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Author: Looney Lou, Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:41 PM, Post Subject: The Mad Ramblings of Looney Lou

Day 4It's a new day and a new dawn; well a few new days and a few new dawns. I apologize that I have neglected you so, but you see I had no choice. If I didn't well, I might not even be here now to grace with you my thoughts. Now to give you an idea as to just why I have been so tardy with my replies… where to begin; oh the beginning of course!The day began like any other you see, the sun waking into the day woke me as well. With a creak, crack and a small yawn I started to stir. I looked down and saw you weren't just dream, still clutched close like my most treasured of items you were. With a nuzzle and a kiss I set you back down gingerly giving you nice firm pat on the front and began my morning tasks. With everything set I slipped you into my bag and set forth, you and me set to explore the vast lands. We started on our way through the trees down the river watching, observing and best of all collecting. We found a simple toad that appeared to have just expired so in the jar it went. Oh that's right I only just met you and you know nothing about me yet. How rude I have been to my new best friend!I am Lucinda; though not sure what to call you yet, but we'll figure it out. I left most of the civilized world behind in search of something more valuable than the largest gold reserve in all the land, KNOWLEDGE! For with knowledge it is something intangible that I may never loose, lest I've lost my head; Ha! This land just has so much to offer and discover; though I want to be the one to do it. While deal in goods that fluctuate so when I can deal in knowledge that never depreciates just grows over time. I wan to have the most vast knowledge on the most obscure and rarest of items; but I'm getting off topic now. Back to my tale, shall we?As I was saying, well writing; I was out doing my thing when I saw the most majestic of beasts. It had the stance like a stag, no a small horse maybe. It was similar to the unicorns of the rolling hills, but still was not the same. It had a long slender whip like tail with a fluff at the end; not like any mare or pony I'd ever seen. Atop it's golden head sat the most majestic of horns. With the appearance of twisted glass that had been coloured to match a flame both in elegance and flare. The horn appeared to dance with the flow and ease of actual flames. It had me at the first glace; for I had never seen something like it before. I know you don't me nor I you, but in my nature I just had to follow it. Maybe it would shed something for me to collect? You see collecting is something of a hobby, well more of an obsession of mine really. If only you had eyes you could see all my lovely treasures you were nuzzling and snuggling with. Oh it looks like I have yet again trailed off; back to the tale.I watched it from afar keeping a close eye this majestic beast while hiding in some bushes. I dared not make my presence known to it for fear of spooking it. I sat there and just watched as it drank so peacefully and serene. Once it had it's fill it began to take a few paces back it started to circle the ground. I could soon see it was flatting the bull rushes to make what would soon be a bed. With a huff and puff it's legs began to crumple beneath it as it lowered it's self to meet the bed below. Once in a spot it seemed to be content with it pressed it's head to it's chest and slowly seemed to drift off to sleep.Still keeping a watchful eye on the beast while it slumbered the sun hang high in the sky. Small grumbles could be felt deep down which meant only one thing, food time. Breaking some stale bread and sopping it with water to make it more malleable I began to munch while it snoozed. All of a sudden what felt like a flash the moment was lost you see. With a loud crash everything was over. The beast stirred from it's slumber with a jolt and kick it was ready to go. I put my meal away with the quickness of a blink so as not to miss my beast's depart. Whipping it's nose in the air it gave a great sniff to the air and huffed a loud exhale. Pounding the front left hoof on the ground it was off. The hunt was on my friend; oh how I love a good hunt!A smirk crept across the right side of my face with a glint of excitement shining in my eyes. I pulled myself to my feet and began to follow the great beast. Using my staff as a lift off point I find I can move faster and take longer strides. I just wish I had two so I could really get some lift, one day my friend one day.It zigzagged with such swiftness through the under brush as if it had done this dance many a time before. I followed it to the best of my ability, well till I hit a rock. I never once said I was the least bit graceful now did I? Oh that vile rock cost me what might have been the discovery of the century. If I could have followed it for longer I would have in hopes of maybe getting something to tell me this wasn't just a dream.With the grace of a fledgling trying out flying for the first time I fell swiftly with a thud. Small rocks found new homes as they bored their way into my cheek. As the ground came soon approaching I saw the beast fade just as fast. In a crumpled heap of me and my belongings I looked up and it was gone. My hopes sunk even deeper you see then rocks now in me. I felt so defeated as I pulled myself back to sitting position. Hanging my head in shame shaking from side to side the pain of my loss gave way to the real pain of my actions. I sat there rubbing my cheek feeling the new texture that took over the left side of my face. I wasn't sure if it was my pride or my body that hurt worse; either way I was a sorry mess. Before I could sink too deep into myself another loud crack could be heard behind me. I would have to guess that in all the excitement of chasing the beast I never stopped to wonder what it was running from so frantically, well that is till I saw it.I noticed all the sound appeared to be sucked from the forest which was rather strange come to think of it. Then it dawned on me what that meant; something was coming something big. Looking in the direction of the sound I saw something that made all my hairs stand on end. Once the fog had cleared from my head I realized the severity of my situation whether I was ready or not. I was met face to face with what looked like rows of jagged and razor sharp teeth that had only one thing in mind. It had appeared that a new game of hunter and prey had ensued and this time I was the prey. Though this was not part of what I had in mind for today and this would just not do you see. With all the strength I could muster I raised my staff high in the air rapped this beast right on the snout. The force of my staff as it connected sent a jolt that began as a tremor in my hands to full on rattle throughout the rest of my body. Just as I pulled my shaking arm back the beast let out the most guttural of groans, but not in pain; rather in discontent with it's meal fighting back. I did know one thing I did not plan on being a meal that day! I jumped to my feet as fast as I possibly could and started on my way. Dodging downed trees through the underbrush of the forest I started on my way with all the swiftness I could muster. No time to tend to my hurt face or pride; just time for survival. This lumbering beast wasn't near finished with me yet though. It appears as though to this creature I would be a fine trade for the one I was observing earlier. Too bad I had different plans in mind. The forest began to look more like a blur of greens and browns as I hauled out of there. I really thought for a moment my first was about to be my last entry in you dear friend. Though as luck would have it; well my luck would have it I found my escape.All I could focus on was what looked like the most beautiful tree I had ever seen. She stood tall and strong and I was ready to take full advantage of all she had to offer. I was just hoping she was ready for me. I soon started to make my great escape.I was watching as the ground below me was beginning to come to an end as the tree was soon beginning. As I came more into her space I could now appreciate just how enormous she really was. Oh if those rings could talk the stories I bet they could tell would fill even the largest fathomable libraries of the greats. No time to think about silly things like that I thought as I shook my head as if that was really going to clear the thoughts from my mind. It did appear to work as thoughts of, “How in all the gods above and below shall I scale something whose glorious roots are LARGER than both my legs put together!?” as my eye began to twitch in disbelief.That was when I saw it, the key to this whole operation; a simple vine. A vine that looked strong and maybe even strong enough to swing on. I hoped and I prayed to all the gods to give me strength to make my way out of this with all my appendages gods willing. The beast was hot on my heels, literally I could feel it's warm breath on the back of my neck; till I reached out for that vine as if was about to be my last action. Both hands clasped firmly around I swung towards her wondrous trunk and with all the power left in my legs I braced myself for impact. Hitting the trunk splinters of her dead skin sprayed out from beneath my boots as I pushed hard. With that I had enough lift to make my way to the nearest branch that was still a fairway up. Letting go of the vine faith now in the gods and my own ability I latched with all I was worth. It worked and I was firmly attached to the branch now. The beast so focused on me didn't even notice her blocking it's path; how it never did was beyond me. Then again I never did understand how anyone could not notice trees; but I'm getting off topic now. I held on for dear life as the beast smashed chest first into her mighty trunk with a loud thud. All the birds that were roosting in her beautiful hair were soon rocked with the force. I looked up as the chorus of caw's and cries were set off from every angle while they all took refuge in nearer more peaceful canopies. Appearing as though they all were craning their necks as they called almost reprimanding us both for disturbing their tranquility. I looked down at the beast in both dismay and delight. For the beast hit with enough force shaking the massive girl to her core; I bet even the smallest of her finger tips and tiniest of her hairs felt the rattle. Holding tight I dare not let up lest be rattled right off my safe perch.Once all the after shocks had been felt and the feeling returned to my extremities I looked down at just what was following me. Another strange animal lay at my feet; well at least ten feet below I mean. A heap of fur, teeth and claws was laying there. Knocked out, I thought tongue lulling out of it's massive mouth. It laid there motionless all accept for it's massive chest falling and rising. It was still alive, but didn't look like it was going to be moving anytime soon. I steadied myself on my branch and took my staff to it's face once again. Poking it in the jowls and once in the nose it didn't stir.A glint of delight danced across both my face and mind simultaneously. As if narrowly escaping death was the last thing on my mind and all I could focus on was the treat that lye below me. I figured since this beast chased off my first choice this could be a beautiful consolation prize. Taking a moment to take in my surroundings I saw another vine. This one had more girth than the last which gave me an idea. I quickly made my way to this vine and began cutting it from it's home. Giving the vine a quick thank you and prayer for giving it's life for me I fashioned a simple noose. No, not for me; well yes, but no. I took the noose and firmly rapped it around my middle securing the other side to my new home Mrs. Branch and took a leap of faith once more. The wind felt nice as I plunged down toward the beast, well till I remembered my rock textured face; than all it did was sting like the dickens. I had come this far I wasn't about to turn back now. Using the vine's strength I bounced and dangled above this now great beast. First dangle down I couldn't quite reach much more than my finger tips across it's back. It's fur was the softest I had ever felt. With the second dangle down I moved the noose from my waist to my knees, was that a good choice unsure though I was ready to test it out. I was now able to put my full hands on it's back. It was not as warm as I had anticipated for something so fluffy. On the third bounce down I was ready though. With a small blade in hand I began carving a small piece of flesh and fur from it's back. In respect to my size and it's I'm pretty sure the feeling wasn't much more than that akin to me getting a splinter; mild discomfort at best.With my precious specimen in hand I stopped my suspension and hoisted myself back upright on the branch once more. I stuffed my hand into my bag as I searched for an empty vessel to put my new treasure into. Once secured in one of my bottles and cork stuffed back I finally took the time to really look. It had a blueish tinge to the fur, almost as if it was like ice. That was when I pulled my attention back to the scene at hand; I thought if I didn't move now while it was sleeping it might remember who landed it in this situation. I began to scale up the side of her grand trunk to a much higher point. Now resting what I figured would be roughly twenty-five or thirty feet from the base this should be high enough. With a small sigh of relief I could finally relax, right? Sadly no, that was not meant to be my fate my friend. That was when all the taxation I put myself through began to do more then tear at the corners of my mind; they full on invaded. Oh how my face hurt! Apparently my cheek was none too fond of my rock implants I decided to give myself. Thank the gods I had some healing potions left. With a pop of the cork and a few chug-a-lugs I had taken half the dose. I felt my face turn hot, like burning hot, but in a good way. The rocks began to fall as if my skin was evicting them from their new homes only to be replaced by my own flesh.Once all was said and done with my face I realized it had become night in all the calamity. “Well this looks like a good enough place to make a roost so here I shall sleep!” I exclaimed as I held my cheek. The elixir could fix the damage that had been done, yet I could never figure out how to make the PAIN go away. I still felt every lick of the wind as though I still had all those open and weeping wounds still pox marking my cheek's landscape. With a little bed of what I call twigs, yet felt more like hairs in respects to the size of this wondrous tree and her lushes leaves I was ready. I secured myself with another vine just in case; didn't want to fall from this height could be my last sleep if I did. All ready now me and my things including you my dear are all secured for the night I began to close my eyes trying to push the pain of my face far from the reaches of my mind as I prepared for sleep.It was a new dawn once again, looks like we made it through the night….? Though from how the vine looked, it appeared I had been sleeping for more than just the night. From the looks of it, it had been a fortnight I'd been a sleep. Even the young vines had figured I was done for with their fingers now wrapped around me and my things. With a wriggle here and wriggle there I managed to get loose without needing to cut these little guys.That my dear friend brings us to now. Now you know why I neglected you so; oh how I hope you can forgive me…ha! You can't be mad even if you wanted to be, I know that; I just like options and thought you would too. It appears I really am just alone with me, myself…. and YOU! HA, HA, HA! I am so very much deprived you see. I wonder when I shall truly find someone who can REALLY converse with me, that isn't me; ya know? I am terribly lonely, yet I seem to be most content when left alone, odd is it not? I'm slowly losing all my prized marbles it seems… oh well if I had to lose something I am still glad it was that of sanity and not of knowledge…. mmmm…. how I love knowledge! Well there you have it, that's what happened. If you don't believe me, just look your up in this giant tree with me as I hold you and fill you with me! What a scary thought that would be I'd think, me filling someone with me. I shudder at the poor soul whom truly encounters me and whom I can truly encounter back. I fear I will chit chat them to death; or at the least my death! Oh if only life were funny like that… or is it? Either way I must be off though, time to fill my belly it seems. It's grumbling at me I can't remember last time I gave it an offering… before it retaliates I must heed… the need… to feed. I'm tucking you back into my bag now, till I converse with you again my friend, my only friend…~Looney Lou Out

Author: Looney Lou, Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:29 AM, Post Subject: The Mad Ramblings of Looney Lou

Day 1Today I stumbled upon something most divine. A new friend with an old habit. To rekindle what I once lost will be a treat most grand. I have you and your all mine; I hope you don't mind. With you know to keep me company I can no longer call myself alone… or is that mad? I mean your only a notebook I just happened upon during my hunt, but you had a treat didn't you? Something I could never just pass up as happenstance… now could I?You found me just as much as I found you, right? I mean why else would have waited for me with this most divine piece of charcoal; or could you? Maybe you were just discarded and not a thought was given to you being left behind. Maybe we have more in common then I once thought… or maybe I am just mad… Ha!It has been just too long since the last time I got to even dream of striking conversation. I mean even if it's just me with me about me to me, ha. I really have gone mad I must say. Who would have thought having no contact with speaking beings for this long would make such an impact. Well the very best part about finding you is not how or why, but what. For now with you I can do the one thing I longed for even more… the ability to… DOCUMENT! Now I can record every finding I find, every detail I can think of being relevant and not so.Though all these adventures and journeys must wait for the morrow, for now I must rest so we may discover together.~Looney Lou Out

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