Located in the northern plains in the Kingdom of Mamlak, the town of Gulu is a mere day and a half's travel by wagon west from the City of Mamlak. Gulu is situated near the western banks of the Achwa River, the longest of the two rivers originating within the Kingdom, and the southern edge of the Mabira Forest. While quite small compared to many cities, Gulu is actually one of the larger settlements scattered throughout the plains with its population boasting just short of 200 citizens. 

Though the town boasts rather fertile soil and is able to produce plenty of food for its people, Gulu's main commerce is actually textiles made from the proliferate local reeds that border the Achwa River. Mwanzi wa Pamba, or Cotton Reed as it is called in the common tongue, is unique to the northern sections of the Achwa River as it leaves the boundaries of the Mabira Forest. When the reeds are broken open, they reveal a white fibrous interior that can be harvested and used to weave clothing, blankets, and many other useful items. There are a few small shops in the town and many traders visit regularly in order to keep their stocks of textiles topped off.

Like many settlements in Mamlak, Gulu has 3 main civil authorities that keep it organized and civilized. The first, and most visible, of these are the guards and hunters, whom ensure wild animals are kept out of the town and handle any public disturbances. Secondly, there is the Mtetezi, or Protector, whom acts as an arbitrator in civil disputes or as a judge in criminal cases. This person must be well-versed in both the town or tribe's laws and customs, as well as those put in place by the Kingdom, and is appointed by the third, and highest, figure of authority in the settlement; the Elder. 

The Elder is generally, as expected, the eldest member of their settlement and the de facto leader. They also have the absolute last say in all matters in respect to their settlement unless one appeals to the King himself. Elders are chosen by their predecessors and must know all of the laws, customs, and history of their settlement as well as be familiar with those of the surrounding tribes and towns so as not to cause undue friction. They are generally groomed for the position for many years, but there are safeguards in place in the unlikely case an Elder dies before choosing a successor.