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Xeik Eraphim
25, appears 21
Divine Mender
The real FalseHope

All About Xeik Eraphim

Age: 25 in age, 21 in appearance due to a de-aging potion
Race: Human
Occupation: Leader of the Heaven’s Dawn Thieves Guild
Hair: Dark, dark brown, short to medium length, unkempt and messy
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’6
Body Type: Super skinny, athletic
Skin: Pale
Special Markings/Tattoos: None
Current Home: Hoja (Heaven’t Dawn) and Jayou
Skillsets: A gifted leader and thief, and a very good liar. Subpar combat skills, but is learning
Strengths: Diligent, unwavering willpower, massive potential
Weakness: Pushes the limit a lot and fails

Xeik is a bleeding heart who tries to take care of everyone without acts of violence. While he knows, for the most part, that this is unavoidable, he absolutely detests killing and will do everything in his power to prevent it from happening, much to his old partner's dismay.

During a recent attack on the 'Darkness', the guild was destroyed, leaving Xeik in a state of despair…

Danwe - Mentor
Drake - Friend
Lewis - Exile
Akira - Friend
Rhenakos - Still annoying, but useful

Alternate form:

Xeik holds the ability to shift between a male and female form due to a mishap with alchemy. As such, he retains a second 'persona' known as Ayaa. When in this form, he assumes a lot more feminine traits, and acts as a girl would. For the most part, this is used for scouting, but there have been instances where he enjoys lazing about in this form for unknown reasons.

Ghost boogers. Yuck!
Alchemy Ingredient
Found in oysters these beautiful little gems can make quite the beautiful bracelet or necklace.
Synth Ingredient
Bolt of Silk
A simple piece of silk. Maybe it can be used for something?
Synth Ingredient
A common herb found in gardens, the fragrant essential oils extracted from the leaves are used in aromatherapy and flavoring hard candies.
Apothecary Ingredient
A purple gemstone commonly used in jewelry and other projects.
Synth Ingredient
Lucky Coin
Always lands on whatever side you think of.
Alchemy Ingredient
Conch Shell
A large shell that can be turned into a horn to summon sea spirits.
Alchemy Ingredient
Steel Ingot
An ingot that happens when carbon is fused with iron during the smelting process.
Synth Ingredient
A gemstone that comes in a variety of colors such as black, green, grey, yellow, red, pink, brown and orange.
Synth Ingredient
Powdered Bone
Dried bones ground into a fine dust.
Apothecary Ingredient
Nickel Ore
A piece of nickel ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Insect Wing
Taken from a dead insect, different insect wings have different uses.
Alchemy Ingredient
Mermaid Scales
A collection of scales found in the sands of barrier reefs around the Nyella Ocean. Mermaids only rarely have caravans passing this close to the shore and they ritualistically care for their bodies at home, so finding these scales is considered an omen of good luck by sailors.
Apothecary Ingredient
A common gem that can be used to craft other things.
Synth Ingredient
Eating these is more likely to kill you than change your height.
Alchemy Ingredient
Vampire Dust
Highly sought by alchemists, the price of a handful is almost worth risking one’s neck for it.
Alchemy Ingredient
Shrunken Head
No one is entirely sure how the natives have figured this out. I just hope I'm not next.
Alchemy Ingredient
Sarut de Noapte
A subterranean flower that is just as beautiful as its sap is deadly. One touch is lethal.
Alchemy Ingredient
A glassy yellow or sometimes greenish-yellow variety of quartz.
Synth Ingredient
Nevermelting Icicle
A spike of ice that generates a constant fog and never melts even in intense heat.
Alchemy Ingredient
A garden favorite of tropical islanders and botanists.
Alchemy Ingredient
A soft stone consisting of talc. Often used for crafts.
Synth Ingredient
A silver-grey metal often mistaken for iron, it is an important ingredient used for making steel.
Synth Ingredient
A lump of potter’s clay. Often used for crafts.
Synth Ingredient
A sharp smelling herb used in exotic dishes. The seeds are mixed with other spices in Abedi’s famous curry.
Apothecary Ingredient
Petrified Bark
Ancient remains of Verya. Just a tiny bit of how massive the World Tree was before her fall.
Apothecary Ingredient
Enchanter's Dust
A pinch of powdered reagents brimming with magical energies used by practitioners of the arcane. Enchanters use this as a base to imbue artifacts with magical properties.
Apothecary Ingredient
Aloe Vera
This spiny succulent is used in medicine for its soothing properties. The flesh of its leaves has a gel like consistency and is a common ingredient for sweetened summer drinks.
Apothecary Ingredient
This alloy is a common find in smithies and tinkerers’ workshops. Objects crafted from chromite are resistant to corrosion.
Synth Ingredient
Armored Clothing
A finely tailored dress or suit that perfectly fits the wearer and is created to their style. Special material is used to keep the weight down, yet the protection of the garment is not to be underestimated. Whatever the material is and no matter how revealing the dress or suit might be, as long as the garment is worn the wearer finds that the clothing acts like a full set of plate armor. How this is achieved is unknown, yet the protection from the garment covers the whole body, even exposed arms or legs, so long as the whole garment is worn.
This is an event prize for Serafina's 2021 God Event: Defiled Decadence.
Petrified Cloud
Pulled down from the sky this cloud has been preserved using powerful magic. Sometimes white and fluffy, sometimes black and containing a potential storm, but never very large in size, that takes too much magic.
Apothecary Ingredient
Gemstone Fish
Native to the Xhosa Archipelago, these fish are known for their crystalline bodies and iridescent scales. Their bright colors warn potential predators that they are highly toxic.
Apothecary Ingredient
Fulanian Moss
A thick patch of moss taken from the lakes region.
Apothecary Ingredient
Rainbow Wool
A soft and fluffy tuft of wool from a sheared papel. It is a prized material for weavers as the color remains vibrant after continuous washes.
Synth Ingredient
A crystalline gemstone, comes in a very large hue of colors to pick from.
Synth Ingredient
Sylph Wings
Often seen only as shimmering lights in the trees of forests, the sylph are mystical fairies with power over wind magic. Their wings, which give them their radiant appearance, shed at various milestones in their lives, and are of value to alchemists for all manner of wind-based potions.

These wings provide a minor, elemental enchantment of Wind.

A primary source of aluminum, smiths use it often in their craft.
Synth Ingredient
Oceanic Salt
Water is taken from the ocean and boiled down until nothing is left but the salt in the water.
Apothecary Ingredient
Sticky and tasty honeycomb fresh from a beehive. Mix into a potion for taste, or eat on its own.
Alchemy Ingredient
Swan Feather
A pristine, delicate feather fallen from a swan.
Alchemy Ingredient
Jua Sapphire
This rare variety of sapphire comes in varying hues of pink instead of the more commonly seen yellow or blue.
Synth Ingredient
Abalone Shell
The shell from a sea snail or other such creature the inside of which once polished, can create beautifully colored patterns on the shell. Often used in jewelry and decorations.
Synth Ingredient
A silvery blue metal with diamond like properties. It was once strong chains created by the Goddess Angela to hold back the Goddess Dalanesca. Now the metal has all but lost it's magical properties but is still the strongest metal in all of Revaliir.
Synth Ingredient
Opal Petrified Wood
Thousands of years ago this stone was actually a tree. Fire opal can be found growing within from water filling the cracks while it was alive.
Alchemy Ingredient
Gold Ore
A piece of gold ore. Not very useful now, but maybe it can be combined with other things?
Synth Ingredient
Magic Lens
Allows the user of these glasses to rapidly flip through the pages of a book and gain the knowledge of each page. The knowledge gained only lasts until one falls asleep, after that the knowledge is forgotten.
Raine's Bluebell
Created as the first real project given to Angela’s avatar Raine this bluebell flower has sapphire gemstone petals and when moved or shaken rings like a clear bell. True to her status as Revaliir’s Bird Ambassador and “Bird Rights Activist Leader” this bell summons doves. Why you would want to do such a thing… Who knows.

“Revaliir, please forgive me...” - Angela

A pre-event item for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Lucky Crescent
A silver coin infused with a bit of luck by the Goddess Shiloh. In order for it to work it has to be inside your shoe while wearing it… Weird just like her. It has a ferret stamped on it.

A pre-event item for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Living Amulet
A beautifully crafted necklace with a radiant gemstone pendant. It feels warm almost like a hug, like it had only just almost gotten done cooling from the warm forge it was crafted from. It seems to emit a soft light and a small heartbeat comes from it.
A pre-event award for Angela Rose's 2021 Valentine's Day Event
Angela's Golden Cornucopia
Golden fireflies float around this solid gold cornucopia at all times. These graceful little bugs keep the cornucopia floating whenever it is not in use so that it is not violated by any tainted surface it may be around. Flowing from it is a rush of green magic like a roaring waterfall. The magic falls and dissipates into nothingness. It is owned by the Mother and a very sacred object… Why she agreed to let you borrow it… Only she would know.

The Golden Cornucopia provides a healing aura to not only the holder but also the area surrounding it. It is capable of healing or providing food but not both at the same time. In the hands of a mortal it’s capabilities are small but helpful. Use it wisely for the affects only last a short time and it takes time to gather Angela’s vast magicks.

A Pre-Event Award for Angela Rose’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Event.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
Arc of Want
A pendulum that points its owner to what their heart truly wants.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Divine Sand
Legendary sand that can take the form of whatever the user wants. It seems to have a life of its own.
Champion Item for Angela Rose, Goddess of Life and Love. Belongs to the Divine Artificer.
Basic Rejuvenation Potion
When consumed, this potion restores the users health by a small amount.
Basic Medical Kit
A top quality resource for any healer, this basic medical kit requires anything you might need to apply first aid in the field.Some models also have surgical implements, making them a fine investment for any doctor.
Multiple targets are afforded supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
Botanical Growth
Using the power of one’s relationship with the earth, one is able to considerably speed up the growth of florae at a max of 40 feet. This allows the florae to grapple or contain the people around the caster.
This spell supernaturally weakens the target's strength, dexterity, and magickal ability.
Corpse Skin
Channelling dark energy, the caster causes a target's skin to rot and decay.
Magic Script
Allows for messages to be written in the air by the caster. These messages remain for days at a time until they are dismissed by the correct phrase or word. Perfect for groups that are meeting up.
Mind Rot
This spell confuses and dulls the mind, causing the target to be unaware of their surroundings.
This spell renders a single target unable to move or react for a short period of time.
Safe Passage
This spell relocates the caster or a target away to a random safe location nearby.
Increases the physical strength of the user for a short time.
Causes the victim to become physically weakened.
This spell gives the caster supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
This spell poisons a single target, draining their strength and stamina until the target is cured or the spell's effects wear off.
Profane Sacrifice
A forbidden alternative to noble sacrifice, this spell is meant to empower rather than heal. To cast it, a mage must sacrifice a portion of their own health; but, in exchange, they receive a greater version of arcane empowerment. Be wary, for you can die if you use this too much.
Noble Sacrifice
This spell allows the caster to heal their target at the cost of the user’s own lifeforce.
Greater Heal
An advanced healing spell capable of sealing all but the most grievous of wounds.
A basic healing spell that will restore an injured person's health.
This spell is used to rid the target of a single curse, nonmagical disease, or status infliction.
This spell removes all simple curses, diseases, and other temporary status inflictions.
Skyshard Lyrebow
A slightly larger than normal lyre made of skyshards, exquisitely crafted and refined its music is sublime. However, the shape of the lyre is that a bow, for in fact the strings, also of skyshard, can be used to fire arrows. The instrument/weapon can create its own magical arrows with each drawing of its seven strings, if one is capable of pulling back that many. Normal arrows can be used as well as is recommended as the magical arrows aren't that powerful, more as a last resort. A finely crafted work of art and weapons combined to make any bard or musician comfortable they are always able to defend themselves.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Mother's Harp
A beautifully crafted harp made from specially tended rose bushes. This harp can amplify any magic that is cast while playing it. The rose on this harp is always vibrant like The Mother herself.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Starry Night Robes
These robes appear to be weaved from the night sky itself. They shift with the elegant art of the stars.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 9
Wayfinder's Widget
This curious, tablet-shaped device projects a map of where you have been on its surface, but only for one floor. An excellent tool for the intrepid explorer and daring dungeon delver, as its illuminated surface and sleek design make it markedly superior to any magic map.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Used to start a fire. A must have for every adventurer!
Alchemy Kit
This kit contains all of the tools an alchemist might need, including vials, a mortar and pestle, and a calcinator. May also include an alembic.
Ixentus and Teonet, the Guardian Rings
A set of two pairs of enchanted bracelets infused with spirits of wind and fire. The pair worn on the arms are imbued with wind, granting minor wind elemental and slashing damage to melee attacks. The pair worn around the ankles are imbued with fire, granting minor fire elemental damage to melee attacks. When used in tandem, both pairs grant the wielder temporary sustained flight over short distances due to the immense drain on one's mana. The fire bracelets provide the force while the wind bracelets provide stability and direction, creating propulsion.
Miniature Orb of Darkness
A small orb of solid shadow. Those who wish to combat the light and restore the balance of night and day need only hold it close in the presence of the Angelic Statue on Welayta and the orb will drain away the light magic within.
This is an event prize for Sirona's 2020 God Event: The Revolution of Light.
Seed Pouch With Sling
These specialized seeds have been handed out with a slingshot. People have been instructed to try and hit as many Eldritch beings as possible. The seed pouch seems to be never ending… I wonder what will happen with them.
This is an event prize for the 2019 Anniversary Event: Interitus: A Tale of Mortals and World's End
Lucina's Moonlight Lantern
This lantern was made by the fallen goddess Lucina. She was once considered a saint among the people of Parvpora before the Tree was tainted. She would light the way home for sailors using the moon. She created these lanterns to ward off the evil of her conclave siblings. When the tree became tainted these delicate stained glass lanterns were hidden so she could not destroy them.
Can see through darkness made by magic by ten feet.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Advanced Alchemy Kit
While most alchemists will be satisfied with the common variant of this kit, there are those who delve deep into the science of alchemy and need more. This kit is far rarer, but comes with a transmutation assembly that allows the user to transmute materials from something of equal value. Users should be careful, though, because trying to cheat the circle could cost them body parts. The most common use is turning silver to gold.
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
Disarm Trap
This spell magickally disarms most nonmagical traps, rendering them safe.
Grappling Hook
This hooked metal device is meant to be attached to a rope. It can then be thrown, and secures the rope in place.
This spell allows the caster to change their physical appearance.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Thieves' Tools
A set of lock-picking tools, essential for any thief.
Made out of whatever material one could find at the time, this bag holds a few possessions one would have.
A rope consists of fibers which have been twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
A short, bladed weapon with a sharp point. Can be used to slash or pierce an enemy.
This heavy, woolen cloak offers its wearer warmth and protection from the elements. It also has a hood, which can be drawn up to make the wearer seem more mysterious.
A little belt pouch for one to put their coins or jewelry into.
A basic light source, a torch is usually a stick with a combustible material at one end, which is then set ablaze.
Leather Vambraces
Reinforced leather armguards, they provide protection without sacrificing flexibility.
Leather Leggings
Leg armor made of leather, it offers protection without limiting mobility.
Plate Pauldrons
Pauldrons formed of thin metal sheets, it offers a great deal of protection though at a loss of mobility.
Greater Agility
Not only heightens one’s speeds, but allows them great balance and the ability to land on one’s feet from high height. This spell also allows the ability to walk on walls and ceilings for the duration of ten minutes.
A container typically used to hold drinking water.
These herbs can be prepared in a variety of ways— ground into a balm, brewed into a tea, chewed whole, and more— and have a variety of properties that make them valuable to alchemists, healers, assassins, and more.
A sneaky, underhanded, devious sort that prefers a dagger pressed to someone's back rather than attacking head on.
Comes with Common Trousers, Common Tunic, Boots, Gloves, Dagger, Rope, Bag, Mask, Gardening Tools, Grappling Hook, Whip, Throwing Knives, Hunting Bow, Sling and Thieves’ Tools.
Duchess' Concoctions
Cookies and drinks from the Duchess are a pleasant, if not useful gift. Her concoctions make you grow if you eat the cookies or shrink if you drink the juice. The bottles are specially decorated with magical shimmering letters. The words on the cookies are almost alive as if inviting you to try them. Be wary the more you consume the more it affects you.
I’ve lost my taste for children. Strictly a dessert diet for myself now. Go along now. Shoo. You have what you need.
Event Prize for Angela Rose’s 2017 Deity Event: Madness of the Soul-Stream
Ring of Sanctuary
This ring allows the wearer to hide in a pocket of dimensional space until danger has passed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Angela's Crystal Chalice
A beautiful chalice made from ancient crystal. The stem of this chalice is made out of abalone shell pulled from shells found in the deepest part of the ocean. This chalice can turn any toxin into its antidote but one must have enough toxin to effectively make a good antidote.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Tinkerer's Goggles
These goggles allow the person wearing them to see twenty feet ahead through any material, except through deadzones.
Event prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Remember: only one per account for the purposes of the advent calendar 2017.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Drae's Bottled Starlight
Made by the Keeper to help his children combat their fear of the dark, this vials of thick colored glass can cast a starscape on the walls and ceiling of a room. When placed on the ground of an area or on a shelf, it creates a circle of protection with a 20 ft Diameter.
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Hourglass of Deadtime
This powerful and rare artifact has a rather interesting property. It allows the bearer to travel backwards and spend up to one hour reliving some moment in their past. However, they cannot change or influence the past in any way.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Moxxie’s Panpipe
An instrument that once belonged to a legendary succubus that used it’s melody to allure those from a great distance. It’s song can be heard from 50 meters and those that fall underneath its spell will fall madly in love with its wielder for a few minutes. Once the song ceases, it is said that the victims are more susceptible to lust for others.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Wisp Shawl
Crafted from the memories of banshee this cloth glows with an eerie presence. It lights up dark places and can be worn as a scarf or shawl.
Halloween 2015 Event Item
Crystal Shoes
These are perhaps the most beautiful shoes you have ever seen. They glimmer, sparkle, and glow with enchantment. Men or women are divine in them. They always seem to fit the foot of the person who wears them no matter if they are passed from one to another. These shoes make the wearer gain the ability to dance with fine precision. An excellent skill to have at a ball or gathering.
Event Prize for Staff's 2018 Holiday Event: The Celestial Ball
Skyshard Boomerang
A boomerang created from skyshards, acts like a normal wooden boomerang, however, this is has bladed edges for distant cutting damage. Just be careful when it comes back to you, don't want to catch in the wrong way.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary Event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Armed with a bow, sling or crossbow, and a small melee weapon, their purpose is to scout and harry the enemy. They also wear light armor.
Light Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of light with their mind.
This spell allows the caster to instantly move to another location, so long as they can see their intended destination.
Amborella Philter
The Amborella flowering bushes and small trees have fascinated scholars and alchemists since their discovery. They are an important main ingredient for the Amborella Philter, a magical potion that can temporarily turn someone into the opposite sex for an extended amount of time. Though it is said if someone drinks enough of the philter that the effects are permanent.
Blank Scrolls
Made of paper or parchment, these scrolls are ideal for writing on.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
Goddess Cube
A beautifully decorated stained glass puzzle box made in platinum, this acts as a portable storage device akin to Reynash’s Endless Bag. The sides of the box bear symbols and related imagery of the goddesses of Life and Luck.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
This parchment shows a region of Revaliir, or the entire world. It is useful for navigating.
Common Skirt
A skirt made out of simple fabric. It doesn't look very expensive but it's better than nothing.
A sturdy, shapely undergarment, worn around the torso by either men or women to make the wearer appear slimmer, or to exaggerate the bust and hips.
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Bewitched Broom
At first, this looks like an ordinary boom, with thin sticks tied together around the end of a long wooden handle. Upon closer inspection, however, the broom has a magical aura, and is able to fly.
*This item allows one person to fly several feet above the ground.

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