
Oct 16, 2015
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Former Deity
The real Dalanesca
Dec 31, 1988

You can call me Whitney or Whit.

All About Dalanesca

Name: Dalanesca Letern Coralax

Age: Unknown

Looks: 29

Race: Former Deity

Occupation: Rogue, Assassin, Reaper

Hair: Long, mildly wavy black hair, falls to about mid-back in loose waves

Eyes: Icy Blue

Height: Five feet, four inches

Body Type: Hourglass

Skin: Pale

Markings: Various scars across her back

Current Home: Mortuus Cordis in Luxuria Mortiferum

Homeland: She is not from Revaliir, but lived in Adeluna before her ascension

Favorite Drink: Whiskey (specifically Angela's divine blend)

Personality: Dalanesca is incredibly sarcastic and quick-witted. She is slow to trust anyone, and it shows. She also holds grudges - wronging her would not be in one’s best interest. Often times, Dalanesca’s words hold a sense of seduction or innuendo, and it is often hard to tell whether or not it is intentional. She is a person with little to no physical boundaries, and as such makes others uncomfortable from time to time if they are not the same.

History: Dalanesca came from a land outside of Revaliir. Upon her arrival to this world, she took up work as an assassin. Her conscious began to catch up with her and she renounced her ways. She took up work assisting an innkeeper in Adeluna with controlling the rowdy crowds in the bar. It was here that she met Marth Coralax, a man with whom she embarked upon a journey to assist him with destroying the shards of a demon named Reaver. Towards the beginning of their expedition, the Tree called to Dalanesca and she ascended to her position as the Justiciar.
Time passed and the two crafted a relationship, resulting in their marriage and Dalanesca becoming pregnant. As the time for the child to be born neared, Marth disappeared without a trace - and something terrible happened. Dalanesca lost her child, and Angela Rose was not able to make it to her in time. The combination of tragedies sent the Justiciar into a downward spiral, and she blamed Angela Rose for her loss. Her spheres of power changed, and soon she no longer balanced and brought order- but now, Darkness and Death.
The war between the goddesses eventually took end, and Dalanesca found herself accepting of her new realm and spheres of power.
After another lost love, the goddess reasserted herself and found herself accepting of the tragedies that had befallen her. With this acceptance, the Voice deemed that she lose the sphere of Darkness for that of Desire - something she already exuded in excess - to where she is today - The Reaper of Souls or The Siren.

Marth Coralax - former husband; missing; assumed deceased
Katja Coralax - daughter; died in birth

Angela Rose - closest friend; ally
Adraejen Porthyrius - friend; ally
Rohan - godson; son of Angela Rose and Adraejen Porthyrius
Iva Rose - friend; ally; daughter of Angela Rose
Kirika Rose - friend; ally; niece of Angela Rose
Bryar Oakenfell Rose - acquaintance; ally; husband of Kirika Rose; Avatar
Moliira - missing; friend; ally
Blaine Wintercrest - acquaintance; known through Moliira
Krystopher Wintercrest - acquaintance; known through Moliira
Xunatar - ally; strange ‘friendship’
Jarmyr - ally; complicated

Lucky Crescent
A silver coin infused with a bit of luck by the Goddess Shiloh. In order for it to work it has to be inside your shoe while wearing it… Weird just like her. It has a ferret stamped on it.

A pre-event item for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Raine's Bluebell
Created as the first real project given to Angela’s avatar Raine this bluebell flower has sapphire gemstone petals and when moved or shaken rings like a clear bell. True to her status as Revaliir’s Bird Ambassador and “Bird Rights Activist Leader” this bell summons doves. Why you would want to do such a thing… Who knows.

“Revaliir, please forgive me...” - Angela

A pre-event item for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Angela's Golden Cornucopia
Golden fireflies float around this solid gold cornucopia at all times. These graceful little bugs keep the cornucopia floating whenever it is not in use so that it is not violated by any tainted surface it may be around. Flowing from it is a rush of green magic like a roaring waterfall. The magic falls and dissipates into nothingness. It is owned by the Mother and a very sacred object… Why she agreed to let you borrow it… Only she would know.

The Golden Cornucopia provides a healing aura to not only the holder but also the area surrounding it. It is capable of healing or providing food but not both at the same time. In the hands of a mortal it’s capabilities are small but helpful. Use it wisely for the affects only last a short time and it takes time to gather Angela’s vast magicks.

A Pre-Event Award for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Living Amulet
A beautifully crafted necklace with a radiant gemstone pendant. It feels warm almost like a hug, like it had only just almost gotten done cooling from the warm forge it was crafted from. It seems to emit a soft light and a small heartbeat comes from it.
A pre-event award for Angela Rose's 2021 Valentine's Day Event
Angela's Crystal Chalice
A beautiful chalice made from ancient crystal. The stem of this chalice is made out of abalone shell pulled from shells found in the deepest part of the ocean. This chalice can turn any toxin into its antidote but one must have enough toxin to effectively make a good antidote.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
A simple piece of cloth in the shape of a triangle, usually tied around one's head.
A slender blade with a sharp point. Best suited for thrusting attacks.
A short, bladed weapon with a sharp point. Can be used to slash or pierce an enemy.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
A sword called Kindness...yes kill them with kindness! This sword is a majestic masterpiece that speaks to its owner. It is far better to kill with kindness than to hound an enemy with insults.
Rewarded as a milestone prize during Revaliir's opening on October 16th, 2015.
Revaliir gained over 100 new members on launch day and as a big "thank you" we are awarding you with kindness!
Leather Leggings
Leg armor made of leather, it offers protection without limiting mobility.
Leather Cuirass
Chest armor made of cured leather.
Simple, sturdy footwear, usually made of leather.
Throwing Knives
A set of small knives with weighted handles, intended for throwing at an opponent.
Limitless Harness
A weapon harness that negates the weight of any blade attached to it and also hides it from view.
A little belt pouch for one to put their coins or jewelry into.
Basic Poison
A very basic poison that is easily made.
A sturdy, shapely undergarment, worn around the torso by either men or women to make the wearer appear slimmer, or to exaggerate the bust and hips.
6.02 x 10^23 This friendly little Talpidae brings the miracle of science with him. He is able to effectively help any scholar or alchemist (really anyone with a love of science) to gather herbs and other things for experimentation. Small and compact he would love to let you know that multiples of his kind are called a Labour.
Was given out for Revaliir's first Mole Day, October 23rd 2015.
FOR THE POWER OF SCIENCE! (and explosions of the accident sort.)
Bastard Sword
A sword with a grip long enough to allow for two-handed or one-handed use. This blade is used to cut into enemies.
A rope consists of fibers which have been twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
Magic Platypus
This pet has the unique ability to sense hostile NPCs - or PCs, if you have permission - if sitting on your head. Its back flippers can also be milked for toxins to coat a weapon with: provided someone is really interested in milking a platypus.
-can cast
*The reward for reaching 1000 posts on the site*
Jenna loathes platypuses.
This dagger-like weapon has a special handle that allows the blade to rest on the wielder's knuckles. While it can be used as a slashing weapon, a katar is most deadly when is is thrust at an opponent.
"Ain't no laws when you're usin' claws"- Whitney, Administration
Never Ending Ale
A mug of ale that never empties!
A gift from the Administrator for reaching 200 members in 2 months!
A man made of snow that has magically sprung to life. Hope he isn't allergic to the heat!
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 1
Holly Panpipe
This exotic instrument is played by blowing into the pipes, which strings together in a beautiful harmony. It is decorated with fine gold designs and a beautiful holly. When blowing on these festive pipes it causes just the right amount of snow to fall in a small radius around the musician.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 2
Santa Sac
A festive mystical item that is almost like a bottomless pit! It can hold any number of items in it without gaining that much weight. Last seen over the shoulder of a fat man in a red suit.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 3
Sapphire Sword
A beautifully smithed blade made from sapphires that has a chilling aura to it. It is most likely carved by the dwarves of Baltil. The blade itself glows like a thousand stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 7
Rudolf's Revenge
This bident was crafted from a vengeful reindeer who wasn't allowed to play in any reindeer games. It has a bright red stone on it and the horns of the bident are sharp antlers. When thrown the bident transforms into a stampeding reindeer until it strikes its enemy.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 8
Starry Night Robes
These robes appear to be weaved from the night sky itself. They shift with the elegant art of the stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 9
Kirika's Lost Compass
The compass is a beautiful object, with an interesting purpose. If a stone or bit of dirt is placed on it, the needle will guide someone to the origin of where the dirt or stone is from.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath
Ded Moroz's Snowflake Battleaxe
When the first son of Glaciem came into being he was gifted his grandfather's axe. It had a harsh, glacial atmosphere to it, and, if one not prepared touched it, could give frostbite, often causing the loss of one's hands. The axe itself glistens like newly fallen snow and frozen glacier water. This axe only accepts one owner and tries to freeze whoever else touches it. Be prepared to be worthy or to become the next ice sculpture.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 11
Boreas Dragon
"It sees you when you're healing. It knows when you're afraid. It knows when you've been injured, so run away for goodness sake."
This dragon hails from the ice lands. Its powerful roar can be heard throughout the lands of Revaliir as it flies overhead during Glaciem. Its ice breath is something that many fear and even its scale have a glacial atmosphere to them.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12
A simple piece of material, usually leather, that holds up one's trousers.
A decorative piece of cloth, metal, or chain, worn around the wrist.
This slender, curved blade has a single sharp edge, and a handle long enough to allow the wielder to use two hands.
A single-edged weapon, light enough to be wielded with one hand. Most falchions also feature a slightly curved blade.
A pronged weapon with a variety of combat uses. Comes as a pair.
A container typically used to hold drinking water.
Grappling Hook
This hooked metal device is meant to be attached to a rope. It can then be thrown, and secures the rope in place.
This parchment shows a region of Revaliir, or the entire world. It is useful for navigating.
Used to sharpen objects.
Basic Antidote
When consumed the antidote potion cures the consumer of all basic status ailments.
Astral Projection
This spell allows the caster to project themself on to another plane.
Riding Horse
This magnificent horse is mild-tempered and easy to train. It's ideal for riding, and has the endurance to travel long distances.
Men at Arms
Professional soldiers armed with a sword and shield, as well as armor, they generally fight on foot.
Bottle of Wine
A bottle filled with an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grapes or other fruit.
Make-Up Box
Inside this box are various face paints, powders, coals, and similar cosmetics.
A long length of fabric, sometimes woven material, worn on the body. It may be used to in many ways, such as around the neck, waist, shoulders, and even over the head.
Aura Sight
This spell allows the caster to sense a magical aura around a person, or to sense another's presence even if the caster cannot see them. Also allows the caster to sense magical presence up to 40 yards away.
This spell negates the effect of a single spell or enchantment. It can be used to remove either positive or negative status ailments (i.e. blessings, curses, etc.), but it cannot banish a summoned creature.
War Horse
A large mount, bred to carry a fully armored knight into battle and trained for war.
This horse comes fully equipped with armor.
Shadow Cast
This spell manipulates the shadows around the caster to be used to create illusions against their targets.
Invoke Luminance
A random light elemental is summoned from another plane, which serves the caster for a short period of time.
Invoke Darkness Elemental
A random shadow elemental is summoned from another plane, which serves the caster for a short period of time.
This spell removes all simple curses, diseases, and other temporary status inflictions.
Lesser Banish
This spell is used to eliminate a single minor elemental or summoning from this realm. It cannot be used to remove a summoned demon or angel.
Followers of the various deities, they offer spiritual guidance and advice. They can also be useful when seeking to determine the will of those deities in a dangerous world. They are capable of minor holy magics.
Comes with Common Robes, Slippers, Bo Staff,Arcane Empower, Cure, Heal, Protection, Backpack, Beeswax, Blanket, Canteen, Herbs, Joss Sticks, and Tailoring Kit.
-can cast
A caster dedicated to mending wounds of those injured in adventuring and battle.
Comes with Common Robes, Slippers, Bo Staff,Arcane Empower, Cure, Heal, Protection, Backpack, Beeswax, Blanket, Canteen, Herbs, Joss Sticks, and Basic Medical Kit.
-can cast
Willow's Healing Beans
Created by the Healing Academy, these beans can heal the consumer by a small amount.
Given out for achieving over nine thousand posts
IT'S OVER 9000!
Plate Cuirass
Chest armor formed of thin metal sheets, it offers a great deal of protection though at a loss of mobility.
Plate Leggings
Armor for the legs crafted of thin metal sheets, it offers a lot of protection at the loss of mobility.
This spell allows the caster to disappear from sight.
Magic Unlock
This spell unlocks most locked doors or chests via magickal means.
Shadow Meld
This spell allows the caster to shroud themselves into the shadows of their surroundings. The effectiveness of the meld is depended on the amount of shadows supplied in the area.
This spell allows the caster to instantly move to another location, so long as they can see their intended destination.
Chalice of Truth
A chalice made of white marble, enchanted so that whoever drinks from it can only speak the truth for a short duration.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
Moral Compass
A black and white dagger with a compass attached to the hilt. Rather than pointing to a direction, the compass indicates the moral standing, or alignment, of those nearest to the holder. In the event that a person's alignment is True Neutral, the compass spins wildly.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
A spell that when cast causes the target to act upon his or her darkest desires or wishes; or conversely can cause the target to see their greatest fear.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
Loved one trying to get away? Solve the problem now by investing in these strong steel shackles.
Zujiuchu's Ectoplasm Stars
These throwing stars were formed by using the souls of those Zujiuchu thought were true warriors. He used their bodily essence and turned them into weapons worthy of a god. These ethereal stars can pierce through just about anything and they are always sharp.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Box of Sweets
A delicious box of a different assortment of sweets, a perfect treat for a friend or loved one!
Spy Glass
A useful instrument for gazing off into the distance. Looking through the lens magnifies objects.
Pain Spike
This spell injects a surge of pain within a target which deals mental damage
Greater Agility
Not only heightens one’s speeds, but allows them great balance and the ability to land on one’s feet from high height. This spell also allows the ability to walk on walls and ceilings for the duration of ten minutes.
This beautiful flower seems full of life, even after picked. It gives off a sweet-smelling aroma.
A very slow creature that is known for taking its time. Remember the tortoise beat the hare.
Teddy Bear
Teddy bears make wonderful companions. Make sure you buy one for your loved ones!
Made of the softest silks and finest crafted lace, this gown shows just the right amount of skin to fan the fires of lust.
Custom Item Voucher
This is redeemable through contacting Angela Rose.
Reindeer Antlers
A headband with fake reindeer antlers on them. Use them to get into the holiday spirit.. or as a decoy while hunting.
Siren's Song
A powerful spell in which the user sings a beautiful melody that causes its victims to become hypnotised or even lured to sleep. In order for it to take full effect, the user must concentrate solely on the song or it will be ineffective.
Scented Candles
When lit, these candles fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
Galvanic Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of electricity and lightning with their mind.
Round Shield
A circular shield of good quality and strength. Typically paired with a one-handed weapon to give the user a balance of offense and defense.
Animate Object
This spell allows the caster to make an object come to life for a short period of time.
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Wyvernbone Ring
Carved from the bones of fallen wyvern, the Hiadref have enchanted these rings to aid outsiders in surviving the harsh cold of their home island.
Leaf of the Tree Cloak
A cloak made of an enormous ash leaf from the World Tree, it provides magickal resistance.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 1. Gift from the World Tree.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Storm-Runed Wolf
These wolves are smarter and faster than their wild cousins, and lightning-bound runes flicker over their fur.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 3 - A gift from the Goddess Moliira.
Noctis Amulet
An amulet that reacts to the amount of "Light" or "Darkness" in the room. Light and Darkness referring to the alignment of good or evil. The amulet will run hot for evil or cold for good. In the event that the people surrounding you are neutral the amulet runs warm.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 4: A gift from the goddess Dalanesca.
Instrument of Epics
Allows the wielder to use musical chords in place of incantations, making spellcasting easier for the musically inclined. Allows speaking while casting, and shortening long incantations. Comes in a variety of forms, but the harp is the most iconic.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 5: A gift from the God Torn.
Globe of the Northern Lights
A crystal clear globe with a constantly swirling aurora borealis, envision where you would like to go and rays of the aurora borealis will shine and envelope you, taking you to your destination. Can be used once a day.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 6: A gift from the God Naota.
Onnen's Amber
A fist sized globe of amber, it serves as scrying orb. The amber chunk was found in the world tree before it disappeared.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 7: Gift from the World Tree.
Artisan's Flask
A flask made of pure crystal and embedded with gemstones of all different colors and origins. This flask was handcrafted by the goddess herself while she was bored and imbued it with the ability to turn anything put into the flask into a high-level health and mana potion. The potion itself takes on the qualities of Angela's best potions. Limit: Only changes 1 full flask a day. Use wisely. Note: You could be on the brink of death and this potion will rebound you completely. It is toxic when consumed in large amounts which is why there is a limit per day on how much one can consume.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 8: A gift from the Goddess Angela
Steel Bound Lightning
A lantern made of twisted coils of steel and a glass lens, it can be charge by arcane means or leaving it out in a storm. It feeds on lightning, and the user can channel it into a beam of light.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 9: A gift from the Goddess Moliira.
Blade of Ouroboros
A blade that requires the blood of its victim to work. If blood is consumed by the blade, the victim will lose control of the alignment of their actions for a set period of time.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 10: A gift from the Goddess Dalanesca.
Renown Resonator Crown
When worn, whomever the wearer communicates with will remember tales and rumours about the wearer, regardless of whether the wearer has introduced themselves. Makes it easier to impress people, and will also make them less skeptical of the wearer's identity (if they introduce themselves truthfully). The crown is iconic, reinforcing the latter effect.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 11: A gift from the God Torn.
Oh Holy Night
A crystalline snowflake that is constantly shining with holy light. When one has this in their possession, they are surrounded by holy power, making them safer to the undead or those of evil intent.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12: A gift from the God Naota.
Anima Ring
This ring allows the user to seal a soul within the sunstone gem. The user can then use the soul to power their magic or their physical strength until the soul becomes destroyed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Chrysalis Ring
This rings creates a crystal barrier around the user. It protects from both magical and physical attacks. The barrier does break under large amounts of pressure so beware.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Ring of Sanctuary
This ring allows the wearer to hide in a pocket of dimensional space until danger has passed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Sins of the Father: Envy
A person affected by this spell will begin to feel malicious envy towards other people, desiring whatever they may have. This can make a person more prone to theft or social sabotage, and can adversely affect an otherwise cohesive group.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

The father, ever envious, stole from his peers their most precious belongings and bonds. Soon, there was nary a friend left to him, and he was left alone with the sharks closing in.
Sins of the Father: Gluttony
Those afflicted by this spell will gain an almost insatiable hunger for food, particularly of the expensive or exotic kinds. This can help adversely affecting a person’s image, or make them very easy to befriend by the simple means of a tasty meal.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

The father ate and drank uncaringly, growing more massive with each passing day while lesser men went hungry. Soon, he was incapable of running from his enemies, so increased was he.
Sins of the Father: Greed
A spell which causes a person to feel intense greed, usually monetary greed. This makes the target more prone to theft and other acts of crime for personal gain, and could also be used to make them more susceptible to bribery.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

The father, in his greed, disregarded the just and the needing. And while he hoarded, the less fortunate became to him an army of foes.
Sins of the Father: Lust
The affected sentient being becomes overcome with lust, to the point where they may desire people they would otherwise not even consider. Has a number of malicious uses, but the most practical include making someone more susceptible to being seduced, and is particularly potent when coupled with a charm spell.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

The father’s lust was insatiable, and he took what women he wished. The bastards he left behind and the poor women who begot them were left in the dirt, drops of his own blood resenting him.
Sins of the Father: Pride
A spell which induces intense pride in its target, making them more prone to take - and give - offense when interacting with others. Can also be used to make a target more susceptible to appeasing, convincing them to do something by appealing to their pride.
Duration: 5 hours
The father was proud, and looked down only to condescend. He never saw the pitfalls that were his flaws.
Sins of the Father: Sloth
A person affected by this spell will suffer a lack of motivation and energy, and will usually result in dire neglect of duties, themselves, and those around them. It also makes them very easy to convince, particularly to look the other way or offer simple payment for easy tasks.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

In his sloth, the father did little to improve himself. With those around him forced to do his work, he soon lost his skills, and his wit. None remained that believed him worthy of anything he possessed.
Sins of the Father: Wrath
Those who are afflicted by this spell will begin to feel intense anger, making them prone to violence. It also makes them very easy to misdirect, and their anger can be exploited to make the target cause harm on your behalf.
Duration: 5 hours
Only 1 Sin spell can be cast a day due to the potency of the spell.
However, if one desires a NPC can also cast 1 sin spell a day as well.

The father, ever wroth, was liberal with the use of sword and whip. And for each drop of blood spilled, his enemies vowed to claim two from him.
Animate Dead
Animate the corpses of the dead to fight alongside you.
Corpse Skin
Channelling dark energy, the caster causes a target's skin to rot and decay.
This spell supernaturally weakens the target's strength, dexterity, and magickal ability.
Blood Oath
Believed to be a remnant of blood magic in Revaliir, this spell allows the caster to magically bind themselves to another. Those bound share both pain and emotion. The binding can be permanent if consensual, or temporary if forced.
Angela's Link
A necklace of Lacriamium metal. It grounds the living soul so one can pass into the soul-stream without having to be dead. It is a bluish diamond like link necklace finely crafted by the goddess herself.
This will keep you whole even in the darkest hour of the Soul-Stream. Special Required Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Bouquet of Flowers
A bundle of beautiful flowers, often given as a gift to a friend or loved one.
Natus Hookah
A rare item that almost no one has seen before. This hookah allows you to heat up the contents using coal. The liquid inside is what makes this hookah odd. It allows you to travel into the soul-stream via your dreams. Allowing you to meet the spirits bound for rebirth. This is different from Dalanesca’s soul-stream which is the opposite end of Angela’s. This whole hookah is crafted from one massive gemstone.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Duchess' Concoctions
Cookies and drinks from the Duchess are a pleasant, if not useful gift. Her concoctions make you grow if you eat the cookies or shrink if you drink the juice. The bottles are specially decorated with magical shimmering letters. The words on the cookies are almost alive as if inviting you to try them. Be wary the more you consume the more it affects you.
I’ve lost my taste for children. Strictly a dessert diet for myself now. Go along now. Shoo. You have what you need.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Liddell Hobby Horse
Liddell Hobby Horse: A mace in the shape of a hobby horse. This weapon is incredibly odd. Crafted for one Miss Liddell, these hobby horses neigh whenever you swing or hit someone with it. The pointed horn is crafted from hard steel. The mane is razor sharp. The tipped weight makes it an excellent object for swinging. It’s eyes are almost alive as the thrill of battle makes its eyes glow.
Not even the four horsemen have the strength against this horse. NEIGH!
Event Prize for Angela Rose's 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
When worn, this Aventurine pendant will strengthen the will and focus of its wearer tenfold. Due to its effects, it’s suggested to only wear it in times of great need for no more than one hour at a time. While strength of will and focus are enhanced, the physical limits of the body are unchanged.
This is an Event Prize for Naota's 2017 Event Renaissance of Lumos.
Conjure Food
The caster creates a small amount of food, enough for a single meal.
Drain Essence
The caster attempts to drain energy from a single target, allowing the caster to regain health or magical energy.
Fire Ball
The caster summons a ball of fire and hurls it at their target.
Fire Breath
The caster exhales a blast of fire, burning and damaging a target.
Fire Meld
The caster melds with fire, keeping them hidden, or protected from heat and fire attacks.
Fire Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of fire with their mind.
Flame Strike
This spell allows the caster to direct a blast of fire at a target.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
Summon the fires of hell itself, causing massive damage, though at a cost to one's soul.
This spell allows the caster to change their physical appearance.
Invoke Demon
A demon is summoned from the darkness, which may serve the caster for a short period of time.
Midnight Terror
Command the darkness of an area to come alive like a fairy tale monster. The shadows become blades and teeth sharp enough to slice through steel and cleave horses in two.
This spells allows the caster to speak to another person telepathically, and allow them to hear the thoughts of others.
Hell Hound
This infernal canine is slightly larger than a typical dog. It has an unholy aura, and is able to use magic.
-can cast
Minor Telekinesis
This spell allows the caster to move small objects with their mind.
Shadow Puppet
This spell summons fiends from the shadow plane for a brief time.
Shadow Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of shadow with their mind.
Ethereal tendrils reach out and strangle the target, preventing them from speaking, and, in time, suffocating them.
Summon Item
The caster summons an item, normally armor or weapons, that they own from the aether.
Taint Weapon
The caster imbues a weapon with dark energy, allowing it to deal unholy damage for a short time.
Causes the victim to become physically weakened.
Thieves' Tools
A set of lock-picking tools, essential for any thief.
This heavy, woolen cloak offers its wearer warmth and protection from the elements. It also has a hood, which can be drawn up to make the wearer seem more mysterious.
Common Dress
A simple dress, made of ordinary material, and suitable for general, everyday wear.
Common Skirt
A skirt made out of simple fabric. It doesn't look very expensive but it's better than nothing.
A long string of beads or a chain of precious metal, worn around the neck.
Noble Bracelet
A high price bracelet probably worth a fortune. Crafted from the finest rubies and gold.
Noble Dress
This women's dress is well made from the finest cloth. The gown is long and the bodice is embroidered.
Noble Necklace
A fancy necklace made out of precious metal and gems.
Noble Earrings
Fancy earrings made out of precious stone and metal.
Noble Ring
A very fine ring made out of precious metal and gemstones.
Noble Skirt
This garment is worn on the lower body, and is well-made.
Signet Ring
An engraved ring that bears the emblem of royalty, nobility, or one's family. Typically used as a seal for letters, official documents, or as heirlooms.
Bloodstone Bracelet
The people of Haza create these pieces of jewelry in honor of the Earth spirits they worship. The stones are banded in iron, and have a curious property: if one drips their own blood onto the stones, the bracelet can be used to heal minor wounds.
Riding Equipment
Typically consists of a saddle and reins. Allows one to better ride a mountable companion.
Endapano Longbow
Made from the wood of a tree in the Kingdom of Endapano, this tall bow makes a formidable weapon with adequate training and practice.
Enchanted with a keen rune so it never rusts or dulls from age. Enchanted with a second rune to make heavier projectiles lighter and sends them further and faster than other bows.
Tenebris Amulet
This talisman absorbs the person's rage and violent tendencies and stores it in the blood red gem at its center, and replaces it with Euphoria and Warmth. When it becomes full, the crystal cracks and the violence and fury is released back on the person, creating a sort of Jekyll and Hyde moment in the wearer.
An event prize for Dalanesca’s 2017 God Event Sanguine Tenebris.
Reaper's Scythe
Permanently stained with blood, legend has it that this weapon is meant to separate a soul from its body so completely that it cannot be resurrected unless by a God. Though this scythe appears to lack the ability to do so in its current form.
An event prize for Dalanesca’s 2017 God Event Sanguine Tenebris.
Sanguine Cloak
Deep red cloak that always looks as if it is trailing droplets of blood. Said to be a favorite of the Reaper to let her victims know that she is coming and where she has been.
An event prize for Dalanesca’s 2017 God Event Sanguine Tenebris.
Dalanesca’s Infernus Verbera
A cat o' nine tails whose ends have been tipped with obsidian blades. Each lash burns with eternal hellfire from the depths of Inferos, causing pain and damage from fire and physical sources alike. The user is never harmed by these flames, and the whip is said to feed on the suffering of the afflicted.
Barrier of Parvpora
Named after the youngest of the two moons, the Barrier of Parvpora is a contraceptive drink that invokes temporary sterility on the imbiber.
Ghostly Elephant
This apparition of a war elephant from Mamlak makes for a fearsome ally, though you can not ride on it.
Hellfire Candles
These black candles are ever burning with a bright purple or green flame. They burn with the intensity of Inferos and its eternal torment. Perfect for All Hallows' Eve.
Mask of Relinquish
Cursed Treasure: A crude iron mask that was once a means of punishment towards the most unruly of inmates. No matter the size of its victim’s head, it fits snugly and makes the person unable to see, hear or talk until it is removed. They are also plagued with demonic voices intruding their minds, leaving them in a state of despair.
One victim was asked what sort of the horrors he was facing as he donned the mask; sadly he was unresponsive save for tearing at it and having some bloody fingers in result.
Pocket-Sized Succubus
It is like a normal succubus, except pocket size. It is unaffected by size altering spells. Even if you could shrink to her size she would probably stick her nose up at you anyways... She sucks at being a succubus.
Spectre Labradorites
A special gemstone that allows for the wielder to be able to attract and see ghosts.
I see dead people...
Veille Mbanja
A sinister knife made of iron and leather that can be thrown with deadly accuracy. Injuries from this weapon will actually cause the target to feel numbness instead of pain.
Tsaer's Silver Armor
Originally made by an elven mage known as Tsaer, this armor is tuned to repair itself by drawing resources from the surrounding landscape. It will never rust or permanently break down, but wearers should be cautious. If the armor can't find sufficient, solid materials to repair the damage done to it while it is being worn by someone, it will begin sapping nutrients from the wearer. It is said that Tsaer underestimated the power of his creation, and was swiftly turned to dust during his last, extensive test.
Handy Frying Pan
Legend tells of a noble woman who grew tired of her husband's crap. She took the frying pan and gave him a good whack. She was known as Lisa the Panhandler. This frying pan has a rune engraved on the bottom of it. When activated it can adjust its gravity enough that it can be light or heavy like a boulder. It allows for excellent battlefield damage.
Event Prize for Staff's 2018 Holiday Event: The Celestial Ball
The caster creates a massive wave of water for a short period of time.
Timore, Mother of Hell Hounds
Legend has it that the Reaper created Timore from her own flesh and blood, who then spawned the many hell hounds that populate Inferos. The fastest and strongest of the species, Timore can only be commanded by Dalanesca herself. She cannot be killed by ordinary means, and possesses super senses, speed, and strength, as well as the ability to become invisible.
Large Elemental
A large creation of an elemental force, they are capable of being ridden, and can cast spells of their element.

-can cast

-can morph into other shapes, but still maintains its elemental nature

Mistress' Cloak
A cloak made from the finest silk spun from the spider queen herself.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Wisp Shawl
Crafted from the memories of banshee this cloth glows with an eerie presence. It lights up dark places and can be worn as a scarf or shawl.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Ghost Kitten
Long forgotten by its owner, this kitten has wandered the land for years in search of a new owner. This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Ten Tickles
This spell allows the caster to summon ten giant tentacle plants ready to whip at their master’s enemies.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cursed Jewelry
These beautiful, intricate pieces of jewelry are clearly costly in make. But anyone wearing them will soon find themselves haunted by ghosts always just out of sight and the screams of the damned. A great present for that ex you hate!
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Concordia's Bondage
Spider silk has been woven into the strongest rope known to Revaliir in the name of fun. Many citizens of Revaliir use this for many unsavory things, too adult for many to hear, but also it is used by many sailors when they have saved up enough coin as the strength of the silk has never failed.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Cadaver Angler Fish
Angler Fish have always been one of the mighty predators of the depths but this species has always tugged on the hearts of all those around it. Instead of a sweet light that attracts you, it is the body of your loved ones you find, alive and dancing ready to be with you until the end (of you).
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Ghostly Puppy
This small puppy passed away at a young age and joined the Hallowed Caravan's crew as a ghost.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Aegir's Plague Mask
This has the basic functions of a plague mask. The beak has a compartment for herbs and medicine. This enchanted mask will keep minor diseases away from you. The material on this mask also offers minor protection against psionic magic.
Note: Only protects against one psionic spell once per day before it has to recharge.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Causes the target to fall asleep for a small period of time.
Noble Robes
These loose-fitting garments are well made, from the finest material.
Mind Rot
This spell confuses and dulls the mind, causing the target to be unaware of their surroundings.
A well-loved pet among the Harenians, Jackals were often kept as guard dogs and hunting companions.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Cursed Khopesh
Infused with the same unholy power that buried the City of Asyut, these blades can cause mummy rot when a wound is inflicted by the blade. This mummy rot can be healed by magic, or will clear up naturally after about 24 hours depending upon the severity of the injury.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Cereus’s Protection
When cast, this spell summons large spectral cats to protect the caster.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Harenian Death Mask
When placed over the face of a dying individual, these Death Masks could induce a state of suspended animation in the wearer until it was determined that they could be saved, or if they were to make their journey back to the Soul Stream.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Possessed Toy
This toy belonged to a son of a rich family from Egjora. It was given to him by a servant just after she was fired by the lady of the house for practicing dark magic. The toy seems to move on its own and has a demonic voice. The family this toy once belonged to died soon after by strange causes unknown. It is best to appease the toy and not stir its anger.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Reyansh's Mimic Potion
Going past how great the incognito spell was, Reyansh wanted to mess with his followers even more. He created the Mimic Potion that transforms a person into someone else for a full day. This potion mimics looks, voice, and smell to the best ability.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Scarab Choker
These scarab shaped ornaments are made from the bodies of the live scarabs that infested the resurrected capital of Aysut. Even in death, they maintain a portion of their master's call, but that call has been bent by the magics of the living. Anyone wearing these chokers can temporarily command the scarab piece to duplicate itself into a small group of illusory scarabs. These scarabs will have eye-shaped hieroglyphics on the back of their shells that the caster can see through, and, so long as the spell remains active, they are completely under said person's control.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Tinkerer's Goggles
These goggles allow the person wearing them to see twenty feet ahead through any material, except through deadzones.
Event prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Remember: only one per account for the purposes of the advent calendar 2017.
Arriese Rose Hydra
Unlike regular hydras, these hydra live in the tropical landscapes surrounding Arri's capital. They are large and often violent creatures whose heads are surrounded with rose petals. Their legs are like the roots of a flower and overall the creature looks odd.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Small Ataiyan Dragon
Rumored to be the distant descendants of Okami, the legendary Ataiyan dragon, these toy-sized variants have been used as guardians of noble families for generations. They are most notable for their ability to fly despite a lack of wings, and their obsession with perceived “dishonor” and “cows.”
Blade of Dancing Heat
This knife is formed of a unique metal that can put out various degrees of heat according to the wielder's wishes. It can even become hot enough to instantly cauterize wounds.
Rhylana’s 2015 Event Item, Everything Burns
Reverie Snowglobe
A little winter wonderland enclosed in glass, this enchanted curio shrinks a person down before transporting them inside. Within this self-contained world festive songs play ad infinitum perpetuating an atmosphere of holiday cheer.
"It's a small world after all..."
This is the event prize for the 2017 Winter Event: Dance of Reverie.
Abedian Hypnotic Curry
This curry has multiple different special ingredients that mess with one’s mind. It induces a psychedelic effect and other various effects: shrinking, another language being spoken, hair color change. None of the effects are permanent but be wary that you will never know what you are going to get when taking a bite.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Rose Whip
While not in use the whip turns into a beautiful long stemmed rose, watch out for the thorns.
Prize from the 2017 Admin Event: Lights of Love.
Living Color Spellbook
Developed in the Land of Colors, also known as Abed, this spellbook has the power to make all spells cast through it visible and in an array of many colors. Spells done in song suddenly have the lyrics and notes appearing in vibrant color leaving the lips and instrument of its user.
A complimentary prize for both the Ad-venturous Competition and Write Something Beautiful Contest.
Angela's Brooch
A beautiful brooch passed down by the goddess herself which allows the user to completely heal, instantly. The red rose ornament is most commonly associated with the mother of love and life, and embodies some her most well known principles, as healing is a special part of life.
Has a cooldown of five days due to how strong it is
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Dalanesca's Elixir
An elixir created by the goddess Dalanesca. When ingested it acts as the strongest aphrodisiac in existence. If too much is taken, it can be fatal.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Dalanesca's Serpent
Spectral serpent familiar
Custom Familiar for participating in Angela and Adraejen's 2018 Deity Event: Miracle Magic

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