Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Ataiyo, Land of the Blue Sun > Nisshoki > Hanami [P]

Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
Today was the start of one of the most celebrated events all year in Ataiyo, the first blooming of the capital's cherry blossoms. They were late this year as Glaciem hadn't closed until a few weeks past the usual months, but now the air was starting to warm up. Staying in Nisshoki wasn't bad, though he missed his brother and everyone back home. He could go visit his father every weekend as it was a short run down the monastery towards Menomori. Most of the students lived close by so they didn't stay after lessons were over. He was one of the few people who were live-in students. The priests encouraged him to go take a look outside, have a break from the usual routine just for this week. Days ahead his brother sent him a letter saying he'd be coming over too. There were butterflies in his stomach as the priests waved as he left, and Cyril raced down the mountain using all the shortcuts he found. Almost tripping over a large pine stump, a small spirit poked its head out of the 'chimney'. "Oi, slow down! In a rush are you?" He gave a short bow and apologized for almost running over his house. "Sorry! I need to run, my brother said he would be here today! I'll bring you some sakura mochi when I come back." 

The small sprite was satisfied, and Cyril continued his descent down to the city. They would meet by the docks, an easy place to spot someone. There were big crowds in the streets now as tourists and locals were scouting out the best seats to view the blooming trees. His brunet twin waved with a grin when their eyes met. "Did you run all the way here? You could've waited for me back at dad's if you missed me." Out of breath for words, he threw himself at Belen in a hug. "GAH! Ow ow ow! Ok ok I get it!" Since they weren't good at the same things, they had different teachers. Belen was learning from Lys' mom while he was transferred to Nisshoki. "Are there any viewing spots left? We should hurry!"  

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

Character Info
Name: Sapphire Rose-Kyrie
Age: Young Adult
Alignment: CG
Race: Elf Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Scholar
Silver: 391
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The whole area looked like it was snowing. She had just gotten off the ship not that long ago to study the trees. Immediately she put up her hands and felt the blossoms as they landed on her. Eyes seemed to glance at her. It wasn’t that hard to understand why. She was unusual even in their world of magic.

The girl’s hair was to her waist in curls of vivid purple while her eyes were more like the purest sapphire gem. She was wearing her school uniform with a bag held by the strap that crossed her chest. She moved through the streets after she got done feeling the falling petals.

“This shouldn’t take that long… I don’t think.” She spoke to herself quietly as she moved through the crowded streets. She secured a large cherry blossom tree for herself as she pulled out her notebook. Quill in hand she began to take detailed notes on it. She drew the tree as detailed as she could as well as the petals. This would take a long time but she felt like she had the time away from Iria to do so.

OOC: Brittlez!

Character Info
Name: Belen Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Magician
Silver: 0
A little bird told him that one of Lady Angela's daughters would happen to be passing through around this time to see the cherry blossoms. It was the perfect excuse to have Cyril meet more people and make more friends in the process. As much as he liked his brother, Belen knew he couldn't be with his twin all the time. If Cyril had someone who could both keep an eye on him and rein in his wandering habits, he could breathe a little easier. His brother was a nice person but sometimes he could be a little…off. The two found a spot beneath the trees, Cyril unknowingly following his plan. The brunet had asked Tempest to hold the spot ahead of time to set up the perfect surprise. If everything went well, Sapphire and Cyril should be meeting right about…now.

"Belen, hey Belen!" His brother was shaking his shoulder and he was pulled back to the present. "Hmm? What?" Cyril pointed ahead. "There's someone waving at us over there!" The picnic blanket was spread out underneath a big gnarled tree, up on a spot that was a bit of an uphill walk away from the rest of the cherry groves. Tempest had done it, though he never doubted her for a second. Grinning from ear to ear, he broke into a sprint. "We're here! Don't worry about the food, I picked some stuff on the way. Remember Tempest? She came over with a cousin of hers who's staying in Iria." Waving at Tempest he gave her the signal that phase one of the plan was a success. 

“Magic is the stunning art of surprising your audience, so that nothing else surprises them.”

Character Info
Name: Tempest Rose-Wintercrest
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycanthrope/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Blacksmith/Inventor/Alchemist
Silver: 46
Tempest had followed her cousin to make sure she had a safe escort to Nisshoki. It had been a favor from her Auntie Angela but also she was let in that Belen was going to be there. She got on an airship and headed straight over to Iria almost immediately. It was a good time to study the blacksmithing in Nisshoki too.

It didn’t take her too long to notice Belen so she started to wave. They had set up a picnic blanket which had been by Tempest’s request. Sapphire was pleased not to get dirt on her uniform as she worked but she had no idea what people were up to.

Tempest bolted from her spot and proceeded to almost run right into Belen. He had been quick to pick her up and whip her around. “We got a pretty good spot I think!” Once Tempest was put down she pulled on Belen and motioned for Cyril to follow them.

“I want to introduce everyone!” Tempest tapped the back of Sapphire. Sapphire shrieked just a bit as she had lost herself in her drawing. She had visibly jumped about an inch or two away from Tempest before looking to see the new people that had joined them.

“I didn’t know we were going to have company,” her voice was soft and almost a little too quiet. She pulled her legs in and looked at the boys curiously.

“This is my cousin Sapphire! She is a student in Iria. This is Belen and his twin brother Cyril.” Tempest introduced them the best she could. Sapphire could only nod as she took in their presence. She was still trying to work out how shy she was but currently, she had a nice blush across her face. She was embarrassed that she managed to get scared so easily.


Character Info
Name: Cyril Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Folklorist
Silver: 232
His older twin was first to speak up after setting Tempest down. As far as Cyril knew, she and Belen got along really well. It was like they knew what the other was thinking, sort of like how Belen always knew what he was thinking and the other way around. "Hi~ We've met your little sister Poppy. Right, Cyril?" He then made a funny face as he added, "She hits really, really hard." Cyril waved with a smile, as Belen was the more talkative one out of them. Tempest's cousin Sapphire was blushing pink, but that wasn't what caught his attention. There was an expression of amazement and awe on the silver-haired boy's face at the sight of her. Her hair was like the color of orchids! It was lavender, no something darker…not as intense as violet, maybe a dark shade of lilac or iris?

"…They're amazing! Your eyes, they really are like sapphires!" The first words out of his mouth made Belen grimace and smack a hand to his forehead. "Cyril…really?" But it was true–they really were just like the gem. He wondered if that was how she got her name. "I've never seen purple hair before! It's sort of like a lilac-iris purple, or maybe orchid? I remember seeing orchids in the Greenhouse that Lys' mom brought over from Mamlak." And he was off; once Cyril was on a tangent he would keep running with it until someone interrupted or redirected the conversation. He was very different from Belen despite sharing the same face and features. If both boys kept quiet and dyed their hair it would hard to tell them apart.  

While he wasn't trying to be rude, he couldn't help but be continually amazed at the embarrassed girl's unique hair color. "Sorry about my brother. He's…easily entertained." Belen said apologetically, covering his twin's mouth to get him to pipe down.

'The noblest art is that of making others happy.'

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