Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Anon, Posted: Wed May 9, 2018 11:41 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

He felt much better now that his chest was properly wrapped. Yes, the injured ribs made it difficult to breathe, and it wasn’t helping that the bandages pressed against everything. While it made it a tad more challenging, this was the way Mother did it. Instead of laying down, as the excess efforts to sit, lay or get up were something he tried to avoid, Cecil looked at her book collection next to her bed. Nelanna seemed to have a wide variety of subjects, and obviously enjoyed the act of reading. When was the last time he sat down to read? Did he ever? The fae doubted that he even wrote in a journal.

She swiftly returned, and Cecil couldn't help but smile in amusement at her. He could have sworn that under that worried look, she was flustered. And he knew why. Knowing she would not be one to peek, Cecil made the turn around symbol. When she had turned, the injured man did his best to get dressed without moving too much. By the time he had finished, the rain began pouring from the sky, and an instant chill seemed to settle on the house. Quickly grabbing the book she was reading earlier, Cecil gently touched her shoulder as he moved to stride past her.

Even as brave as he wanted to be, strong and capable to make her swoon, Cecil gave up walking without holding his ribs with one hand. Somehow, he managed to make his way downstairs, pointed to the fireplace with the hand holding the book to the red haired goddess behind him, and went to find the utensils he used to draw for her. He settled on one of the chairs before the fireplace as she began to make the fire, handed her the book with a smile and began to draw.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Thu May 3, 2018 6:02 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    Nelanna was dreaming, entirely unaware of the storm rolling in, and just how close it had come. The dream itself was a lovely dream mixed with few happy memories of her childhood as well as her own fantasies. With a happy mother, happy father, happy sister…happy family. They were all out on a family picnic under the shade of an oak tree, laughing, smiling. The sun shone brightly as young Nelanna was led out into a field of flowers by her sister, where the two proceeded to make daisy chains.

Yes, a lovely dream it was, however short it became. Her eyes flew open when her rocking chair suddenly jerked back, and she looked up to see Cecil standing over her with an apologetic smile. Then, after blinking for a moment and glancing down to his chest, she remembered he had no clothes, and turned her head away. She sincerely hoped he was still wearing a towel. But this was when she noticed the storm overhead, just as the wind blew over her, giving her a chill. With a shiver, she smiled up at Cecil and followed him into her room, closing the door behind her. “I do believe you just saved me,” she giggled. “I would have been caught up in that storm if you hadn’t awoken me.”

She watched as he summoned medical supplies, a little surprised to find he was able to do that. And as he gave her the bandages and stretched out his arms, it only took her a moment to realize what it was he was wanting, and no moment longer to act upon it. Stepping close to him, she began wrapping the bandages around his torso, gently, yet quickly. His chest was completely wrapped within minutes, and she finished by giving his shoulder a light pat of satisfaction.

“You can rest on the bed whilst I go get you some clothes. I will be back in a moment.” With a soft smile, she turned away and left the room. She really needed to get him something to cover up all of that skin…

After leaving her room and gathering him some clean clothes, she came back and laid them down on her bed. “I will be just outside of the room…” she stopped herself, giving him a slightly worried look as her eyes were locked on his bandages. She needed to give him privacy so he could change, but, was leaving him alone a good idea? After all, the last time she did that he ended up with broken ribs. Nelanna smiled a little nervously, “Well, perhaps I can just…turn around? Or…would you prefer I leave so you may change?”

Author: Anon, Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:07 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Finding a relaxing position was not an option. While he lay there, her voice was washing over him, soothing only his mind. It was barely enough to distract him from the ribs. Cecil listened to the story, trying to imagine it. However, he kept getting images of his past instead. As his eyes began to droop, the fae remembered they forgot to bind his chest. They would have to get to it when… he.. Woke.

He was not sure how long he slept when he finally opened his eyes. Cecil realized that he was covered with a warm comforter, and smiled at the thought of how generous his savior was turning out to be. On the opposite side from the bathing room, a set of beautiful doors were wide open where he could see his goddess resting, herself. Beyond her, the world was dark. A deep rumble shook the house as a bright light temporarily blinded him.

It would storm soon, and Cecil needed to wake her, bring her inside. Then, they could wrap his chest, get some clothing on. Did she have a fireplace? They could drink a hot drink before a warm fire. First things first, however, Cecil needed to get out of bed. Rolling to his side was easy, as was swinging his legs from the bed. Pushing himself up, however, made him gasp. Ever so slowly, he inched his way to a sitting position, one arm tightly wrapped around his chest.

Once sitting, leaning dangerously over the side, the fae tried to slow his breathing. His heart raced from just sitting up. Gathering his courage, Cecil used his legs to stand, and slowly straightened himself. It was difficult, one never knew how much they used chest or core muscles until they injured something in the area. Well, same could be said about any group of muscles, really. To get around the bed, he carefully placed one foot before the other, waiting until he was sure he could keep his balance before taking the next step. All the while, he gritted his teeth, his brows furrowed with pain and concentration.

When he finally made it to the door, he leaned heavily against the frame. Cecil took the moment of catching his breath to watch her peaceful slumber. Was it always going to be this way? She watch over him until Nelanna passes out? Were they doomed to not spend much time together, as it was all spent with one of them sleeping? The fae blushed as he realized he wanted to spend time with her, to get to know her. Was it even proper? Or even conceivable since they could barely communicate?

Two more steps forward, and he lay a heavy hand on her rocking chair, unintentionally pulling it back on her. Nelanna’s eyes would shoot open to see an apologetic smirk. With a beckoning motion, Cecil turned and went back into the house. A wave of his hand, and a box of medical supplies appeared at the foot of her bed. For a moment, he stood over it, glaring at it. If he could summon items, why could he not summon the ability to heal himself, or even fix the curse? Dashing the frustrations away, Cecil withdrew some large bandages. He was always fearful of Oberon would do to him should the king catch up, and thus was prepared for most injuries that the man could inflict.

The fae turned toward Nelanna, took a small section and pulled it taunt between his hands. He proceeded to place the bandage in her hands and winced as he held out his arms. Eyes screwed shut, he silently begged her to hurry with the task he was asking her to do.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:11 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    His injuries were worse than she had hoped. As her hands examined bones beneath flesh, she felt some turned in ways they shouldn’t be. In other words, some were broken. Her medical kit would be of no use here; she will have no choice but to use her healing magic, no matter how low level it is. Taking a deep breath, she did just so, and managed to heal the most minor of his injuries. Silently she cursed herself for not having a better spell that could heal all of his injuries, for he was still left with cracks and large amounts of pain.

With that done, and after a bit of convincing from her patient, she sat next to Cecil and took a book as it was handed to her. And with an amused smile, she asked, “You wish for me to read this?” He nodded. There, she opened the book and flipped to the first chapter. Already she was becoming a little excited about reading the story to him. It was one of her favorites, simply because it had been given to her by her elder sister, only the day before she had left the mansion. Her eyes were almost woeful as the memory crossed her, looking down at the words Chapter 1.

But setting her feelings aside, she began: “The Whispering Forest. It was a forbidden place in the land of ice in the Ice Kingdom. The forest floor was coated by a thick blanket of pure snow, and the trees were of a pale grey. They were always leafless, their sprouting branches creaking and moaning eerily in the wind with icicles hanging from them. There was whispering upon the wind, speaking words of a language no one knew, and the air was crisp with a sharp, chilling bite.”

The story told of a young princess learning to become queen and how to protect her kingdom, as well as how to protect herself. It was a story of adventure, danger, and romance as she fell for the king of a neighboring kingdom. A long story it was, so just getting to the halfway point took quite some time. Especially since she put in extra effort to make things feel real and exciting as she read. But it was at the halfway point when she finally realized that her listener was no longer listening. Instead, he was fast asleep at her side.

With a soft smile, she closed the book and glanced around the room in thought. She needed to get him some clothes, considering he was lying in her bed with nothing but a towel to cover himself. But that could wait until he woke. She wasn’t entirely comfortable with him lying in her bed in the first place, either. But moving him to the one in the attic wasn’t a good idea. The movement could be too much for his broken ribs; she didn’t want to make them worse. Perhaps she could give him some medicine to help with the pain. Yeah, she’ll do that. But only when he wakes.

She glanced down at him again, several moments passing slowly as she took in his sleeping features. He looked so peaceful while he slept. Reaching out to brush her fingers across his skin came to her mind, and almost became a desire of hers, just so she could feel the calm as he slept. He was a very attractive man… She shook her head violently and slapped her cheeks once she noticed she was beginning to feel warmer than usual. Was she blushing? She didn’t know. But she was far from pleased with herself for thinking such impure thoughts about a man while he was in a state of weakness. She felt as if she were taking advantage of him and his current condition just by certain thoughts. How shameful.

Nelanna slipped off the bed and pulled the comforter over him, partly to cover his mostly naked body, and partly to keep him warm. Then, she decided it was time to do some housecleaning, which she hadn’t done since the day before she found Cecil. She could already see dust rising on the furniture. She took a rag from the bathing room, then began her work.

    A few hours went by, all spent with thorough cleaning within the house. The flooring and furniture was all polished, clothes were cleaned and old blanket were dusted. She had even gone out to tend to her gardens and pick some ripe herbs. By the end of it all, she was completely exhausted and wished for nothing more than a calming bath to wash the dust and dirt from her, then to relax for the rest of the day. But Cecil was still there. The bath and relaxing would have to wait.

While she was still downstairs, she poured a glass of fresh water before taking it up to him in case he was awake. Upon entering her bedroom she found that he was still resting. Whether it was from exhaustion, or just from how terrible the pain was, that he slept so well and for so long, she couldn’t tell.

She left the water on the bedside table then made her way for another door in her room. This one was completely glass with beautiful wooden frames, and it led to a balcony just on the other side. She walked out, leaving the door open behind her and took a seat in one of the two rocking chairs that sat on the wooden balcony. There, she slowly rocked herself as she felt a chilling breeze gently wash over her, carrying the scent of rain with it. Nelanna closed her eyes, paying no mind to the distant rumbling of thunder. And as sleep started taking her, she began to dream…

Author: Anon, Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:17 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

The time it took for her arrival seemed to tick by so slowly, each second an eternity. When she finally burst through the door, relief flooded through him, even as his foot slipped from underneath him once more. It seemed that the more he struggled, the more fruitless his efforts became. Shaking his head in response, he accepted her help to stand. Yet, he tried to utilize some control, so as to not put too much weight upon her shoulders. However, he utterly failed as they stood back up.

Carefully, he walked away from puddle with her assistance. Slow was the descent to the bed, as the muscle groups in his upper body moved accordingly, the injury sending waves of nauseating pain across his chest. He sank into the bed while hugging his chest, wishing to be enveloped by it, and disappear into the softness. Unfortunately, his current predicament grounded him harshly in reality. Smooth hands ran across his moist skin. A hand shot out, grasped her wrist. Cecil guided her to his ribs. His face was distorted by grimaced pain as their hands brushed against the tender spot, trying to hide it in a pillow that smelled strongly of her.

Panting heavily, each breath a dagger in his side, Cecil had to convey his thoughts, as broken as they were. There was no time for pen and paper, so he did the only thing he could think of. Holding his hands together at the thumbs, as if he was grasping a twig or long, cylindrical object, Cecil moved as if he broke it, snapping the proverbial object in half. The questioning look on his face made it apparent that this was a worst case scenario he hoped was not case.

After she did what she could to help him rest easy, the fae convinced his goddess to sit down on the opposite side of the bed from him. He would even go so far as to grabbing her and pulling her to the bed if he must. Grabbing a book from the table, he handed it to her, pleading with his eyes. Cecil touched his throat and pulled his hand away gently, asking her to read it aloud to him.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:23 AM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    Fae curses are inexplicable. After all of her research, this was what Nelanna had managed to learn. In her book on curses, those which are casted by Faes, or Faeries, are the most mysterious and sometimes dangerous. Their curses are simply unlimited, most still unknown by anyone that isn’t a Fae themselves. And those which are known, their cures aren’t. This is simply because the Fae which casts the curse is the one whom chooses how it may be lifted. And if the one whom’s cursed doesn’t know that, then they’re practically doomed. None of this helped her in the least.

With a heavy sigh, she rolled over onto her back and rested the back of her hand over her eyes, her mind whirling. All of her research bore no fruit, and now it was beginning to irritate her. She wished so deeply to help Cecil, to lift his curse. Sure, many might think she’d already done enough by treating his injuries and allowing him to stay somewhere safe, but it wasn’t enough. After learning all she had about his past, his wounds and the curse placed on him was no longer the only thing she wished to fix. He had lost his mother, the only one whom ever truly cared about him, and he was abused. And now, his past holds him by the arms and legs like shackles, preventing him from getting away, from being free. If there was anything she truly hated, it was being pushed back, being kept from being free. Freedom was a wonderful thing, this she knew. And oh how she wished she could help him obtain it, to feel it’s sweet sensation.

With a light sigh, she sat up and looked towards the door, taking notice of how long he’d been in there. Slight worry crept in her heart as wild thoughts came to mind. Maybe something happened and he was unable to knock on the door for help. Maybe she should… no, he’ll be fine. She couldn’t go barging in over speculation. Shaking her head, she decided he was fine and probably just enjoyed long baths or something and turned back to her books. Then, she heard a loud thud. It wasn’t just her imagination!

She threw herself off the bed and ran into the bathing room as quickly as she could, and from the sight she witnessed within, her heart dropped. There he was, lying on the floor in nothing but a towel, wincing with pain. Nelanna hurried to his side and looked him over with wide eyes. “Cecil, are you alright?” She asked worriedly. With a thud as loud as the one she’d heard, she knew there was no way he could’ve fallen without obtaining any new injuries. And it sounded far too painful to only get a few bruises.

Without waiting on him to reply, she decided she should take him to her bed and look him over there. So, she grabbed one of his arms and pulled it over her nape, using her other arm to grab hold of his waist, supporting him to the best of her ability so standing wouldn’t be as much of a challenge. Carefully, and slowly, she helped him to her bed. After she had him lay down, she took the books and placed them on the bedside table so they weren’t in the way. This was when she sat on the edge of the bed and started to examine him by running her hands up and down his skin, though careful not to get too close to places she shouldn’t be touching. “Where does it hurt?”

Author: Anon, Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:18 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Cecil stood and followed her. If he was to stay here awhile, depending on his recovery, he might as well make mental notes as to where things were. The kitchen now behind them, they went up the stairs, into a room that was more personable than the one he woke up in. A tidy bed, more books, and some personal belongings were neatly arranged. Making the deduction that this was her room, there was a door to a smaller room within. Cabinets lined one side, the tub against the other, it seemed quaint. Nothing extravagant, which made him assume that she was a simple kind of girl, in the sweetest of ways.

With a smile, she had closed the door behind her, leaving him alone to his own devices. First he undressed, and carefully removed the bandages. They were folded and rolled, neatly stacked in the corner. As the tub was filling with water, Cecil took the opportunity to gently clean some of the wounds on his arm. Despite their efforts the previous day, some of the deeper ones were festering already. Damn those ravens, and his father!

Once his wounds were all tended, Cecil traced a circle upon the ground until a small pouch of herbs appeared. Scooping it up, the elvish fae opened it to retrieve a fistful of the powder within, depositing it within the bath water. Dried, crushed, and ground, the herbal concoction was designed to counter evil curses inflicted in wounds. Thanks to foresight, it was coming in handy now. The powder dispersed itself into the warm liquid, turning it a light green tint. Praying it actually worked, Cecil finally lowered himself in the bath, a single wash rag in hand.

After assuming a comfortable position, the rag was soaked, wrung out and placed over his face. Here, he rested for awhile, actually falling asleep as the herbs did their job. By the time he woke up, the cloth had gone dry, the water now cold. Cecil removed the rag, soaked it again and began to gently rub at his body. Standing, the elf carefully stepped out and retrieved a towel to wrap himself in. With the image of possibly sleeping on her bed while she read one of those books running through his mind, he took a moment to admire his water-logged arms, took a step. Water caused Cecil's foot to go up, his stomach lurching up to his heart as he now saw the ceiling and felt the inevitable sensation of falling. He landed harshly on the side of the tub, the thud of a body crashing masked the cracking of bone or bones.

If he could scream out, he would have. As it was, while he struggled to get his feet underneath him, slipping on the slick flooring, Cecil was cursing himself. What did Oberon do? Give him the curse of terrible luck? By the nine hells, it hurt to even move, each slip jolted his ribcage, making him want to scream out again. Forced silence resulted in Cecil clenching his teeth, pained determination all over his face until his goddess comes to save him once more.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 1:35 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    As she felt him relax against her she smiled softly to herself. And though she was slightly startled by him pulling at her hips, she didn’t mind. Nelanna figured it was because of his current emotional state; it was only natural for one whom is upset to seek comfort, and accept it when it’s given. And so, not even for a second did she stop stroking his white hair, nor did she let go of him. Then, she heard a sniffle.

Glancing down at him, she noticed tears streaming down his face, and felt her heart squeeze for him. As if on instinct, like a mother would when her child is hurt, she pulled him a little closer and placed a light kiss upon his forehead. “It’s alright. There’s no need to hold it in any longer. You can let it all out now,” she whispered ever so softly. Many people would frown when they saw a man cry. It was considered showing weakness, and because of societies’ twisted view on how people should be, men should never show weakness. They were looked down upon, as well as insulted and mistreated.

But she knew better. Tears were not a sign of weakness, but a sign that someone had experienced tremendous pain. Tears only reveal themselves once a persons’ heart could take no more. This, she could see clearly. Just how long had he suffered so? How long had he been hiding his pain from the world, and tried to remain strong? She may never know, and she didn’t need to. Already she had caused him pain by bringing back memories of his; she didn’t wish to cause him any more by asking more questions.

As he pulled away from her and dried his tears, she smiled softly at him, hoping she was able to bring him at least a little comfort. His next action was a curious one -rubbing his hand over his other arm -but she quickly began to realize what he was wanting. “Very well,” said she with a light nod.

With a wave of her hand, a simple motion for him to follow, she left the kitchen and started to the second floor. Nelanna showed him to the bathing room where a tub stood against the wall to the right, with cabinets the their left. The room was a rather small one, but there was plenty of room for one to get around.

“There are wash rags and soaps in the cabinets to wash yourself, as well as towels to dry. If you need anything, just knock on the door. I’ll be in my room.” With a friendly smile, she shut the door, leaving him in the bathing room, and walked over to her bed. She flopped onto the soft mattress and opened one of many books that had been laid out on her bed the night before. There, she waited, passing the time with more research. Only, this time, she was reading about fae curses.

Author: Anon, Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:17 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Nelanna took a shaky breath as she nodded. Cecil had opened a floodgate of memory and emotion for her many times over. Not only is she relating to him, but she was admitting to it as per request. He could almost swear to see them playing behind her eyes, the haunting events of the past becoming the foundation of lessons for the future. Yet the goddess refused to share a single word on the subject.

What would he give to know what she was thinking? The way she looked at him, the pity, was almost too much to bear. Finally, his goddess of beauty spoke, reassuring him the past was the past for her. His eyes followed her movement as she approached him. Surprise stiffened his body as she pulled him into an embrace, the soft mounds of her chest pressing against his cheek comfortingly. Nelanna stroked his hair, humming an unfamiliar tune. Her voice vibrated through her, as he both felt and heard it, along with every breath inflating the balloons beneath their cage.

Eventually, Cecil relaxed, gently pulling at her hips. Leaving his hands there, the elf closed his eyes. While wondering if she was trying to step in for his mother, even if temporarily, the fae knew there was no replacing her. Silent tears began rolling down his face at this realization, missing her to the fullest now, for the first time in years. Gripping her, he allowed himself to weep shamelessly. It was sad to see a grown man cry, yet Cecil had never paid much attention to such cliches.

She continued to hold him, allowing the reaction to run its course. When finally the tears were spent, he was content to just continue holding her, feeling the same love and compassion his mother washed over him. At some point down the line, Cecil sat up, scrubbed his face dry and sniffled. He owed her a huge debt of gratitude, both for his life and his sanity. Afraid to go outside, fear of Oberon descending upon the sweet Nelanna, he decided it was time for a bath. Perhaps he could regain composure in there. Looking up at his hostess, he gently rubbed a hand over the opposite arm, as if trying to wash himself.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:02 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    Nelanna felt the lump in her throat grow when she saw the nod, her heart feeling as if it had been stabbed. With another look at the pictures, she attempted to figure out why he was abused, and just what happened to his mother. Clearly she had been lost, and his heartache, his grief was visible as day. Had she been abused as well, just like him? And the others just…went too far one day? Or was it something else? She suspected it was the latter, considering his mother had no visible wounds, at least in the pictures, that suggested anyone had ever raised a hand to her. But why him? Why abuse him?

She looked back up at him in time to see him pointing at the picture of him being beaten, whilst pointing at her. And for a moment, she blinked, not understanding what he was trying to say. After a few more glances between him and the picture, something finally came to mind. A child being beaten, and then he points at her. Perhaps, he was asking what her childhood was like. If she had been abused as well.

Taking a shaky breath as she slowly became overwhelmed with emotions again, she nodded. She recalled all the times her father had raised a hand against her and her sister, and all the cruel things her mother said to them. They were nobility, but all her parents cared about was looking like the perfect family to everyone else. Outside of their house they put on doll faces and acted like everything was alright, but when the curtains came down, when no one could see, her parents showed their true selves. If her sister or her so much as spoke their opinions, they received a beating. Once, her sister even said their parents wanted them to be their little puppets, and were trying to hollow them out so they would have no desires or will. They would be nothing but broken dolls.

But she didn’t wish to burden Cecil with the knowledge of her past. It was all just that, the past. There was no need to cling to it. She was free from her parents, free from that hell of a house and the cruel things that happened within. She was free to do as she pleased, and free from a life of shackles. Nothing was holding her back. But Cecil…Cecil was different. His past chased him down and refused to let him move on. It refused to allow him to heal, to be free.

Without thought, she stood with a soft smile, muttering the words, “There’s no need to worry about me.” Then, she reached out her arms and embraced him, pulling his head against her bosom in a comforting hug. Gently stroking his snowy hair, not realizing what her actions might have caused him to think, she started humming him a soft song. One her sister had once sung to her when she was a child. It was a beautiful tune, one that relaxes the mind and body. She hoped it would be of use to him.

Author: Anon, Posted: Thu Mar 8, 2018 8:55 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Picking up the picture of mother and child, Cecil gazed upon it sadly. Unable to speak, and not because of the curse, but from a hard lump forming in his throat, he nodded. As he took in the loving features he nearly forgot, Cecil had to wonder if Nelanna understood the message in its entirety. Oberon married his mother, one of the most beautiful fairies in the kingdom. He was cruel to the child birthed by her out of petty jealousy as the beloved child consumed much of her attention and thoughts.

There was one image not included, a scene the fae was unsure if he could bring himself to draw. Once she passed away, everything got worse. Idly, the bread was nibbled upon. At least his host knew now that the remedy was not going to be easily found. In fact, it somewhat infuriated him that he could not counter it. Was Oberon that much stronger from age? To make matters worse, he felt quite awkward remaining silent. Oberon was cruel in the perfection of this punishment.

Unsure why he was being punished, Cecil stood and retrieved a glass of water to wash the food down. Sadly, he was full from bread alone. Effects from the countered curse lingered, having already taking its toll upon his body. Realizing he was being self centered, the fae turned his attention to his hostess, sympathy written clear as day in every soft curve. No, it was deeper than that, she empathized. There was a difference between someone who felt sorry for something, and someone who could relate to a similar experience.

Hesitantly, unsure if he should even ask, he sat back down, and pointed to the abused child. With a questioning look, his finger shifted towards her. ’Did someone hurt you too?’ Oh, so many ideas flooded his mind at the thought. Cecil wanted to hold her, kiss each tear off her face, make her feel warm and loved. Yet, he wanted to let her know how beautiful she was. Such beauty should not be made to suffer or feel sorrow.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Thu Mar 8, 2018 3:07 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Nelanna forced a weak smile as he wiped a tear away. With another sniffle, she finished the job by using a rag to wipe away the rest of her tears, taking a deep breath to try regaining her composure. The man started taking up new paper and drawing more pieces of art, and she watched intently as he did so. They way he drew, as if with urgency, and with seemingly deep concentration, Nelanna felt he was up to something. Perhaps he thought the first picture had told her something, and he was attempting to show her more? At that moment she couldn’t make much sense out of it, but as he laid each piece out in orderly fashion, she began to put the pieces in place.

Each one was far different, each seemingly telling a story of some kind. But one thing she was certain of, they were all related. The same child was in each and every one. Looking them over, she started to decipher them. A man and a woman on their wedding day. A child being beaten and abused. Perhaps their child? Then a mother cradling the child within her arms, and then there was Cecil, ruining from something. Her eyes widened once it all fit into place, and she looked up at Cecil.

This wasn’t just any story. This was his story. This is what he had endured, ever since childhood. With one more look at the last picture, then back at him, she realized what else it was he was trying to say. His voice. It was the shadowed man that had taken it. That picture must’ve been the day she found him! The crows, his lost voice, it must be! She placed a hand over her lips with horror. Now she knew what happened to him that day; how he had received those wounds. She looked back down at the third picture, the first one he had drawn and pointed out the mother.

“Was she your mother?” She asked. Perhaps it was a silly question, but just because the woman was motherly, it didn’t make her his mother. An adopted mother perhaps, or another relative, or a dear friend. Just like her and her older sister. If no one knew better they wouldn’t mistaken them for mother and child. And in her mind, she was more of a mother to her than her real one.

The more she looked at the pictures the more she began to understand. He was abused, and apparently hated. She could feel his pain, for she knew what it was like to be abused and hated. And by her own parents. But, she knew she didn’t have it near as bad as him.

Author: Anon, Posted: Thu Mar 8, 2018 12:49 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

The food was placed before them, yet Cecil was lost to the confines of his mind. Emotions were flooding through him, walls he had so carefully built crumbled. Years of abuse came back, memories long forgotten uncovered. For the complexity of the past, it was a simple sniffle to ground him back to reality, reminding the fairy that he was not alone. His eyes slid over to the elf, finding himself perplexed.

Why was she crying? It couldn’t have been something he done, for he had been sitting quietly, reminiscing terrible events and the yearning for his mother. Glancing between the drawing and the elf, Cecil began to figure it out. Art can describe something, worth about a thousand words. A small, sad smile spread on his face as he reached out to wipe tears away. ’Don’t cry,’ he mouthed. Otherwise, she’d make him want to cry. For as much as he was masculine, Cecil carried very feminine traits due to the lifestyle he has led for so long.

An idea began to form. Taking a bite of the bread, the pencil was picked up and a fresh paper. Starting with basic figures, details began to fill in with each passing minute. The woman from the first page was portrayed in a traditional wedding ceremony with a gorgeous man next to her. Their hands were clasped lovingly. A new page was grabbed as Cecil continued with new found obsession. In the new page, the man stood tall, covering most of the background with outstretched hands. Before him, a group of fairies beat on the child fairy, one having a firm grip of a wing.

The poor child had arms trying to shield its head, a look of terror, fear and pain clear as day. Yet, looking at the others, the group looked malicious, the king, portrayed by the crown upon his head, grinned wickedly. A fourth was retrieved, charcoal lines beginning to form a new picture. Wingless Cecil was in this one, running, surrounded by crows. The shadow of the fairy king outstretched his hand, clawing at the fleeing man.

When he was done, the pictures were lined up in order. First the wedding, then the group attack, the woman holding the child, and finally Cecil running. Pointing to the cruel shadow, he pointed to his own throat, trying to tell her that is why he lost his voice. Expectantly, he watched her face carefully as she took in his attempt of communication.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Thu Mar 8, 2018 9:11 AM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    His enthusiastic smile, the brightness that shone in his eyes, it made her heart warm as she witnessed it all. Even everything he did afterwards, from circling to show he was alright, to pointing out that he had even managed to change his bandages. It all made her beam with overwhelming joy. Seeing him in the horrible state he had previously been in pained her dearly, so seeing this improvement gave her hope that he could be healed. There was even a glimmer of hope that his voice might return, but perhaps she was becoming too wishful. Not everything could be fixed. Somethings were permanent, and they had to accept that.

As he motioned towards the door, she blinked obliviously for a moment before she realized he was wanting her to take the lead. Ah, of course. With a light nod of her head she obligingly showed him out of the room and down to the first floor, paying no mind to him taking paper and pencils. Why he wished to bring such things with them, she didn’t know, but she didn’t really mind either. Down on the first floor, she left him at the dining table whilst she started the preparations for cooking breakfast. A flat iron skillet, some eggs, sausage and bread was all she needed. It was all used for making such a simple meal, but a delightful one. Though, there was a reason she had chosen to cook something so simple. She didn’t think she had a good hand at cooking, so she wasn’t willing to risk making something more spectacular, fearing she would mess it up. She hoped he didn’t mind.

The meal didn’t take long to make, a few minutes at best, and so she set it on the table to be eaten. As she was laying out the silverware and filling a couple of glasses with fresh, cold water, she took a gander at the page laid out before Cecil. Where there used to be a blank sheet of paper, was now an exquisite work of art. The picture was so well drawn; it was obvious the elfin man was gifted with talent. But, despite her being impressed, she also felt a bit of sorrow. Not at the art, but what the picture was.

A loving mother and her child, both presumably faeries, only, the child had tattered wings. It was a beautiful and touching piece, but also tragic. She didn’t understand the picture, and yet she understood it completely. She understand it represented a mother’s love for her child, and how she is there for them when they fall. Or at least, that’s what it meant to her, whether or not that’s what it was meant to mean. But, she didn’t understand what was happening. Why was the child’s wings broken? Had it been a simple mistake of childish clumsiness? Or did it have deeper meaning? One look at the longing look in Cecil’s eyes suggested it was the latter. It wasn’t what the picture meant in itself as a piece of art. No, the picture held some meaning within his heart, a meaning Nelanna thought she may never understand.

For once, just by the look in his eyes, she noticed that this man was wounded. And she could easily see, these were wounds that were not so easily healed, and sometimes, it was impossible. He had wounds in his heart, and she felt a stab of sorrow knowing she couldn’t ease his pain. She reached up with a hand and grasped her clothing above her aching heart, and before she had realized it, she wept. She wept for him. The moment she’d noticed the tears trickling down her cheeks she covered her face with her hands. Silently she cursed herself for allowing her female hormones to push her over the edge. Her thoughts had run wild, and now because of it she was weeping over something that may not even be true. She felt a fool for it, and attempted to force herself to stop crying.

She sniffled and wiped her tears away, but kept her head down, her eyes gazing blankly upon her food as she refused to look up and let him see her tears. She imagined she must look hideous. “I’m sorry,” she said through a trembling voice, the sound almost completely faded by the lump in her throat. Her aching heart pounded painfully in her chest, and her head was throbbing from the overwhelming emotions she was trying so hard not to show. “I…I don’t know what came over me…”

She swallowed, attempting to force down the pain in her throat which stole the beauty in her voice. Ever so deeply she longed to reach out to him, to embrace him and take his pain away. But the pain he felt rendered her useless; there was nothing she could do. It was the hearts’ pain that chooses what can heal it and what can’t, and if it ever will. At times, pain in the heart can be a blessing in disguise. It can open doors to a new life, one which will bring more happiness to its barer than ever before. But sometimes it can completely destroy a person, leaving their mind, soul and heart beaten and broken. Sometimes it was just a curse.

Author: Anon, Posted: Wed Mar 7, 2018 12:52 AM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

The name flowed from her lips exquisitly, his face beaming with delight, nodding almost too enthusiastically. He instantly stopped, fingers on his temple as he realized his mistake, head throbbing and slightly dizzy. Nelanna spoke, to which Cecil gave a deep bow of the head, hand flourishing out. She was looking him over, and the elf held out his hands as he slowly turned in a complete circle. When the elvish woman came back into view, Cecil pointed to the neatly piled bandages.

If he knew what do with them, he would take care of them himself, let alone the fact he had remembered precisely where the kit was to do the task himself. Forcing his eyes to slide off of her face, worried he might be staring, Cecil found his clothing. With a frown, he picked up the shirt and inspected it. An exhale through his nose was fast enough to be heard, showing his irritation. Stupid crows ruined it beyond salvagability!

Hearing her onslaught of questions, almost excitedly caused Cecil to throw his head back in silent laughter. It wasn't meant to be condenscending, he found the excitement refreshing, even if he didn't understand why. Another smile flashed toward her, a nod in consent, the fae wondered if he would ever gain the ability to talk to this sweet stranger. Motioning toward the stairs, he was attempting to be a gentleman, allowing her to lead the way. While this was her house, and he was the guest without any knowledge of where anything was, he was still polite. It was a vow he had made when he ran away from home all those years ago.

Yet, his smile faded as he watched her, following slowly behind. Why was she helping him? Fairies are cruel, and it was all he had known. Most creatures took advantage of almost any situation. Cecil could not detect any ulterior motive from her, Nelanna seemed to genuinely care for his welfare. The concept rolled around and around, making absolutely no sense to him. Before leaving the room, he took a moment to rummage through the drawers to pull out blank paper and some charcoal pencils. There has to be a way to communicate with her!

As man followed woman, opening any door for her, he could not help but follow the curves of her back, notice the way her hips swayed when she walked. The grace of her kind did not fail her, and he wondered how aware she was to the knowledge that many, including himself, would find her extremely attractive. With her gentle heart, however, Cecil was afraid he would frighten her away, or get thrown out if he tried anything. How did mortals do this, again? If he could talk, what kind of conversations would they have? That's where they started, right?

Into the kitchen they went on the first floor. Feeling a bit guilty about not offering to help, the cursed elf sat down at the table, spreading the sheets before him. On the first, he attempted to write, but what was supposed to be beautiful archs and swirls, each line flowing into the next seamlessly turned out a jumbled scribbled mess. A child could have done better than him! Frustrated, he crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it. The next blank sheet glared at him, mocking him.

Knowing it was futile, Cecil sighed, lifted the pencil and began making soft marks on the page. He stopped thinking, stopped forcing himself. By the time she was done cooking breakfast, most of the page was filled with a beautiful charcoal scene. In the clearing of a forest, a gorgeous woman sat and held her child. The smile on her face was so loving, so tender. All that could be seen of the child was its back, with long hair. Both had insect-like wings, though the child's seemed tattered, possibly ripped in comparison. Cecil looked upon the drawing longingly.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Tue Mar 6, 2018 7:30 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    Awoken by the feeling of something warm squeezing her hand, Nelanna opened her eyes to see the elf smiling at her. She sat up quickly, startled to see that he was up, and smiled. “You’re up,” she said happily. As he started pointing at letters on a page in one of the opened books, her eyes followed. At first she didn’t know what he was trying to spell out, until she realized it was a name. “Cecil,” without her meaning to, the name escaped her lips in a quiet mutter. Her eyes lit up when it suddenly hit her. That was his name.

With a bright smile, she looked back up at him. “So you’re Cecil. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” After speaking those words, she took a moment to look over him, wondering if he was alright. He seemed to have found some clothing to wear, which reminded her she needed to wash and tailor his initial clothing. She hoped that him being up meant that he was feeling a little better. If that were the case, then perhaps her remedies had helped some after all. But it didn’t fix everything. He still couldn’t speak. And the fact that he had tried speaking twice already meant that he hadn’t always been mute. Those whom were mute would never attempt to speak, knowing it was futile. Which meant he was used to speaking, and somehow lost the ability. But what could take one’s voice away?

She stood from her chair, smiling at him. “You’ve been asleep for quite some time. Do you feel any better? Are you hungry? I can fix you something to eat if you wish.” She almost rambled, cutting herself short so she wouldn’t get overwhelmed with excitement. She was happy to see him up and moving about, to say the least.

Author: Anon, Posted: Tue Mar 6, 2018 4:28 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

At some point through the night, the fever fell. It had not disappeared completely, but it was enough for strength to slowly return to his body. When Anon opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his guardian goddess asleep in the chair at the desk. His heart melted at the sight. Books were surrounding her, some opened to random pages. As the elf slipped out of bed, he felt relatively self conscious. Quietly as he could, Anon tended his own wounds on his arms and legs.

Old bandages were removed, the chest opened and medical kit acquired. He cleaned the wounds and rebandaged them in fresh cloth. For the matter of being near naked, despite the bandages and undergarments, Anon felt there had to be something he could use. Silently padding over to the wardrobe, and found suitable clothing that just barely fit. Fully dressed, the supplies used were returned to their proper location, The elf sat at the edge of the bed, contemplating his situation while staring at the goddess.

Oberon's curse was partially countered, or was it that he managed to disable it and his body now needed to recover from the magic inflicted upon it? Curious, he tried to speak her name, yet no sound came still. His voice was still gone. He stood, moving to Nelanna's side, spying on some of the books she was reading. The hostess was researching possible ailments and remedies. 'Not going to work, sweetie. Oberon's curses are not found in any book.' Sapphire orbs drifted onto her peaceful face, her beauty striking through him once more.

Reluctant, a single, warm hand reached out and touched her own, gently squeezing her fingers. When her eyes opened, he smiled kindly at her, grateful for everything she had done for him. Once more looking at the books, he realized he could understand the writing, and an idea formed in his mind. Pointing to himself, then to a letter, Anon shook his head if she spoke the word it was in. Using two fingers, he hid everything but the C. He continued until he spelled out the word Cecil. The name was finally chosen.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Tue Mar 6, 2018 3:32 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    As he laid down to sleep, Nelanna took the water over to the desk and set it on the desk top. There she stood, unmoving, her eyes downcast as she thought about the man. He couldn’t speak, he could barely move and stay awake. He was covered with terrible wounds she wasn’t even sure she could heal. What if they continued to cause him trouble? Would they cause him an early demise? If that were possible. The very thought frightened her, and she turned around and quietly approached him. Despite the pain she new he must be in, he looked surprisingly peaceful while he tried to rest. For once she began to realize just how attractive he was, but immediately she cast the thought aside. He was wounded and in desperate need of help. She felt ashamed for thinking improper things.

With a light sigh, she turned away and walked back over to the desk and took a seat. It had a few drawers, which one she opened and removed a small black book with a rose on the front. It was her journal, which she kept ever since she had left the farm so long ago. Within it were stories of her journeys, as well as notes she had taken about herbs, remedies, potions, and so much more. She knew there was something else wrong with the snowy haired elf, something she couldn’t see and couldn’t fix with her current abilities. There was a glimmer of hope within her that there might be something in her notes to help her, or at least give her an idea on what was wrong. She flipped open the journal to a page with beautiful handwriting in ink and a picture of an herb. There, she began her research.

    Hours of research went by, with occasional glances back at the resting man and only getting up to check his temperature and feed herself. There was nothing she could find within her journal that could be of any help, only raising more questions. She released a heavy sigh and rubbed her head with growing frustration and weariness. Looking up at the window next to the desk, she noticed that the sun had gone down long ago. No wonder she was so tired. With another sigh, she closed the journal and put it back in the drawer. She walked over to the window and closed the curtains, then walked over to the bed.

The man still seemed to be sleeping. She felt his forehead again, only to find that his fever was still high. In fact, it hadn’t seemed to go down at all. So her remedy wasn’t working…she needed to try something else. Perhaps a cold wet rag would at least help make him feel cooler, even if it didn’t help his fever. A cold bath might help cool him as well, but that could wait for when he awakes.

She started towards the door with a yawn and quietly slipped out of the room, down the stairs and to the second floor. This was where her own bedroom was. It was no bigger than the one in the attic, and wasn’t decorated much differently aside from a few paintings on the walls and the furniture was arranged differently. It was also connected to another room, which was where she bathed. This was where she took a rag, one slightly larger than the ones in the medicine kit. They were used for cleansing the body, so she figured they would do just fine for cooling it. 

She took it back upstairs to the third room and slipped in as quietly as she could. After soaking it with cool water from the pitcher, while making sure there was some left in case he woke and wanted water. Then, she folded the rag neatly and sat on the side of the bed, laying the cool rag across his forehead. Without even realizing, she started staring at him again, but it wasn’t because he was attractive. It was because she was worried about him and his well being.

Feeling a sudden flow of determination, she decided to push her tiredness aside and walked over to the bookshelf. She removed several books and took them to the desk. Turning the lantern on, she began her research once more. She would find a way to help him one way or another.

Author: Anon, Posted: Tue Mar 6, 2018 12:43 AM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

More images danced through his mind. Memories of harsh dances designed to make the center of attention dizzy. If she fell, the far would take turns kicking at every inch of the body until she stood back up. The dancing resumed, the child felt ill. Beaten, bruised, and broken, she must endure, for she would make everything better. When finally she came, relief would flood as the child was held by the woman. Words would be whispered. For the night, she'd be safe.Anon opened his eyes and stared out at the wall. The woman's face taunted him, a tender memory so cherished, yet more dusty than the pain heaped upon him by Oberon. Eyes like the moon, hair so silky, she always smelled of flowers, not at all like the terrible flora of Feeorin. Never forget, you're a fairy, she said. How he wanted to curl in her lap and be the child once more. Light footsteps upon the stairs signalled his hostess' arrival. Yet, he continued staring at the all , afraid that he'd loose her face into the recesses of the mind again.Still, the soft whisper begged for his attention, and Anon labored as he pushed himself into a sitting position. Watching the woman, the water was accepted with a nod of the head. It was cool, refreshing as he swallowed. "Never forget, you are a fairy". The words haunted him, sapphire eyes staring into the cup with a slight frown furrowing his brows. What was his mother trying to tell him? Fairy…. Oberon was a fairy, she was a fairy. So Anon was a fairy. But what did that have to do with his current situation?Taking another long drag from the cup, the fae requested more water by simply holding it out. As Nelanna poured the water, Anon found himself staring at his own hand. Masculine… Fairy… Magic. Oberon cast the curse… Maybe he can counter it? Pushing the sick feeling down, Anon began to concentrate, using his own magic to attack his father's curse. After a minute, while he felt successful, his body didn't feel better. Draining the water and whatever medicine she wanted to give him, Anon wished there was a way for him to show his gratitude. A bow of the head, a small smile, the snowy haired elf laid back down and attempted to rest again.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Mon Mar 5, 2018 6:00 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    She had barely managed to catch the nod before he drifted into sleep. Nelanna smiled softly, though her eyes were sympathetic. If he wanted something to eat or drink she should probably bring it later so he could rest now. Bringing his temperature down and making sure he gets enough rest was the best thing for him. Of course, he needed food to build up his strength as well.

After remaining in her spot for a few moments longer she turned away and started down the stairs, making sure she quietly closed the door behind her. She made her to the first floor where there was a small living room with a stone fireplace, a small dining area and a place for preparing meals. 

She stopped next to a cabinet as she was passing through the kitchen, and removed a glass and a pitcher. Nelanna set them on the counter for when she returned, then took a canteen from the same cabinet. With that in hand, she made her way outside.

Past the scrambled cobblestone path and all of her gardens was a well, which she approached. Her horse, Jade Vine, was off grazing nearby, still wearing riding tack. It reminded Nelanna that she needed to remove them so her horse could be more comfortable. 

Just as she finished drawing water from the well and filling the canteen, a thrilled shriek sounded from above. She glanced up. There was Sol, her Phoenix, flying high above with brilliant wings of flame. It flew in circles, watching her from above. But she didn’t pay him any attention. She wasn’t cruel; he was just a spoiled bird.

She went back inside and filled the pitcher she had left out with the water she put in the canteen. Then, she proceeded to mix and mash herbs, making a remedy for fever. She was tempted to make him a meal, but she would rather wait until he woke. Otherwise it might cool and spoil. 

All of the errands she had done took about an hour, with the herbal remedy taking the longest. Then, she made her way back up to the third floor, medicine and water in hand, and quietly entered the room where the elfin man lay. 

“Are you awake?” She whispered, just in case he wasn’t. She didn’t want to wake him. 

Author: Anon, Posted: Mon Mar 5, 2018 3:50 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Hearing her name brought idle thoughts of the lack of a new name for which to go by in this form. Such things were trivial for now, especially without the ability to speak. This provided him chance to actually contemplate a proper name for an unknown length of time before choosing. Nelanna had attempted to heal what his father had done, but was unsuccessful. Hopefully, she would forgive the burning elf for not really taking an interest of looking around her home. Bandage the wounds, and sleep. It's all he wanted to do, sleep until the cursed illness take him.

As best as he could, Anon assisted the kind stranger, even so far as sitting at the edge of the bed, almsot with his chest resting on his knees as she treated his back. Honestly, the last time he remembered being this weak, requiring assistance for simple tasks had been so long ago, the memory was faded almost into obscurity. Was it from an attack on a brothel? Fever addled as he was, he couldn't help but smirk at the woman's modesty, refusing to allow her sight to wander. If he was feeling better, perhaps Anon would be trying to woo her.

No, she seemed too pure for that route. Nelanna would not be a one night fling. Still, to have someone take the time to be gentle in their care of a stranger was something he was not accustomed to. Oberon and his court was cruel, and she was the complete opposite, selfless. Huddled under the blankets after being bound, Anon watched her put supplies away. Moving that much had taken a toll on his waining strength as his eyes fluttered shut. 'Don't worry, Nelanna. This is not the worst I've endured… More is to come.' Maybe a sip of water? Barely managing a nod, the elf had quickly succumbed to slumber once more.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Mon Mar 5, 2018 3:07 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    As she was wiping the blood from his body and cleaning his wounds, Nelanna noticed that he had finally awoken. She stopped humming and offered him a gentle smile. “You’re awake,” she said quietly and softly, deciding to pretend she hadn’t seen the tear that strayed only moments ago. His weak movements and failed attempts to speak made her heart squeeze with sorrow. This poor man…whom had done this to him? And as she continued to rub the rag across his skin, she began to notice how hot he was. Furrowing her brows a little, she reached out to feel him for a temperature, but was startled when he decided to try sitting up.

Dropping the blood stained rag, Nelanna quickly grabbed hold of him so he wouldn’t fall back too roughly. “Careful there. You shouldn’t try getting up yet,” she said, taking up the rag once more and wiping at a cut on his cheek. Perhaps she should introduce herself. Even if he couldn’t currently speak to do the same, it was unladylike for her to bring him into her home and not even tell him whom she was. With another soft smile, she began introducing herself, “My name is Nelanna, Nelanna Rey Fox. I found you out in the forest, bloodied and beaten. I tried using a spell to heal you, but for some reason I was only able to heal your more minor injuries. So I brought you here.” She paused for a moment to look around the room, then looked back down at him. “This is my home. A cottage within Virens Forest.” 

Her smile faltered a little as she saw him grasping at his clothes and pulling on them. Perhaps he wanted them off. Well, they needed to come off sooner or later so she could wash and tailor them. She had waited for when he was awake, and he was awake now. She set the rag aside, speaking the words, “Here, let me help you.” Nelanna grabbed hold of the bottom of his shirt and began pulling it up over his head, until it was completely off. In an attempt to keep herself from gasping at what she saw, she parted her lips and her breath hitched. His lean body was covered with terrible bruises, some larger than her own hand. Gashes and scratches stretched up, down and across his torso. They were everywhere. The more she discovered the more her heart was pained, and the more she felt bad for him. 

With his trousers being next, she gripped the top of his tattered fabric and took a deep breath. She started to pull them down, keeping her eyes focused on the fabric itself and nothing else. She refused to see something she shouldn’t be seeing. Within moments they were off, and the man was left almost completely naked if it weren’t for the underclothes he wore. She released a sigh of relief to see that he was covered, and now felt more comfortable with what she had to do. 

Taking the rag up again, she poured a little more alcohol on it once more, since it was beginning to dry. Starting from his neck now, she wiped his wounds free from any blood and bacteria that could possibly start infection. Once she was satisfied she applied a little medicine to each and every open wound. It was made from a mixture of different herbs she had mashed together to make a sort of paste. Then, after every wound had been properly cleansed and medicine had been applied, she took bandages from the medicine kit and started to patch him up. She tried being as gentle with him as she possibly could, not wishing to cause him anymore harm.

Finally, his wounds had been taken care of. But now, she wanted to know just how bad his fever was. So she lightly placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature, only to find he was beaming with heat. He felt like he was on fire. She pulled away and gathered the contents of the medicine kit and put them back in their rightful place, then shut it and stood up. Glancing down with a kind yet smile, she asked, “I’ll return with some medicine to help with your fever and some fresh clothing. Are you hungry? Or thirsty? I can make something for you that’ll hopefully help bring some of your strength back.”

Author: Anon, Posted: Mon Mar 5, 2018 1:46 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Dark images swirled in the unconscious mind. A child beaten, starved, treated worse than a servant. Often times, mortals were held in higher regard than this small fairy. While the unsuspecting traveler may be cursed to dance upon thorns until death, the young one was crying herself to sleep with broken bones, a gnawing hunger gripping her stomach. At least the cursed were given food and merriment up to their demise.

Fear had ruled the child's life for so long, much of it was buried under thick walls. As his body burned with fever, the strong sense of fortune bled through the misery of past events. Few kicks with a murder of crows paled in comparison to broken limbs. A single tear formed and rolled down his cheek as cold, wet, and burning sensations pierced his uncomfortable slumber. Slowly, things began to register, such as the soft bed hugging Anon, a soothing voice humming. His body felt cold, yet he was burning up from the inside.

Eyes were forced open, the vision of that red haired goddess swam before him. Pitiful, and pleading, the elf lifted his hand to rest upon the one touching his face with something he wasn't familiar with. Gently, it was guided to his forehead, her skin feeling cool against his. Yet, he knew that if the wounds from crow and thorns were not treated, especially with Oberon concerned, there'd be hell to pay. Once more, as futile as it was, Anon attempted to speak again, only resulting in lips moving unintelligibly, soundless.

Anon pushed himself up, reaching out for the small woman. Attempting to get out of bed alone would result in sprawling across the floor. Yet, his entire body screamed out in pain, his face distorted by it as he fell back onto the bed. Weakly, a hand grasped at his clothing, trying to rip it off. If it dried to the blood… It'd be painful to remove.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Mon Mar 5, 2018 10:07 AM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    Nelanna felt a wave of relief once she saw him looking up at her, and she offered him a reassuring smile. “Don’t fret, you will be alright,” she said softly. She started looking over him, more thoroughly this time, so she’d know how to help. Perhaps a healing spell? But she wasn’t sure if his wounds were grave enough. It took a lot of her mana to perform a healing spell, which would all be waisted if the wounds could easily be healed with normal medicines and herbs. 

She felt her worry return when the man tried standing, and she reached her arms out in case he needed a steadying hand. “Don’t push yourself. You aren’t well enough to stand yet,” she said worriedly. But her worry only worsened when he suddenly collapsed and fell unconscious.

With a quivering breath caused by unsteady nerves, she decided she should use a healing spell. Bones could be broken, organs could be damaged. Her healing kit and herbs back at her cottage can’t fix that. She laid her hands upon him, closing her eyes at the start of deep concentration. An incantation left her lips, and with a bright light she began to feel him heal. But it wasn’t enough. Something was keeping her from healing him completely. She opened her eyes and looked down at him softly. It pained her dearly to see him like that. She may not have known him, but she valued all life, and would do anything to protect it.
Deciding she should take him to her cottage so she could examine him better, she whistled a tune, and within minutes came a pure white mare. The horse was already prepared for riding. And with as much strength as Nelanna could summon, she lifted up the man and laid him across the saddle. It wasn’t an easy task, but she managed. With that, she began leading the horse back to her cottage, occasionally sparing the man a worried glance.

Her cottage wasn’t very far from where she had found the man, so it didn’t take long to get there. It was a beautiful little place, with gardens and flowerbeds, vines crawling up the pale stone walls and lanterns hanging on either side of the front door on the porch.

She stopped the horse near the porch and struggled to get the man back down. It took her a few tries, and stumbled and almost fell several times, but just like earlier, she managed. The weight of a man was just too much for her to carry alone. But she was determined to help this man.

She carried him inside, holding one of his arms around her neck, with her other arm around his waist for support. Getting him up the stairs and to the third floor was no easy feat, and by the time she made it she was out of breath.

The third and final floor was an attic, but it wasn’t fixed like one. The floors were dark wood and well kept, while the oak wood furniture were dusted and cleaned to a shine. A large window rested on the wall to her right, giving the person within the room a beautiful view of the forest. Further along the same wall was a desk to sit at, and then a small bookcase. To her left was a wardrobe with two large cabinets where shirts and shoes were stored, and below was were trousers and underclothes were folded and kept in drawers. The bed was further along against the furthest wall, set so the floorboard was facing toward the wall to her right. Lastly, a large chest rested at the foot of the bed; this was where extras were stored.The room obviously wasn’t used much, but it was kept clean and prepared in case of company. 

Nelanna carried the man over to the bed and, as gently as she could, laid him down. She would have to clean the wounds she couldn’t fully heal and wash the blood from his body and clothes. Even his tattered clothing was damaged and in desperate need of tailoring. But she wasn’t comfortable with undressing him and washing down his body with him unconscious and unaware. It felt as if she’d be taking advantage of him. She knew how it felt to be sexually harassed, and though she wasn’t sure if men felt the same way, she knew it was far from pleasant. 

So, she decided to leave him for now and check back to make sure he was alright. She could find fresh clothing to substitute for when she fixes his current ones when he wakes, and she also needed to gather her medical kit and herbs so that she may clean the wounds and hopefully heal them. That, she could do while he slept. 

With a new goal, she walked over to the chest at the foot of the bed and opened it. Inside were blankets, all freshly cleaned and neatly folded, prepared for use. And just below them, at the bottom of the the chest was the medical kit. She removed it and shut the chest, then sat on the bed next to the man. Opening the kit, a bottle of alcohol was revealed along with rags to clean wounds, and other emergency medical tools. 

She began to poor some alcohol onto a rag, then turned to the man. With a deep breath, she began gently rubbing it on his wounds to cleanse them, starting with the cuts on his face.

Author: Anon, Posted: Sun Mar 4, 2018 11:50 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Curled up on himself, body shaking, the words of his father ran through his head. ”Never shall another sound escape your body, or common runes be used. May your body take ill and never recover, ungrateful child.” Fairy curses were some of the worst, often bestowed without a care to consequences. There was no surprise that Oberon would do such a thing to his kin.

Footsteps approached, crunching leaves. Tensing, Anon feared for the worse. Had Oberon decided to finish him off instead of watching the curse take effect? However, it was someone else, to gawk perhaps? As the scent of fresh herbs washed over him, her voice captured his attention. Sweet, soft and caring, worried over his health. Warm fingers checked his pulse.

His gem like eyes opened to gaze upon the flaming goddess before him. Curling crimson locks cascaded about her fair skin, beautiful turquoise gems gazing down at the injured man before her. Knowing it was futile, Anon attempted to speak anyway. “Crows”. No sound graced either of their ears. It was extreme effort to push himself to all fours, ending up collapsing, curling tighter than before.

’Damn Oberon! Damn him to hell!’ These were the last words to pass through his head before the curse weighed too heavily, dragging Anon into unconsciousness.

Author: Nelanna Fox, Posted: Sun Mar 4, 2018 2:18 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

    She carried a basket which contained freshly picked herbs as she wandered through the forest. She didn’t know her way around very well, and was just too stubborn to use her map, so she stayed on the outskirts of the forest and avoided venturing too deep. She knew full well that if she went too far, chances were she would not find her way out. It was a dangerous place, filled with creatures and who knows what else. She was a warrior at heart and spirit, but she did not have the weapons nor armor like actually warriors did. And that was precisely what was needed to venture deeper and survive. 

She stopped momentarily to pick yet another herb once it caught her eye, kneeling down on her knees and with gentle hands, she dug beneath the earth and pulled the plant out with all of its roots. As she stood and dusted off her dress, Nelanna heard something strange not far off. Growing curious, yet rather wary, she followed the sound with light and quiet steps. The hand that did not hold the basket sipped beneath her cloak and gripped her dagger, preparing for any danger. Of course, if needed she could use what little fire magic she had at the moment. Perhaps to briefly stun her enemy long enough for her to make a run for it if things got bad enough. But what she discovered was nothing she had expected.

There lied an elfin man with snow white hair blood stained his tattered clothing, whilst his skin was blueish purple in several spots, all bruises. He looked to be in a terrible condition, perhaps barely alive. From where she stood, Nelanna couldn’t tell if he was still breathing or not. But either way, she was alarmed and worry seeped into her heart for the stranger. She rushed to his side, kneeling beside him and looked him over frantically. “Oh dear, what’s happened to you?” She asked, hoping he was still alive as she felt for a pulse in his wrist. He was still alive!

Author: Anon, Posted: Sat Mar 3, 2018 10:42 PM, Post Subject: No Escape [P]

Long had it been since the sea vessel deposited travelers within the ill advised location of Vilpamolan, a known haven for pirates and thieves. Far too often had Oberon caught up with It, forcing the fae to retreat. For fifty years, this game of cat-and-mouse ensued, the opposition finally catching up. Present circumstances required It to attempt refuge overseas.

North of Vilpamolan, past the forests, beyond highlands lay a city within Mo'mey Steppes offering desired refuge. Destination clear as day, It commenced the beginning of the tedious, time consuming journey. The mountainous peninsula opened its maw into a sprawling, fiery wood. As beautiful as the myriad of color was to behold, this environment was hostile. Endless echoes were not to be trusted, else be led astray surely into dens of ravenous, unknown creatures.

Something felt amiss to what appeared as a snow haired elf as fallen leaves crunched underfoot. Where songs should be heard above lay a weighted hush instead. Tension was palpable, ready to snap, casting a surreal pallor upon his perception. Briefly pausing, sapphire orbs scanned the surrounding area. Settled among boughs perched a murder of crows, beady eyes boring straight to the soul.

A single, harsh cry broke through the silence, a plethora of obsidian feathers took flight. Their target became clear, descending upon the solitary man. Terror filled the heart as he fled, deeper through the wood. Thorny underbrush clawed at him, shredding cloth and skin alike. Avian claws clutched at him, crimson liquid streaming from all wounds. Ahead, a root lifted, tripping him, sending the elf tumbling down a steep incline.

His momentum ceased at the feet of an imposing man. The attacking nature went to rest, crows returning to their boughs, watching the fae below. Receiving a swift, powerful kick at the spleen, he screamed. "Do not dare contemplate fancies of fleeing for eternity. You are mine, Jade." Several more kicks each demanded personal sounds of torture. Leaves rustled, attacks ceased. Oberon leaned down in gorgeous splendor, whispered deadly promise. His laugh echoed as he leisurely walked away, disappearing in a gust of wind.

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