Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Plains of Bohar > Starfall [P]

Character Info
Name: Killian
Age: Something ridiculous
Alignment: CG
Race: Novella
Gender: Male
Silver: 402
In days of old,
There were legends told,
Of a madman with a plan,
Godly power with a man’s heart,
Lost his home, lost his kin,
Last of the Star men, the on-coming storm
That impossible man, that impossible ship,
Gomorrah’s last child, the brightest star,
He made the darkness tremble, worlds shake,
Brought down armies with a mere word,
But then he left, without a word,
God speed the madman.

A dusty old crystal blinked a dim light into existence. It chimed as the light pulsed, a familiar pattern an accustomed beat. The noise resonated, echoed out, calling to him. One two, one two. The light grew in intensity as the dun dum of the drum grew.

“No!” His voice was full of excitement, wonder and disbelief. Killian leapt across his impossible bridge. His boots pounded down a spiralling copper staircase, his slender arms braised him against the wall of the ship as he bounced along to the cargo deck. A silver wand danced in his fingers as he identified the ancient chest he was looking for. It burst open in a flash of purple light, the light pulsed with each beat. “You beauty!” The Novella exclaimed loudly to no one at all.

Laughing as he went; the madman made his way back to the controls on the bridge of his impossible airship. He thrust the crystal into the console, and connected it in. The control console was hexagonal and filled with a hundred levers, scrying crystals, dials and odd scientific crystals. In the centre was a column of clear diamond that contained the soul of the airship, a mysterious cloud of golden energy.

He ran his hands through his messy brown hair as he franticly ran around the machine, checking co-ordinates here, checking stabilisers there. The ship’s magical engine roared into life, its mechanical wheeze was music to Killian’s ears. “Locked in!” The star man explained to no one, it had been years since he had travelled with a companion, but he was painfully lonely, and it helped.

A devil may care grin plastered across his face, his hand found the last control he needed. A long lever, hip height with a handle big enough for two hands. Killian took a deep breath and slammed the lever down.

The engines thundered as the Hullaballoo was hurtled through the void space. The walls shook, the floors rattled. Killian stumbled to the left, then to the right. Somewhere deep in the impossible ship an alarm had sounded. It was too late now. Killian smashed at the controls, wand in one hand, a mallet in the other. The ship lurched, the enchanted lights all burst in a rain of coloured glass. “WOOOOO YES! Come on old girl!” Killian roared as he piloted his ship.

With an ancient crystal he had found a mana trail. He had locked onto it, amplified it and traced it back to it source. His ship, the Hullaballoo had then followed it, like a garden path or a beacon of light.

It was a peaceful night out on the plains of Bohar, the moons were full illuminating the deep blue purple sky.


The silence was broken as a new star blazed into existence. A tiny teardrop – no bigger than eight feet tall. It was pearl coloured with a strange light bobbing along atop. The shape faded in and out of the sky all the while a deafening wheezing noise accompanied it- the engines of the impossible airship Hullabaloo. Bigger on the inside, impregnable, unbreakable.

Unless your name was Killian.

Inside he was being thrown around. Sparks flew from the console, his wardrobe deck fold in on its reality, the kitchen exploded. Outside the tiny pearl spun furiously as it plummeted towards the ground. Inside the void stabilisers burnt out and Killian was forced to throw a bucket of water over it.

The plains shook as the airship smashed the ground. From the outside it appeared to be undamaged, the inside however was an entirely different story. There were now four different alarm bells ringing, glass and damaged crystals littered the floor. The airship was still alive, but it wasn’t happy. Steam and smoke, water and oil.

The double doors opened inwards and a thick cloud of dark green smoke rose into the night air. A figure stepped out, a legend of a man dressed in a dusty black greatcoat. His sapphire eyes shone like the stars, as he looked out onto the world he’d crashed into.

“Made it.” He patted the airship lovingly, and the doors closed themselves.


Character Info
Name: Luna
Age: Old
Alignment: CG
Race: Silky
Gender: Female
Class: House Fairy
Silver: 3818
There was a shift in the air for the goddess. Her green eyes shined brightly. “An old friend finally made his appearance… I have just the person to greet him.”

It took her a little bit to find the small fey that took care of her temple. “Luna? Are the tiles to your liking?”

For a moment the silky looked like she was going to take off but her curls bounced as Luna looked up to Angela with a smile. “They are smooth and easy to wash… But you do not need to make my job easy for me.”

“Actually, I want to give you a new adventure…” The silky tilted her head at the words of her goddess. “An old friend made a crash landing… His airship could use some help… Could you help him out? If you like it after a few months you can stay there if you wish. Luna you have been with me for a long time since even before you were a silky… Maybe this is just what you need.” The silky was confused but also curious as to who this old friend was. The goddess wouldn’t entrust her old avatar with just anyone.

“I’ll… do it for you.” Her voice was soft and sweet as she pulled the broom closer to her. Luna was a pretty little fey with dark skin and moonstone like eyes. She stood shorter than the goddess by a good seven inches. She was lithe with small curves in the right places but other all she would be described as overall delicate. Her hair was in wild brown curls that were left alone down her shoulders.

Angela sent the same fey to the airship through a gate. What the goddess had forgotten for all these years was the silky’s golden rule. She wasn’t going to be seen or heard… Which could be problematic by itself. Exploring her new home she made sure that he did not see her. She wasn’t even sure if he could sense her but she moved into the kitchen and started her work. It made her happy to be useful as she cleaned up the rather explosive mess. The silky would make sure it was tip got shape as she picked everything up and began to sweep the floor.


Character Info
Name: Killian
Age: Something ridiculous
Alignment: CG
Race: Novella
Gender: Male
Silver: 402
“Well it’s the middle of the night and we are in the middle of nowhere.” His voice imitated mild annoyance. “How dull.” He sounded more like a bored teenager than an ageless Novella, but like most of the things he said it was a white lie. In all honestly Killian was thrilled to have made it, so what if he had nearly ripped this realm and his airship apart in the process. Everything was fine. Probably.

Killian leant his back against the doors and looked into the interior of his crashed ship. It sure was going to take some repairing this time. The void crystal configuration he used to travel through realms had been shattered, the stabilisers burnt out and the plotter was still slightly on fire. He certainly wasn’t going to be leaving this world for a while.

He picked up the wooden coatrack that stood by the door and placed his coat on it. He rolled up his sleeves and took his bracers from his shoulders. Then he started to repair his control room.

A while later he found himself wandering down one of the many corridors of his impossible ship. His mind was busy racing with ideas, he had a whole lot of exploring to do – and people to catch up with. He smiled to himself, he was going to blow a few people’s minds.

He passed the bedroom and walked into the kitchen, a plain but homely room containing a stove and cupboards, a table and chairs and pantry. On the stove was a copper kettle, on the table a pot of coffee and a couple of freshly baked scones. He plucked up a scone and dropped his tired body into a comfy paisley chair by the fireplace.

The Novella was halfway through his second cup of coffee before he realised something was amiss.


Character Info
Name: Luna
Age: Old
Alignment: CG
Race: Silky
Gender: Female
Class: House Fairy
Silver: 3818
She noticed he was on the way to the kitchen and vanished just as easily as he could open the door. She appeared in his bedroom and began to tidy it up. She left folded and put his clothes away. Luna even left fresh clothes out for his to change into. A little spell to make them a bit warm on this chilly Canelux night. The fey would move onto other rooms to avoid him and she would keep up this game for several nights.

She was silent and true to silky nature. He wouldn’t have any idea it was a fairy living with him though she didn’t realize what kind of chaos that could cause. As far as she was concerned this was a very important job that her goddess had left for her to do. Only she could do this very important job because she was a house fairy. A brownie. A silky. Moonstone eyes looked over the kitchen as she appeared. When the woman appeared it was almost like twinkling stardust all the way around her. Shimmering stars around her. Her hair was waving almost like she had created her own breeze in that moment. Her broom was in her hand and looked specially crafted for her.

There was a light hum from her lips since she didn’t see or hear Killian around the ship. She began to sweep the floor and even got some hot water to wash the floor after. There were fresh ingredients out on the table for her to make dinner. After she thoroughly washed the floor she was up and chopping the vegetables for the stew. The fey blew wind from her lips and the candles lit up around the room making sure the master of the house had light when he came in. Though she supposed it was more like master of the airship.


Character Info
Name: Killian
Age: Something ridiculous
Alignment: CG
Race: Novella
Gender: Male
Silver: 402
There was something incredibly peculiar going on in this ship. From the moment he crashed landed something hadn’t felt right, it had started with the kitchen. The first room that seemed to have tidied itself; but it had escalated from there. Someone had put all the books in his library in alphabetical order instead of the strange system he had been previously using. Something to do with how much he agreed with the book or not. Every night he went to bed he found his room tidied – fresh sheets and folded clothes.

Then, last night he had an idea.

Killian flourished his wand and the pantry door flew open. Three dozen eggs leapt out onto the floor and a whole sack of flour did a remarkable graceful spin and emptied its contents all over the floor. Satisfied that he had made an enticing enough mess the Novella sat down in his favourite chair and tapped his wand against his head. Instantly he became completely invisible.

It required all the patience he had to sit there silently for the few hours it took for her to turn up. When she did, she appeared from nowhere and sparkled like the night sky. Her hair bounced as she worked, cleaning the floor and preparing another meal.

When he was sure she was no threat – he clicked his fingers and became visible in an instant. His Sapphire eyes looked her up and down. “Hello there!” He gave her a friendly wave. “How long have you been on my ship?” He asked, then immediately asked a better question. “How did you get into my impregnable ship?”


Character Info
Name: Luna
Age: Old
Alignment: CG
Race: Silky
Gender: Female
Class: House Fairy
Silver: 3818
Now this new master for better or for worst appeared to love messes. Angela hadn’t given her the specifics but this airship was dirty as dirty could be… Not to mention when her moonstone eyes looked at the eggs and the sack of flour she wondered just what the man had been doing. After all did she not prepare his meals well? Maybe he was just a klutz… Or there was that third option that she hadn’t even thought of. He had laid in wait for her.

The sudden flow of magic made her jump as she was acutely aware of the mana flow in the airship. From the soft hums to the loud turning. She knew magic well or at least she should have after all of her years. Her hair did an almost visible stand as her face twisted with not only embarrassment but also from being startled. There was a startled noise that left her dark lips and she stared into her new master’s blues with fright almost. Rule one for the silky: Be neither seen nor heard. Though she was a rather new silky to attending other people. She had forgotten to introduce herself.

She dropped the knife onto the table and her bare feet slid back away from him. “Since you arrived.” Then he asked the question that she knew was coming. “Lady Angela said you were a friend and that you would need help. She brought me here.” Her accent was rough and it was clear she wasn’t from Canelux if you knew the lands well enough. After all, she was from the land of the Kurayo where the gods had been slain. The Ancient Forest of Death… That is. With that, the fey disappeared into the stardust once more but it was clear that her presence was still on the ship. It was a flustered type of feeling. She would be more careful. She would have to be.

Just where… though was an interesting question. The fey was good at hiding and obviously very shy. Still, she hadn’t offered an apology. In her eyes, she was still helping him out. She had been sent there with a very important task after all. From there on out the fey was mighty good at avoiding him and his tricks. He couldn’t catch a glimpse of her for more than a second before she would notice him. Quick was she to disappear to wherever it was she disappeared to.


Character Info
Name: Killian
Age: Something ridiculous
Alignment: CG
Race: Novella
Gender: Male
Silver: 402
“Angelia!” He laughed, just hearing the name made him feel better. She felt him arrive, it was comforting. Killian didn’t visibly react to the assertion that he needed help, it was always true, and something he tried to hide, apparently badly. Though there were few knew him as well as she did.

With no warning she disappeared. Killian was on his feet in an instant, wand in hand scanning the trace of magic. It was certainly unusual – and she was still on the ship. Lighting raced through his mind as he tried to gather the information he was after; she reminded him of something, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

The Novella made his way down the corridors and into the library. Now it had been reordered he was going to have a hard time finding the information he needed. Days passed again; he was unsure of how many – the Hullaballoo had no windows and he hadn’t been paying attention to that. Instead he had been trying to catch glimpses of her, to talk to her again.

Killian was half way through one of the meals that appeared on the table when he turned his back when he finished flicking through a rough looking journal written by some mad halfling wizard. The Novella was getting old – it shouldn’t have taken him this long to come up with a working theory.

He made his way back to the kitchen, after a few minutes of rooting around in the properly sorted cupboards he found what he was looking for. A moment later he had found his finest cup and saucer, he filled the cup with fresh cream and placed it on the mantle above the fire. Beside it he left a note he’d written before leaving the library.

Hello there!
Welcome to my ship! I am sorry that I startled you. Don’t be frightened of me, when you are ready, come say hello, introduce yourself. I would like to know what you can tell me about my old friend Angelia. I’m a friend. I’ll be in the control room – the strange one with all the weird crystals and levers. Do you want me to show you what this ship can do? Its what I live for.


With that done, Killian went to the control room and plotted random coordinates. Dancing to a tune in his head, he worked the controls until the engine piped up into a crescendo of mechanical wheezing. It hadn’t taken too long to get the Hullaballoo up and ready again.


Character Info
Name: Luna
Age: Old
Alignment: CG
Race: Silky
Gender: Female
Class: House Fairy
Silver: 3818
Luna’s heart was pounding fast as she retreated. She was good at hiding and that appeared to be the name of the game with this interesting fellow her goddess sent her to work for. Days passed by and she continued to avoid him. That was the golden rule after all. One among many she was sure. Life had been rewritten for her. A key had been created for a door that hadn’t ever been opened. So she was still learning too.

After the long days of avoiding him passed she found herself in the library of the ship. Tilting her head she spotted the cup of cream above the fireplace. Like all silkies, she had a soft heart for such a thing. She cradled the cup with her hands and drank it down. It was an odd thing she was sure but she couldn’t put her finger on why she liked it. Moonstone eyes scanned the note that was left and she huffed if only for a moment. There was a clear sense of adventure that she had still and it was conflicting with her need to stay within the rules.

Placing the empty cup and saucer up she took the note into her dainty hands. He seemed like an odd man but in her experience, they always seemed to be the ones to be around. It was by that time that she remembered the words from her rebirth. A string of words that Angela had spoken of when her life changed. ‘Do not stay within the lines. Take the direction you want.’

It had been after many millennia of following the pact of the banshees when her soul had been redeemed. The silky felt the roughness of the paper on her somehow soft fingers. There was a tilt of her head and it was almost like it all clicked together. Too long had she been ignoring what her lady had told her. Either ignoring it by instinct to survive or by sheer ignorance.

It didn’t feel right just to appear in his control room with him there. A light knock on the door was all she gave before she opened it allowing her head to peek in. Gentle eyes watched him for a few seconds in silence even if he spoke first. The fey slunk in and looked around like this was the first time she had seen the room, obviously, she had cleaned in here but never actually took the time to look.

Gemstone colored eyes turned towards Killian with uncertainty. Most were just happy to have a silky do their work but this man was truly odd. “Luna,” it took a moment for her voice to leave her mouth out of hesitation. “Tis what Lady Angela named me when I was reborn during the sundering.” A further explanation but still rather short and not a clear picture of the woman before Killian. She was sure it would spring about more questions from him since that appeared to be his way. Quietly she moved around with her hands gently clasped in front of her. Curious eyes studied everything and once in a while her head would tilt when she found something that confused her but she would still look back to Killian once in a while during her exploration. She was oddly aware of where he was at all times possibly due to her nature as a silky.


Character Info
Name: Killian
Age: Something ridiculous
Alignment: CG
Race: Novella
Gender: Male
Silver: 402
Killian had been born and raised in an academy; his people sworn custodians of some of the first magic. They had vowed to watch, record; study but never to get involved. They were an incredible people – capable of building airships that could hop through the void. They were bound and trapped by their rules and laws and that had been what destroyed them in the end.

The knock on the door was gentle, but he heard it through the din. He was paying attention now. His sparkling eyes met hers as she entered. He gave her a reassuring smile, then looked back to his controls. He adjusted some runes as she spoke. Her name was Luna – he was fairly sure she was a Silky.

Killian wasn’t like his people. He’d broken their programming – stolen one of their airships and run away from a war. He had travelled many realms, and he had interfered as much as he could. It had been his mission to see it all. He had children, wives and watched them wither and die and civilisations rise and fall. Killian had been alone for so long, he couldn’t help himself, excitement raced in his veins as his mind raced.

“Luna!” He shouted in excitement as he spun an odd metal instrument on the controls. “There is only one rule with me!” He was shouting both for dramatic effect, and to get over the noise the ship was starting to make. “There are no rules!” He spun flamboyantly and flicked a lever, the ship started to shake softly. “So, lets get to know each other! We’ll go on a jaunt!” He stopped. “Jaunt No. Not that. Been on my own to long, I’ve forgotten all the good words. Stroll?! Walk?! Nah – adventure! That’s the one!” He talked a lot when he was nervous, or excited, or scared or hungry – he talked a lot.

Killian was an odd fellow, so sure she had said she’d been reborn and something about a sundering, (not something that sounded very pleasant) but that could wait for now. There were more exciting ways to get to know people than standing around asking boring questions.

With two hands Killian slammed down the purple lever and the ship suddenly stopped being in the Plains of Bohar and it started being somewhere entirely different.

“Shall we go and have a look then?” He said, all long black coat, daft grin and outstretched hand.

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