S.A.I., formerly known as K.A.T., is a magical creature foreign to Revaliir, and was a companion of the nameless deity for many years. SAI has no set form, but she remains completely inert in the absence of a host. Upon finding such a person, however, she will drastically transform.
Once in contact with a host, SAI binds with that person in a systemic, symbiotic nature that not even death can part. She also gains several unique abilities in doing so. These include, but are not limited to, the ability to cast all non-offensive spells that the host knows without drawing from the host's mana pool; the ability to change shape, color, size, and strength at will while remaining attached to the host; and the ability to acquire new functions or appearances via the consumption of other items. SAI is often known to completely replace the host's clothing and she will consume any new ensembles that are put on for future use. She even melds with the host's skin entirely, and she can communicate via tones or full blown speech despite her distinct lack of a voice box. This is due to the fact that she apparently has her own set of senses separate from the host's: senses that she can turn off at will and forward information from to the host themselves.
As for the relationship between the host and S.A.I., S.A.I. is like an intelligent helper to them. She can appear in their vision, create a sort of magical HUD that only the host can see, play music that only the host can hear, and even play personal doctor with extreme precision. She is a companion unlike any other, and completely benign or even helpful to whoever binds with her.
The final evolution of Natsumi's staple weapon, Toirneach, The Redeemer is a specially made bow and spell launcher with a unique appearance. It is comprised of a bulky handle; two, thin, metallic barrels; several triggers; a magical scope and innumerable internal mechanisms. The two barrels carry different capabilities and can be used as the wielder desires, but they are of significantly different use cases.
The Redeemer's topmost barrel is the longer of the two. It is the sniper-oriented one, and requires specially made bolts if one wishes to use it with physical ammunition. Said ammunition can be loaded into the weapon by cocking it to reveal the loading bay. This is the body of the original Toirneach, so it maintains the ability to shoot a bolt with the speed and strength of a ballista. It also maintains the ability to greatly magnify the strength, speed and distance at which the spell "spectral arrow" can be cast. Sniping Redeemer's spectral arrow, in particular, can easily punch a hole through a dragon skull at a max distance of 1km when used at maximum power, potentially killing the beast outright if the shot hits a vital point; but there is a 15 minute cooldown for such a feat during which the barrel becomes an extremely hot, magicless bow. This cooldown is variable depending on the strength poured into the spell, but the Redeemer is now limited in spell selection to only spectral arrow thanks to the introduction of the new mode.
Nested underneath the sniper-barrel is the item from which the weapon gets its new namesake. The Redeemer was meant to make up for Toirneach's original weakness at short and medium range. It uses the same spring mechanisms of the sniper-barrel to allow maximum force, but it can be loaded from a small compartment at the back of the handle with regular bolts and doesn't produce the same incredible range. Instead, the Redeemer Bow boasts incredible stopping power. To be hit by a flat-tipped bolt from it will not feel like you're taking a crossbow shot, as that one bolt will threaten to throw even a moderately armored foe off their feet. Additionally, this lower barrel drastically reduces the cost of any low level projectile spell cast through it; so, even if you manage to stay on your feet from the bolt, that won't necessarily save you from the concussive blast that inevitably follows.
Other oddities of this weapon include: enhanced viewing distance when using the scope, automatic recall(the weapon cannot be used by anyone Natsumi doesn't want using it and will turn to dust until Natsumi otherwise summons it), recoil dampening, and loud noises when using the spell related abilities. Thankfully, this new version is also significantly quieter than the first two versions of Toirneach, which required earplugs to use without causing hearing damage.
-Can cast
-Can morph into any other creature(Mythic Polymorph allowed)
A spell of entirely foreign implications, transference is from a school of magic that only Natsumi knows in full detail and does not come from the Tree. With this spell in hand, everything is energy to her - emotions, magic, souls, curses, etc -, and transference is the means by which she controls that energy.
With transference, Natsumi can do any of the following:
It is an extremely powerful spell, and can be either permanent or temporary. Additionally, it can be cast on herself or anyone/anything else. That said, sentient creatures, especially those of intelligence comparable to or greater than humans, can attempt to resist the effects of this spell. Mind tower is a particularly effective guard against it, but not foolproof. Anyone who is mentally compromised for whatever reason or not skilled in magic will have a much tougher time resisting the spell. Also, making the effects of this spell permanent for anything except the memory/emotion alterations will drain considerable amounts of energy from the caster. It is not meant to be used lightly, especially in the realm of permanence.
The Tempest’s Fury provides a minor, elemental enchantment of Lightning.
They provide a minor, elemental enchantment of Light.
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