Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Throat of the Moon > Great City of Mamlak > A Fiery Entrance (P)(R)

Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459




It was not named The Void for no reason.

When DaeLuin had been destroyed Michael had channeled what little power he had to protect himself - thankfully it seemed that despite his exile his Father was still somewhat on his side… it didn't do much good but it did enough to save him at least, so maybe he should be grateful for that at least.
At least, he assumed that his survival was thanks to his Father; he had not made much of a name for himself on DaeLuin but maybe… just maybe… the God that Teu had been Blessed for had seen to it that Michael was protected during the Fall… he really did not know, or at least he did not remember.

He remembered very little in fact; other than the complete and utter darkness that he had been stuck in there was only one other thought that had ever been on the Archangel’s mind.
She had been the first person to greet him after his exile to DaeLuin; the one to heal the majority of his wounds from his Fall - the woman had shown him a kindness and affection that he had only ever longed for in his extremely long life… emotions that had got him into trouble in the first place. He had loved her from the moment he had set eyes on her and he always would but she did not feel that way about him - and oddly Michael was ok with this fact, she loved him in other ways and the Archangel was content to have that in his life at least.
No she did not love him in return; instead Michael had sworn to protect her, to always stand by her side and be the Angel on her shoulder - he had failed at that several times now, firstly because of his injuries and secondly because he had been torn away and locked in the Void unable to reach her side… until now anyway, until he had stockpiled enough of his Grace and Virtue to enable him to send himself to where she was.

Falling… again… covered in flames… Truly this mode of entry was becoming something of a habit that Michael would more than happily like to break - he really did not see the funny side to it (if he ever saw the funny side to anything that was) though he had a feeling the Teu might, or at least she would tease him for it.
Sighing heavily the Archangel ignored the flickering flames that covered his body; the effort of pulling himself from his little corner of the Void had caused his powers to surge and set him alight though thankfully it was not burning him, it was more just an annoyance at this point. This form was…. new to him, it was not one he had been gifted on Earth by his Father and he could only assume that something had changed him during his time in the darkness. Taking a moment as he fell the Angel righted himself and slowed his descent, flaring out his feathered wings to direct himself better. Well, they still looked like his wings - pure white feathers with golden tips that glisten in the sunlight, four wings that was familiar.. the scales were new, the four legs and the tail were new as was the halo of golden spines around his head that flowed down his back… he was majestic he’d admit to that but a Dragon was not a form he recognised as his own.

Slowing his descent the Dragon let out a roar that sent the people below scattering - even with them out of the way there really wasn’t much space for him to land… Thinking on it further Michael changed forms swiftly; seconds before he made impact with the ground. There was a colossal bang as he connected with the ground; creating a crater as he did so. One hand to the floor, one resting on his bended knee the tattooed, muscled Archangel slowly got to his feet; turning his bright blue around at the people now staring at him and whispering.
“Greetings, my name is Michael. Would any of you know a woman by the name of Teu?” He asked in his deep, husky monotone, utterly oblivious to the fact that he was completely naked…

Character Info
Name: Teu Balatro
Age: 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Diowolf/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2479
It was a lovely blue sky day. The city was finally back to normal after the attacks that had been exacted upon it. Citizens had returned to mulling through the streets in order to check the wares that were on sale. Teu could not remember how long it had been since she had seen the streets as busy as they were at that moment. Laughter filled the city once more, which only filled Teu’s heart with joy. She had spent too much time mending the people from their horrific injuries. There were those that the healer had not been able to save. That span of time had been rather difficult for the healer and her family. They did all that they could, but there was only so much that could be done.

Now, Teu walked with a bag slung over her shoulder full of recent purchases. Sun beating down, she moved through the open market to see what else could be stocked up on. Long brunette hair was in a usual braid that trailed over her shoulder. Emerald eyes shifted from sight to sight in town as she watched the interactions.

A short stout woman moved swiftly from behind her stall to run over to Teu. Arms were thrown around the half elf to give a warm hug that couldn’t be denied. ”Stella! You are looking well,” Teu said happily once she was let go. -“Yes! Doing much better since I saw you and Ria. Thank you again for your help. My son is doing better as well, and has been able to rejoin the guard. You know…he’s single. We should have Ria and him speak,”- The woman’s brows were lifting up and down in a sneaky way that mothers do when conspiring against their children. Teu chuckled lightly. ”I won’t stop him from coming by the shop, but I am dedicated to my own survival. She would never let me get involved with any of those things.” Stella shook her head even with a mischievous smile still on her lips. -“Take this. As another thank you. No arguments.”- A beautifully embroidered blanket was shoved into her arms, and before a protest could be made Stella was gone.

Teu watched the woman skip away with a smile on her lips. There was no arguing with the tough merchant. Despite her bright smile, there were few that had the ability to haggle with Stella. The blanket was warm even just wrapped up in her arms. She continued on her way, but attention was pulled to the sky as a commotion began to build. Fingers were pointing up to the sky where a large dragon was falling towards the ground. There seemed to be a disconnect on the beast’s ability to direct its body and wings. People relocated swiftly to make sure that they were not crushed if the dragon couldn’t stop in time.

Her focus remained on the creature. It was going to land in another district. She could not quite figure out why her interest was piqued by the beast. Teu moved through the crowd to see where the dragon finally landed. There had been a loud thud along with the shaking of the earth. It took little time for Teu to find the crater that had been created; even less time for a blush to heat her cheeks as the form a naked angel stood there asking one question that made her look up in shock. As her vision concentrated on the man there was a realization that sparked.

”Michael?” The name was gentle, though laced with disbelief. As his movements were analyzed she saw exactly what she knew was true. Her legs were already moving toward him before she realized it. ”Michael.” Teu was touching his elbow to grab his attention. In a swift gesture the blanket was wrapped around his waist to keep any others from staring. ”Come here,” she laughed softly. Things were different, and yet the same.


Character Info
Name: Kieran Niel Rothslin
Age: 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Human hybrid
Gender: Male
Class: Noble
Silver: 819
He was tired. Tired of traveling, but mostly he felt somewhat drained. Teu had pulled her own little joke by sending him off to deliver supplies to none other than her father. She had also not told Kiba any details about him. Even Kiba was shocked by the appearance of his future son-in-law suddenly before him. That woman was probably laughing her ass off at home at the notion.

Kieran finally made it back to Mamlak. His pack was slung over his shoulders, following the flow of the citizens. Was he irritated with her? Everything seemed to agitate him so much easier these days. Not to mention that infernal itch that never goes away! Time to himself was so much easier than being in town. The thought saddened him, as it also applied to Teu. Oh, how he loved the woman, and her patience is a godsend, but sometimes he was frustated with her for absolutely no reason. It was a feeling he absolutely hated and had no explanation for it.

A growing commotion drew Kieran out of his thoughts and his attention to the sky. What appeared to be a large animal, no a dragon, was falling straight towards the town. Something within stirred, a mixture of jealousy and greed bubbled. Kieran began to run, yelling at people to get out of the way. He needed to get to where the creature was going to land. People could get hurt, that creature could attack, so many variables, and Kieran wanted to do what he could to keep the situation under control.

But those emotions…

Kieran came to a screeching halt at the edge of the crater, blinking in disbelief. Teu was already here, wrapping a blanket around an angel? The emotions felt like they were growling at the scene before him, a scowl written all over his face. He approached the pair, unable to hide the distrust in his face. "Is everything alright?" Kieran wrapped an arm around Teu, in an attempt to pull her away from this naked stranger. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, it was that she was his. He pressed his lips against Teu's hair, taking a deep inhale of her scent while glaring at this stranger at the same time.


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
At six foot five Michael was fairly impressive even in this form; standing at his full height utterly naked several women could be heard giggling and gasping and muttering behind their hands as they stared at his muscled frame… all of this the Archangel was, as ever, utterly oblivious to of course. Wings partially furled upon his back partially curved around his body the man turned his head slightly to one side as he bright blue eyes cast themselves across the crowd; waiting for a response from any of them.


That's what he put their silence down to. Shock. 

He could not truly blame them - one moment a massive Dragon had been descending from the sky engulfed in flames and now and Angel stood amongst them. He wondered if they even knew what an Angel was; he had never met one in DaeLuin and as far as Michael was aware only his Father had ever created Angelic beings such as himself and his siblings - unless of course someone had called them something else upon their creation, there was always a chance of that of course. 

As he heard his name queried amongst the crowd Michael turned his head in the direction of the familiar voice and he smiled slightly. "There you are Teu, you look well." He stated simply, looking down at the woman adoringly as she touched his elbow. He watched her wrap the blanket about his waist and smiled again. "Ah yes, thank you. My being naked could be seen as problematic I suppose, especially in public." He nodded, ensuring that the blanket was tucked in tight enough to allow him movement without it falling off. 
A voice called out to them and Michael looked up as a man strode over to pull Teu against him, there was a pang in the Angel's heart as the man kissed Teu's hair and the Archangel put two and two together. This man was not the husband that he had known in DaeLuin but clearly he was the man that held Teu's heart here in this world - Michael did not need the story to know that things were different here; he could work out enough that Dasor would have to be dead for Teu to be with another and that this man had managed to do what Michael could only ever dream of doing or being to the woman before him. "It is now, I apologise for my rather dramatic entrance; pulling free of the Void took some doing and the surge of power cast me out a little more violently than I anticipated." He said as he bowed his head to Kieran, a soft and somewhat sad smile on his face as he looked at the couple. 
"I apologise for my tardiness Teu; my powers had not fully returned when DaeLuin fell and it took what little strength I had to stop the Void from consuming me. Though it would appear that it has changed me somewhat; I certainly don't remember being able to change into a Dragon before." 

Character Info
Name: Teu Balatro
Age: 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Diowolf/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2479
There was nothing about the archangel that had changed. She felt relief as the healer realized that her dedicated angel warrior had somehow found her once again. That sense of security wrapped about her heart again to know that Michael would be with her even in this world. He had been there for her through everything. Every large horror that had befallen the woman was with Michael at her side protecting her, or cradling her from the after effects. Teu owed much of her sanity to him with all that had befallen her while being a Blessed for Raktor. He had been there for her.

Teu pressed her lips hard together in an effort to keep from smiling to obviously at the murmurs of the crowd. It was quite eventful for them. Well, it would have been eventful for anyone. She was curious about the dragon form. That had never been noticed before and Teu was sure that if it had been obtained before it would have been mentioned.

As he spoke, Teu shook her head while laughing. The blanket was wrapped securely around his waist to hinder from any onlookers getting more glimpses. ”Thank you, Michael,” she responded with a laugh. Her healer eyes began to do a preliminary examination to make sure he was not hurt. From what she could tell there was not even one abrasion. Wings were in phenomenal condition that gave her heart a rest. That look that he had always given her before was still there. It made her heart squeeze as she knew that he had feelings that could not be returned. Even so, Teu smiled warmly up at the angel. ”Yes, being naked in public is not the best for first impressions either. Michael…” The healer lightly traced his arm with the tips of her fingers just her name was heard from the crowd. All the instincts were there to hug his large frame to her, but that would not have been proper with his current state and the people around.

Head turned to look up and see Kieran looking on with disbelief written across his face. This was going to be a little difficult to explain to him. Things could not just be simple for once? She allowed her betrothed to pull her away slightly to help make him feel more at ease. ”Everything is fine, Kieran. This is a most trusted friend and companion.” Teu had not been able to see the glare that was given to the angel, but she had a feeling that this was going to take some time to develop a relationship between the males. ”This is Michael. He has been my guardian and dearest friend since my life in DaeLuin. There are many things I still have to tell you, my heart.” Her words were soft as she hoped that it would not cause any issue for either of them.

She reached out a hand to hold onto his forearm firmly to form the connection she was craving with him. ”I am enormously relieved and happy that you are here. I thought I had lost you to the Void like many of the others. Michael, this is such a blessing that you are here. But yes, that form is new. Quite an upgrade though,” she laughed. Teu pulled away from Kieran’s full hold to grab each of their arms and pulled them both towards where the apothecary was. ”Come. Let us return to the shop. Get you some clothes, and all talk what is to come. This is an amazing day…but I think you are still quite the conversation at the moment.” Teu looked at Kieran with a willful smile in hopes that her mate would trust her on this.


Character Info
Name: Kieran Niel Rothslin
Age: 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Human hybrid
Gender: Male
Class: Noble
Silver: 819
The dragon-angel man apologized and spoke of the Void. Kieran did not miss the sadness in that smile, it was the smile of regret. No doubt that this creature pined after Teu, which only made the flames of jealousy fan higher. With the mention of DaeLuin, he knew the gist of everything perfectly. Another from Teu's past returned from the destruction of their home. He knew he should be happy for her, but a dragon just fell from the sky and now stood nude in front of his mate! And wasn't requiring medical attention!

His betrothed's simple explanation did nothing to assuage the feelings of territorial aggression. Kieran clenched his teeth at the sight of her reaching out for Michael, almost grinding them. Teu may say "guardian" and "friend", but Michael's eyes clearly wished for something more. 'Other Dragons are not to be trusted!' She stepped from his grasp, only to take both of them and drag them away. "I don't think this is a good idea…" Kieran mumbled as he allowed her to steer him toward the shop.

She had barely given him a second glance since Michael showed up, only had eyes for the dragon-angel man, and seemed oblivious to the noble's emotional conflicts. Normally, Kieran would have been defused, at least partially, by now at the mention of past relationships such as "trusted friend". He couldn't think rationally, but Kieran did clearly foresee one thing. Two dragons inside the shop would have a high probability of Kieran losing his control. It would be the dinner situation with Elwin all over again. "Really, Teu, this is not going to end well." His words came out as a plea, his last shred of self-control trying to pull his beloved mate into the realization of Kieran's predicament. It wasn't that he didn't trust Teu and her judgment. Right now…

He didn't trust himself.


Character Info
Name: Michael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: LG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian Angel
Silver: 1459
Michael smiled softly at Teu; glad to see that she was alive and well – he only wished he could have pulled himself from the Void sooner so that he could have been with her to settle into this world – he could not have imagined how difficult it must have been. As the man approached and Teu spoke with him Michael bowed to him slightly, careful not to move too much and dislodge his towel… that was the last thing that he needed. He cast a glance at Kieran; noting that the man seemed quite upset at Michael’s presence – though the Angel assumed that was just because he was naked.

”I’m sorry it took me so long to free myself and come back to you. And yes quite the upgrade, it’s going to take some time to adjust to having four wings.” He added nonchalantly, smiling as she took hold of his arm and Kieran’s. ”Clothes would be nice.” He stated simply with a nod as he followed her lead to the shop. Yes I suppose a Dragon dropping out of the sky and becoming an Angel is hardly a regular occurrence is it?” He nodded, chuckling a little as he noticed the crowds all watching him as they made their way to the shop.

Michael had not caught Kieran’s concerned words the first time he uttered them but he did not miss them the second time. Cocking his head to one side he looked at the man. ”Have I offended you in some way? I apologise if so; I do not mean to cause any disruption but I have always been honest with Teu in my devotion to her, I know that she can never love me the way that I love her but I have always been open in my feelings and in the fact that I have no intention of acting upon them. Teu showed me great kindness when I first Fell to DaeLuin and she healed me and took me in; I swore to remain her Guardian Angel and that has not changed – sadly freeing myself from the Void took longer than I would have liked. However I’m here now and I can return to my duties as Guardian; those duties extend to you as well.” He said with a nod.

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