraid he would drop it, the boy walked all the way across the desert back into Sularia. Frankly he could have arrived sooner if he had just thrown the case into a sack and ran, but he didn't. And so, his twin brother was left beside himself with worry for no reason. Bursting into where Belen and Tempest usually spent their time together, the cloak dropped to the floor as a goggle-wearing Cyril held the case with the magical rose above his head. "I GOT IT!" After those three words were uttered, he ran back out leaving his twin to sit up in shock. "HE'S ALIVE!! OH THANK THE GODS!!!" Belen shouted. 

Now that the flower had safely made it back in his arms, there was another person he had to meet. While he had made everyone worried sick, Cyril was making a beeline for Sapphire to show him the fruit of his efforts. "Sapphire!!! Sapphire I'm back!! Look what I got!" His normally fair skin was now a noticeable tan with painfully obvious tan lines around his eyes where the goggles had been. He was beaming and had the case with the Eternity Rose inside.  

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

Character Info
Name: Sapphire Rose-Kyrie
Age: Young Adult
Alignment: CG
Race: Elf Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Scholar
Silver: 391
Tempest was petting Belen’s hair. Her grandfather had at least let her make Belen feel better by allowing him to rest on her breasts. Comfortable pillows made the worries go away… as her Great Grandfather Garland would say. “Everything will be alright. Great Aunt Ang and your mom aren’t freaking out so everything has to be alright.”

The inventor was startled as Cyril burst in yelling about how he got something. “What was it he got? Do you know?” She looked down at her boyfriend who was now in shock. “Told you he was fine.” She flicked his nose in a teasing way but was more shocked that Cyril just ran out on them.

Sapphire had spent the better part of three weeks pacing back and forth. Belen had come to her first to see if she knew where he went. It was unlike Cyril not to tell her and he had made her a deep mess. There were tears in those blue eyes when she heard his voice and she ran to meet him. She stopped once she had seen how he looked and couldn’t believe it.

“OH MY GOD! Cyril… Your skin.” She saw the case but ignored it as she ran to get some ointment. She sat him down and applied it all over him. “Where did you go? I was so worried about you. Belen kept coming here and screaming he thought you were dead.” She threw herself on him and hugged him tightly. “I was so scared I lost you.”

Finally, her eyes peaked over to the glass casket. “What is that?”

OOC: Brittlez!

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