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Young Seer
The real Iva
Brittlez Talada
Aug 24, 1991

(brittlez :O)

All About Iva

Iva was born to a rare occurrence. An ill man traveled through the Goddess's trials to ask the woman for a child. He was young and found out he was going to die. He had never married and felt life was incomplete. Angela granted him his wish and told him she would prolong his life until he held his child in his arms. He wasn't expecting the goddess to take his wish into her heart like she had and actually carry his child. Unlike the others she had created it seems like Iva's parents had some sort of relationship. It's noted that Angela is generally sorry that he is gone but kept her end of the deal by letting the illness consume him.

Iva has never been lied to about her origins and holds no hurtful words towards Angela.

Hair: Red curls
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin: Sun-kissed
Custom Item Voucher
This is redeemable through contacting Angela Rose.
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Common Robes
Simple, loose-fitting garments made from ordinary material, these plain robes are suitable for general, everyday wear.
Joss Sticks
When burned, these sticks give off fragrant smoke.
Prayer Beads
This string of beads has been decorated with symbols representing one or more gods. It is used in religious practice, often as a way of counting prayer repetitions.
Emits a small holy aura around the string.
This spell gives the caster supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
Noble Dress
This women's dress is well made from the finest cloth. The gown is long and the bodice is embroidered.
Children's Toy
A children's toy that comes in many cute and fun forms, intended for all ages.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
A sword called Kindness...yes kill them with kindness! This sword is a majestic masterpiece that speaks to its owner. It is far better to kill with kindness than to hound an enemy with insults.
Rewarded as a milestone prize during Revaliir's opening on October 16th, 2015.
Revaliir gained over 100 new members on launch day and as a big "thank you" we are awarding you with kindness!
Magic Platypus
This pet has the unique ability to sense hostile NPCs - or PCs, if you have permission - if sitting on your head. Its back flippers can also be milked for toxins to coat a weapon with: provided someone is really interested in milking a platypus.
-can cast
*The reward for reaching 1000 posts on the site*
Jenna loathes platypuses.
6.02 x 10^23 This friendly little Talpidae brings the miracle of science with him. He is able to effectively help any scholar or alchemist (really anyone with a love of science) to gather herbs and other things for experimentation. Small and compact he would love to let you know that multiples of his kind are called a Labour.
Was given out for Revaliir's first Mole Day, October 23rd 2015.
FOR THE POWER OF SCIENCE! (and explosions of the accident sort.)
Teddy Bear
Teddy bears make wonderful companions. Make sure you buy one for your loved ones!
Noble Necklace
A fancy necklace made out of precious metal and gems.
Eye Patch
A piece of stiff material that has been fastened to a thong so it can be worn around one's head. An eye patch can be used to cover an unsightly eye socket, or just to make one look dashing.
A simple piece of cloth in the shape of a triangle, usually tied around one's head.
Holly Panpipe
This exotic instrument is played by blowing into the pipes, which strings together in a beautiful harmony. It is decorated with fine gold designs and a beautiful holly. When blowing on these festive pipes it causes just the right amount of snow to fall in a small radius around the musician.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 2
Tinkerer's Goggles
These goggles allow the person wearing them to see twenty feet ahead through any material, except through deadzones.
Event prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Remember: only one per account for the purposes of the advent calendar 2017.
Santa Sac
A festive mystical item that is almost like a bottomless pit! It can hold any number of items in it without gaining that much weight. Last seen over the shoulder of a fat man in a red suit.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 3
Sapphire Sword
A beautifully smithed blade made from sapphires that has a chilling aura to it. It is most likely carved by the dwarves of Baltil. The blade itself glows like a thousand stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 7
Starry Night Robes
These robes appear to be weaved from the night sky itself. They shift with the elegant art of the stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 9
Crystal Armor
This armor is made from crystal mined deep below the city of Baltil. The craftsmanship is like no other. It gives a small boost to ice resistance as well as a small boost to ice magicks.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 10
Boreas Dragon
"It sees you when you're healing. It knows when you're afraid. It knows when you've been injured, so run away for goodness sake."
This dragon hails from the ice lands. Its powerful roar can be heard throughout the lands of Revaliir as it flies overhead during Glaciem. Its ice breath is something that many fear and even its scale have a glacial atmosphere to them.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12
This spells allows the caster to speak to another person telepathically, and allow them to hear the thoughts of others.
Straight from Ataiyo, kimonos are beautiful garment crafted with love and care. They come in a variety of colors and fabrics. All of the women's come with an obi as well.
Chaliese’s Lucky Belt
Fashioned much like the belt of a belly-dancer, it has many silver coins hanging from it. The coins jingle together creating the rhythm that the pirate was known for. It was rumored that if one heard the music of the coins, their fortune would be gone in a fortnight. No one ever caught the famous pirate before her disappearance. She left behind only her lucky belt. Provides good luck to the wearer.
Rose Cloak
Sewn together from roses from the Bakulaw Isle, this large floral cloak is a status symbol of grace and beauty. It is enchanted never to wilt nor fade. The petals are like the finest silk.
This beautiful flower seems full of life, even after picked. It gives off a sweet-smelling aroma.
Scrying Bowl
At first glance, this may seem like a simple bowl filled with water. However, there is a magickal aura present, and if one looks into the water, images of people may be seen.
Botanical Growth
Using the power of one’s relationship with the earth, one is able to considerably speed up the growth of florae at a max of 40 feet. This allows the florae to grapple or contain the people around the caster.
Children's Toy
A children's toy that comes in many cute and fun forms, intended for all ages.
Moral Compass
A black and white dagger with a compass attached to the hilt. Rather than pointing to a direction, the compass indicates the moral standing, or alignment, of those nearest to the holder. In the event that a person's alignment is True Neutral, the compass spins wildly.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
Chalice of Truth
A chalice made of white marble, enchanted so that whoever drinks from it can only speak the truth for a short duration.
Award for Dalanesca's 2016 event: Restore the Balance!
Abedian Hypnotic Curry
This curry has multiple different special ingredients that mess with one’s mind. It induces a psychedelic effect and other various effects: shrinking, another language being spoken, hair color change. None of the effects are permanent but be wary that you will never know what you are going to get when taking a bite.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Leaf of the Tree Cloak
A cloak made of an enormous ash leaf from the World Tree, it provides magickal resistance.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 1. Gift from the World Tree.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Storm-Runed Wolf
These wolves are smarter and faster than their wild cousins, and lightning-bound runes flicker over their fur.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 3 - A gift from the Goddess Moliira.
Noctis Amulet
An amulet that reacts to the amount of "Light" or "Darkness" in the room. Light and Darkness referring to the alignment of good or evil. The amulet will run hot for evil or cold for good. In the event that the people surrounding you are neutral the amulet runs warm.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 4: A gift from the goddess Dalanesca.
Instrument of Epics
Allows the wielder to use musical chords in place of incantations, making spellcasting easier for the musically inclined. Allows speaking while casting, and shortening long incantations. Comes in a variety of forms, but the harp is the most iconic.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 5: A gift from the God Torn.
Globe of the Northern Lights
A crystal clear globe with a constantly swirling aurora borealis, envision where you would like to go and rays of the aurora borealis will shine and envelope you, taking you to your destination. Can be used once a day.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 6: A gift from the God Naota.
Onnen's Amber
A fist sized globe of amber, it serves as scrying orb. The amber chunk was found in the world tree before it disappeared.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 7: Gift from the World Tree.
Artisan's Flask
A flask made of pure crystal and embedded with gemstones of all different colors and origins. This flask was handcrafted by the goddess herself while she was bored and imbued it with the ability to turn anything put into the flask into a high-level health and mana potion. The potion itself takes on the qualities of Angela's best potions. Limit: Only changes 1 full flask a day. Use wisely. Note: You could be on the brink of death and this potion will rebound you completely. It is toxic when consumed in large amounts which is why there is a limit per day on how much one can consume.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 8: A gift from the Goddess Angela
Steel Bound Lightning
A lantern made of twisted coils of steel and a glass lens, it can be charge by arcane means or leaving it out in a storm. It feeds on lightning, and the user can channel it into a beam of light.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 9: A gift from the Goddess Moliira.
Blade of Ouroboros
A blade that requires the blood of its victim to work. If blood is consumed by the blade, the victim will lose control of the alignment of their actions for a set period of time.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 10: A gift from the Goddess Dalanesca.
Oh Holy Night
A crystalline snowflake that is constantly shining with holy light. When one has this in their possession, they are surrounded by holy power, making them safer to the undead or those of evil intent.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12: A gift from the God Naota.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
A purple gemstone commonly used in jewelry and other projects.
Synth Ingredient
A silvery blue metal with diamond like properties. It was once strong chains created by the Goddess Angela to hold back the Goddess Dalanesca. Now the metal has all but lost it's magical properties but is still the strongest metal in all of Revaliir.
Synth Ingredient
Nevermelting Icicle
A spike of ice that generates a constant fog and never melts even in intense heat.
Alchemy Ingredient
Sanguine Cloak
Deep red cloak that always looks as if it is trailing droplets of blood. Said to be a favorite of the Reaper to let her victims know that she is coming and where she has been.
An event prize for Dalanesca’s 2017 God Event Sanguine Tenebris.
Reaper's Scythe
Permanently stained with blood, legend has it that this weapon is meant to separate a soul from its body so completely that it cannot be resurrected unless by a God. Though this scythe appears to lack the ability to do so in its current form.
An event prize for Dalanesca’s 2017 God Event Sanguine Tenebris.
A precious gem made from two different minerals. It comes in a variety of attractive colors but is most known for it's deep green. This precious gem is sought after by merchants, enchanters and warriors alike for its allure in most markets.
Synth Ingredient
Gold Ore
A piece of gold ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Bolt of Silk
A simple piece of silk. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
Silver Ore
A piece of silver ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
A semi-precious gem used for crafting.
Synth Ingredient

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