Roleplay Forums > Character Activities > Character Journals > Book of Tides [ every regard]

Character Info
Name: Dorian
Age: 25
Alignment: CE
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Sea Witch
Silver: 2329
(( Disclaimer: A Book of Shadows (for those that simply don’t know), is a Journal or Log used by witches to keep track of spells or findings they’ve made. It can also be used to log away their thoughts when it comes to magick. Dorian’s Journal is his ‘Book of Shadows’, I’ve just renamed it to a ‘Book of Tides’ since he’s a sea witch. None of this is real, it’s based on magick and ritual used by witches and pagans, but all of it is fictional. I’m sure it goes without saying: do not take any of this as actual instruction and DEFINITELY do not try any of this at home!! Fiction or not, a lot of this is dangerous on its own. ))

To Bind
Often times people tend to be more of an aggravation than anything that could ever be considered useful. For those kinds of people, I’ve found it necessary to construct something for taking care of that. Binding spells are so boringly calm that I’ve never truly found one that did what I needed. In the past I’ve noticed a pattern that pain usually teaches lessons faster than anything else, so why not use that instead? Why just keep someone from doing something when you could punish them every time that they tried? If someone wants a task done right they have to choose between morality or effectiveness. Honestly, I don’t see much of a choice there, it’s obvious.

And it’s with such adoration that I bring light to the most important ingredient for this spell, and that’s extracted venom from the Synanceia. More commonly known as the ‘stonefish’, but it’s such a dull name that I’d prefer not to use it. Their venom is so deliciously useful in many facets of life because you have the ease of doling out pain without the pesky side effects of…well, death. Side effect doesn’t seem appropriate, no, relief is better. I guarantee that after one hour of the venom’s effects they’ll be begging for amputation anyways. Perfect for binding, that lesson would be learned very quickly.

I find it best to keep a live one around for as long as possible that way you can keep a virtually endless supply, and breeding them isn’t too difficult either. No, what’s hardest with them is getting their climate right, but that’s another entry altogether. The most important thing is to have an ample supply on hand should one of your little darlings perish and you don’t have the time to get more. I never have less than five jars.

Below are the amounts needed of each ingredient:

Venom from Synanceia: 30ml
Long burning black candles: 5 in total
Octopus Tentacle: 8 in total, it’s important that they’re taken while the animal is still alive, preferably from the same one. It’s all right if they’ve been brined for later use.
Ground Moonstone: 10g, be sure to keep stored in glass and buried at the seashore during the night of a new moon. It’s essential that it has been prepared in such a way before using in this spell
Water: 5 gallons, must come from the body of water closest to the target. Can be gathered over time, but must total at least 5 gallons
Ocean Water: 120mil, must be procured during a storm
Hair from the target: honestly get as much as you can, the more you have, the tighter the binding
1 black ribbon
1 dark blue ribbon
1 jar large enough to hold 1 gallon of liquid

Starting at nightfall is best, the process can take time. The candles must be set up in five points around your cast iron pot, be sure to light them before you start anything else, not even the fire to light under your iron. Once they are lit it’s time to add in your 5 gallons of water from the target’s nearest body of water. You may now light your fire and let it heat as you prepare the rest of your ingredients.

If your tentacles have been brined then be sure to clean them thoroughly before use. Don’t use soaps or oils, simply cleanse them in water using your fingers and nails to gently get away any remnants or scum. By now your water should be at a simmer, toss in your tentacles with purpose and don’t grimace from any splash that may burn your skin. Embrace any pain from this procedure or you’ve earned no right to dole it out.

Using whatever you may, stir what’s in the pot to make sure the tentacles get well coated in the water. Take your target’s hair and slice into two solid locks. Knot the locks separately and then using the dark blue ribbon, tie the two together. Now use your black ribbon and wrap tightly around the bound locks before swiftly tossing them into the mixture as well. Stir slowly to combine and coat. Breathe in the steam slowly, inhaling deeply through your nostrils and holding into your lungs. Wait until your lungs feel as if they might burst and then slowly exhale through your lips.

Now it’s time to add in your venom. Using care, gently pour in your venom. Do not let it splash because you don’t want to lose even a drop of it out of carelessness. Don’t stir it in, let it bubble and naturally flow through of its own accord, though you may pour it throughout so that it can spread faster rather than pouring all at one spot. Leave it be as you prepare your next step.

Taking your ground moonstone, pour it into a separate bowl and slowly stir in your ocean water, being sure not to let any spill over the sides to be lost. You want a good thick pasty consistency, and you’ll do well to do so over your pot so that the heat and steam can aid in getting the right thickness. When you’re able to ribbon the mixture overtop itself, slowly pour in. By now your brew should be boiling.

Once all ingredients are combined and bubbling, it’s time to begin the incantation. I suggest a major G with a 12/8 time signature no less than 200 measures to be prepared ahead of time. My own composition is below, and while adjustments have been made over time, the core always remains the same. Concentrate and focus on what you are binding them from doing or achieving as you play each note. No words need be spoken, the vibrations of your notes will do that on their own once mixed with your own intention in the air.

Once you’re incantation is finished it’s imperative to remain silent, no speaking whatsoever, no sounds of pain or any other emotion: you cannot disturb the vibrations that you’ve made with your instrument (violin is my personal choice).

Carefully ladle in all solid remnants in your pot into your 5-gallon jar until you’ve gotten all of it in. If you can keep in sounds of pain then grasp your pot by the handles and let your skin blister. If not then use cloth or gloves to take your pot and slowly pour in the leftover liquid until your jar is full to the brim but able to be closed and sealed. If there is anything left in your pot then don’t fret! It can have further used to be detailed in later entries.

Once your jar is sealed tightly, take your black candle that has burned down the furthest and drip its wax over the jar to seal it further. You want an encompassing coat to ensure the jar cannot open unless carved and forced. Replace the candle in its spot and let it continue to burn. Store the jar safely in your home where it can be left undisturbed and out of harm’s way. While it’s fine to snuff out the fire used for your pot, it’s imperative to let each candle burn out on its own even if it takes hours to do so.

Your binding is complete, be sure to occasionally charge the jar with your own energy to keep it strong. If you’d like you can even send quick pulses into it to cause pain to your target whenever you like! Either way, though it will be effective for binding and send them a nasty bit of pain whenever they attempt going against said binding. No more disobedience, no more worry, only discipline.

(( OOC: Another one of my alt accounts! :D - Anton ))

Character Info
Name: Dorian
Age: 25
Alignment: CE
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Sea Witch
Silver: 2329
A Sinking

As embarrassing as it is to admit, there are times where we all lose ourselves.  I daresay it’s happened to me more times than I’d like to say, and that’s why it’s so important to find a way to ground yourself.  Or in cases such as mine I suppose we could playfully call it ‘sinking yourself’.  While I’d personally suggest to go straight to the body of water in which you’re most connected, I understand that not all of us are so lucky.  A land locked sea witch is a sad thing, but unfortunately we never know when that little divot of control could happen.  And while letting your energy run chaotic isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can mean bad new for you if you end up needing that well of energy later on.

I’ve found this method to be effective when you’re restricted to land, and it’s one of the few rituals I’d ever do that leans towards purity…just be sure to finish it off properly and you’ll be fine.  Water’s energy is abundant in all forms and none is as malleable as she, so as long as you keep your intention focused then all will be well for you.  No matter what you’ll need a tub, something large enough for you to lay in and deep enough for you to be able to fully submerge.  You will need complete submersion, don’t skimp on something so important or you’ll deserve any backlash you get for being frivolous.

Items Essential:

Lapis Lazuli: 10 raw pieces
Aqua Aura Quartz: 5 raw pieces
Larimar: 4 raw cuts
Fluorite: Enough wand structures to equate to 6 inches
Tanzanite: 1 point, size does not matter
Carnelian: 5 raw pieces
Moonstone: 1 solid round

Lavendar: 10g
Mugwort: 20g
Seaweed: 8 bunches
Cayenne: 230g
Sea Salt: 500g

Other Essentials:
Squid Ink: 60ml
Water: enough to fill a tub, and while water straight from your preferred source is best, it’s fine to substitute for well or faucet water
Moon Snail Shell: 1, the larger the better
Whelk Shell: 1

First and foremost, before you even fill your tub you need to pour in all of your cayenne.  Do it in such a way that it leaves a layer along the entire bottom of your tub.  Follow it with your lavender in the same fashion, and then with your sea salt.  Do not add any other herbs or ingredients just yet.  Now, fill your tub with enough water that you can lay down and be completely submerged without overflowing, being sure to have your herbs mix as you do so.  If you must then use your arm to stir the mixture in so that it’s thoroughly throughout the now filled tub.

When this is complete it’s time to move to your crystals, be sure to have cleansed them completely and allowed them to rest in the moonlight for at least one night.  Full moon is best and you have the highest potential for an overabundance of energy being absorbed.  Lapis Lazuli is one of the most important crystals you will be working with, and it’s imperative that you treat it with respect as it will be acting as your body of water.  Place them in equal distance from each other around your tub, creating a ring.

Next is your Aqua Aura Quartz, if you haven’t the skill to infuse quartz enough to make it into this stone, then clear quartz can be substituted, though the effects won’t be as strong or long lasting.  They will act as your five points, set them up accordingly around the tub on the outside of your Lapis ring.  Your Larimar cuts will need to be set at the four corners: earth, wind, fire, water, with each face in position to be directed towards the center of your circle; these need to be around the outer barrier you’ve made with your Aqua Aura Quartz.

Follow the draw diagram below for the placement of the rest of your crystals, but these three are most important in getting their placement perfect with no room for error.  Water is malleable, but she’s also strong and consistent and rarely gives space for mistakes, if anything she takes advantage of that fact.  Admirable, but not the point of this sinking.

As with the crystals, it’s the opposite for your shells: they need to be kept raw with the energy from the body of water that they came from.  That energy will aid you in your connection to the sea while you do this and keep you in better tandem.  With your Whelk, carefully fill with half of your mugwort and place in front of your western Larimar.  Do the same with your remaining mugwort, filling your Moon Snail Shell and placing it in front of your Eastern Larimar.

The next step requires control and muscle memory so if you are uncomfortable then take care and use a paintbrush.  Pour a thin line of your squid ink in a ring encompassing all of your stones, this will serve as your outermost barrier, but you need to complete your ring with no gaps and have at least one drop left over to put into your water.  As you build your ring, try to focus your energy as much as you can.  Setting up your sinking is as much to do about meditating through each step as it is taking your calm from your ingredients once the set up is complete.

After your ring is set, pour the remaining squid ink into your water, followed by your bunches of seaweed.  Refer to the diagram and be sure that each element has been set up accordingly.  If so then it’s time to begin.  You’ll notice that there are no candles lit for this ritual, and that is because you want to keep fire as far from this as possible, as well as any light that isn’t naturally occurring.  

Disrobe yourself and carefully move to the tub and step in.  Don’t lay down just yet, sit up with the water and close your eyes.  Breathe in the scent of your bath and begin to pool your energy with each inhale and exhale.  As you yourself are charging, so too is the water in which you’re sitting.  Always remember that any power you have and are using is coming directly from the sea herself.  Welcome her, surrender yourself, and you’ll feel her grasp.  If this is your first time it will likely result in many different fingers and hands gripping and pulling at you, but the more comfortable you get the less it will be.  

I myself have it down to a set of three arms.  Do not fight them.  Do not show fear, why would you be fearful at all?  You’re asking her for help, don’t spit in the face of that aid.  As you’re pulled back into the water allow yourself to go limp.  I describe this drawn out, but in all reality for your first time you’ll likely be ripped straight in.  It’s all right to scream: everyone does the first time.  The more you do this the easier it will become.

Once you are under you’ll be held there, and so long as you’ve done this correctly you’ll be able to breathe.  This does not gift you with the ability long term, that has to be earned in…other ways.  But during your sinking you’ll be safe to breathe as easily as if you were on land.  Trust her.  Again, enjoy the embrace she’s giving you, for even as her arms lock you to your spot under the water, it’s all for your own benefit and you’ll find your energy becoming intertwined with hers; you should be so lucky.

Take this time with her to meditate and relax, open your eyes even: this is your safe space where even the sting of cayenne won’t hurt you.  Watch as the water ripples at the surface, concentrate on the slowly moving seaweed and let it keep you centered.  Count each bubble that leaves your lips as you breathe slowly in and out.  It’s more than fine to stay like this for hours, I’ve done this for over a day before and felt ten times the man I was when I first entered.

When she has listened to your call to exit and has unwrapped her arms from you, slowly pull yourself back up to the surface and take in a deep but calm breath of air.  Do not try to breathe underwater again or you’ll deserve the flooding of lungs you’ll get from it.  Take time to connect yourself back to the surface and air.  Carefully clean up everything from the ground around you and cleanse your space.  The water you’ve used should be left in the moonlight to purify it of your energy and charge, and once that’s been done for a full moon cycle it’ll be safe to release the water and contents into the sea.

Even if you aren’t having a temporary moment of weakness, it’s always good to keep up this practice and build your bond stronger with her.  I never do it less than at least once a month and see no reason why anyone else shouldn’t.

(( OOC: Another one of my alt accounts! :D - Anton ))

Character Info
Name: Dorian
Age: 25
Alignment: CE
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Sea Witch
Silver: 2329
Often times I’ve heard the whispers of a victim just before death, of them wondering just how in the world they had been drawn in.  I’d like to say it’s my personality, but anyone that’s ever spent more than an hour with me knows that it’s nothing to do with my personality.  Anyone who sticks around for that aspect is either as twisted as I am or worse.  That or they’re blind, naive, or disgustingly morally driven: hopeful that they can change me.  Fix me.  Make me better.  Better, as if there’s anything wrong with me at all.  Such idiocy isn’t even worth the eye roll it would undoubtedly cause.  I know what I am, why I am, and am perfectly content with myself.  More than that actually: I’m happy with the person I’ve become.  Besides, there’s a difference between good and nice.  People get those two mixed up just as easily as they do love and lust.
But I digress, it goes without saying that I do put things into work to draw people towards me.  It’s not as mystical as one might think, just my own particular recipe for glamour.  For any soon to be dead soul that’s reading this, glamour is what folk such as myself that delight in the craft use to cast an illusion on themselves.  It can range from changing my eye color, to say…my skin, my voice, anything I want really that will make someone see exactly what I want them to.  Charm them even.  Many get this confused with shapeshifting, and while a strong enough glamour could fool the eyes enough for them to truly believe they saw the caster as some…great beast, it’s honestly not worth the energy and you’re better off just going with a whole different spell for that.
Below you’ll find everything you’ll need including the proper diagram for placement as well as a particular composition I like for this.  Though this composition is attuned to my energies and the element of water and force of the ocean, so while you could take certain structure forms from the music, I daresay it would need to be reworked.  For instance, if you’re aligned with fire…well actually, if you’re aligned with fire there’s no need for me to kill you for picking up this book: merely touching it has done that already.  Now I’m just talking to myself.
Items Essential:
Amazonite: 60g raw, wand structure
Diamond: 1 carat
Ametrine: 125g raw, wand structure
Jade: 200g raw
Aventurine: 200g raw, want structure
Malachite: 150g raw
Rosemary: 90g
Thyme: 180g
Dogbane: 300g
Other Essentials:
Melted virgin snow: 240ml
Water collected from the crash of a waterfall: 480ml
Nautilus, both the shell and its inhabitant: 3, alive
Candles: 5, uncolored by soaked in ocean water long enough to absorb the salt
Glass Basin: 1, enough to hold your water
Following the chart below, lay out your crystals.  Take care not to misplace, it’s imperative that the diamond not get lost.  It is arguably one of the strongest stones in this particular ritual, but also the smallest.  Jade is also essential in its placement, one wrong slip and you could have a person following you around lovesick.  And while love spells, in my opinion, are some of the most evil…you don’t necessarily want a person like that trailing you.  Devotion and attraction are quite good for slipping someone into your grasp, willingly at that, and it’s the main reason I use Jade at all for this.
The purpose is to make your victim not only see someone other than yourself, but to be attracted to you.  Lust is not just sexual, though this can be used for that with a few adjustments, but no: lust is what keeps a person craving and wanting, having even a small dose of that woven into your glamour can work wonders.  So really I should say that this particular glamour is not only for changing your appearance, but also to draw a person to you.  What you do with them after you have them, well that’s completely up to you.  I suggest not being wasteful.
You must be by a body of water for this ritual, and I personally suggest the base of a waterfall.  The stone ways behind their crashing is dripping with power.  The reflections of light against stone also aid in you keeping your focus.  Beforehand, it’s very important that everything has been cleansed and stripped of any energy it might have been harboring from other rituals.
Set your candles into their proper points on the diagram and light them at the start.  Welcome the life force of water into your space, and even take time to meditate to clear your own mind if you must.  Pour your virgin snow into your glass basin and slowly move it with your fingers, drawing it in and feeling it move.  As you focus, start to slowly add in your rosemary and thyme.  Your instrument will come later, but for now as you work, start to hum the composition you’ll be using so that the air can become better acclimated to the frequencies and pitches.  Go through your composition three times before continuing on.
Keep your water collected from the falls in its own separate glass container.  Now comes the time for your nautilus.  Start one at a time, moving the first into the waterfall’s water in its container, and using a precise knife, force the creature out of its shell.  Watch as its blood taints the water, but keep a steady hand.  Its death is necessary as is its pain, but duration of that is not.  Once dead, clean out the shell and set aside while leaving the body and remains in the water.  Repeat this step with the other two.
With the last shell cleaned, take it and move your diamond inside.  Then, place it back in the spot where your diamond was designated.  This is done because the last to die felt the most suffering, having died in the remains of its brethren.  The first shell needs to be placed atop the aventurine, the second atop the ametrine.  Now, slowly pour the nautilus and waterfall water into the basin with the snow and herbs.  Just as it finishes pouring in, quickly add your dogsbane.
No more humming, no more sound.  Pick up your instrument and begin to play, concentrating on your intention with eyes closed.  Play through no less than three times, don’t let yourself be distracted by what you hear, smell, or feel.  The crash of falls will grow louder, more chaotic, and you’ll hear quick feet sliding along the stone floor with you, but that’s what you want!  Don’t let them pull you into their dance, it’s so easy to get distracted and to lose yourself to the draw of their fingers and arms.  Whatever you do, finish your composition at least three times.  Only then will it be safe to open your eyes.
Despite the eyes and grins surrounding you, don’t let yourself touch a single entity that has made him or herself known to you.  They are there to help you, push you further, offer their likenesses to your ever expanding glossary of disguise: but they want you just as badly as you want their power.  From this point on do not let go of your instrument, if you’re like me and use a stringed one then at the very least keep the body or bow on your person.
Take care not to move any of your stones or candles as you approach your basin, even as you kneel to take it in your hands you’ll hear your music continue on through their hums.  Lift it up, as you do so it’s perfectly normal to hear their hums give way to wordless song, just remember yourself and you’ll be more than fine.  Rise up to stand and drink down everything in the basin including the dead bodies of your nautilus.  Even if it takes a while for you to do it, you need to drink every single drop.  As soon as you’ve finished it, play your composition one more time.
If you aren’t doing this in the opening behind a waterfall then your ritual is complete.  Keep your instrument in hand and using your fingers, snuff out each lit candle.  However, if you are at a waterfall then still snuff out each candle, but the moment the last one has died you must quickly run forward and dive through the crashing falls.  The raw power and energy will give longevity to your glamour, but it’s up to you if you want to risk your instrument getting damaged.
You’ll now be able to use your glamour and charm affectively however you like; bending your appearance to your will as well as draw targets in.  Though it only lasts for one month.  Three months if you leapt through the waterfall.  Just take care to follow each step and keep your confidence.  As always, keep your crystals safe afterwards.  They’ll be charged for quite some time and it can be good to do a sinking with them after this so that they too can take a rest.
The shells of the nautilus should take special residence in your home…

(( OOC: Another one of my alt accounts! :D - Anton ))

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